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State Horticultural Meeting

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Last Monday evening, at TJ o'clock, a LOod sized audiencc, consisting largely of puople l'rom abroad, intcrestcd in agriculture in its various departments, assembled in the circuit court room of the court house, in this city, tbe occasion being the annual meeting of the state horticultural society. The room was quite tastily decor'ted with flags, flowers, etc, while upon several tables were fiue displays of fruit, jelly, etc. An address of weieome was made by Judge P. L. Page, of tliia city, and responded to in a very pleasingand complimentary manuur by Mr. ï. T. Lyon, of South Haven, the President of the state horticultural society. Thcn fullowed an interestingand instruc tive paper upon "The üaka of Michigan," by Prof. W. J. Beal, of Lansing, who fiiurcd out 300 dist inct species of oaks in our country. Prof. J. Beal Steere, of this city, followed with a paper upon "The Migration of Michigan Birds," which was received with marked attention, and show. ed to the audieuce the benefits derived froui these winged wanderers. After rcading these papers Uu treasurer, Mr. S. M. Pearsall, of Grand Rapids, rcported the condition of the finances, the secretary announced the program for the reniainder of the session, and a social ensued. Tuesday morning at 9.30 the socioty again assembled, and Dr. Warder, of ühio, read a paper upon "Landscape Gardening," which was highly applauded, and Mr. McNaughton, of Jackson, read a paper upon "The Valuo and Culture of the Less (Joinmon Vegetables," which elicited considerable discu.ssion. The next paper presented was upon " New insect enemies and new methods of fighting ccrtain noxious insects," by Prof. A. J. Cook, of Lansing, which was listened to with a gieat deal of interest, and was heartilyapplauded. The afternoon was spent in visiting the university, upon invitation of Prof. Frieze, Pre;identpro teui of the facully. After returuing fiom the univerály the society again assembled n the court room and li.-tenod to the reading of a paper written by 8. W. Potter, upon the subject: "Shall tree agents be encouraged?" A discussion followed coDsuming about two hours. In the evening President Lyon called the meeting to order. "The difficulty of niaintaining pure and good seed" was the subject of a paper read by W. W. Tracy of Detroit. After fome discussion Prof'. D. Putnam, of Ypsilanti, followed with a paper upon the subject of "The School Garden," which epoke of' the necesbity of ornamenting the school house and ground.. The matter of' life membership was preüjoDtod by Mr. Fullor. l'rof. Winchell thcn presented a paper upon " Climatology of Michigan," illustrated by maps. Wednesday morning the society indulged in discussions upon different subjects, mainly " How to utilize our fruit erop to make it the most remunerativo. " The reporta of the officers were then read, accepted and adopted. The old officers were then re elected for another year: President- T. T. Lyon. Secretary- Chas. W. Oarfleld. Treasurer- S. M. Pearsall. ExecutlvecommiUee-W. K. Olbson, of Jackson, and E. F. uu 1 1,1 , of East Saglnaw. One vice president from each county was selected. H. D. Adams, of Galesburg; S. B. Mann, of Adrián ; and Prof. W. J. Beal, , of Lansing were appointed delegates to the meeting of the association of agricultural societies, to be held at Lansing, Jan. 26th. After extending a vote of thanks to Prof. Harrington for remarks made, and a request : that he reduce the same to writing, Mrs. N. H. Pierce read a paper upon "Rectprocity," and Mrs. A. Mclleynolds one upon . the " Origin and Advantagcs of ] tion," followed by A. C. Glidden, of Paw I Paw, with a short paper upon memorial trees. Jas. Satterlee, of Greenville, then gavo i an account of a trip to the agricultural i lege, when adjournment to evening was made. The evening session was taken up with a business meetinjj principally, though several excellent talks were had upon differont I subjects, that upon jellies, especially, by Miss Flotcher. A memorial upon the life of the late president, J. P. Thompson, of Detroit, was presented, and after passing . resolutions of thanks the convention adjourned. We regret that our space forbids ' a more complete report. i - - - - - - :i


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