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Circuit Court Proceedings

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Court adjourned sine die last Saturday, and the following constitute tbe oases disposed of since our last report : Tlie Peoplc vs Chas. Q. Colllun. Larceny. Verdict, notgullty. Oeo. Messenger v. Milton F. Davlson. Assurapslt. Judgmentior plalntlffof iayo.56. ChrlBtiua Klnkbtnder vg. Jaoob Hasselschwerdt. Mallclous prosecution. Jury dlsagreed. Cha. H. Worden vb. F. A. C. F. Perhnmus In attachment. Judgment for plainttll'. $140 and coets. Knima Chrlstlan vs. Ione Congdon. Jndgmi'Ol In replcvy and on stipulatlon. American Kxprc.Ms Company vs. Joh. Martin. Judgracut for plalntlü' on default, (510.68 and CO8tH. Edlth W. Itrownell vs. Jerome Brownell. Doeree of dlvorie Kiuuttxl on Kiouud of deKertlon. Addinnn Fletchor vs. CHas. Q. Wheeler JuilKmeut lor plaintirt, ïar)U.72and coU. John F. Binder, vs Oeorge Weldmanu 8ecurlty for coxis ordereil. Wra. P, Ciunpbell vs. Walker B. Shenuan, Verdict for plalntlff, Í273.Ü0 and oost. Uasper H. liorgess vs. Jamen Hiiddler Heplevln. Verdict for ctoftadmnt. Daniel Mosters vs. Kobert Reynolds. Decree oourlrmlngcomplulnantlutltleof lumlHln uKUnIii, KninU'il and HlKned. Joslali a. Case vs. llcwltt Burtless. Verdict for plalntlir, fl.SW.W and costs. Jaoob L. MiiiiHoii. unlversity, nnd Barnum H. KuriiPH. Chelsua, adinltted to praiaicu uiioq examlnatlon. Win. Barnes vs. W. 1). Smlth. Verdict no cauneof actlon. Ellen öheldon vs. John (Í. Wackenhut. JuilKinciit foriilalntlil' nu Htlpulatlon SI 762.W ïhe Feople vs. Heury Lulck. False pretenecs. Dclcndiiiit arralgned. Plea, uot gnllty. H. K. Fraier appoluted by the oonrt to delend. Ilias. H. Conklln vs. Mary E Conklln. Decrue of dlvorce gruulcd and xlgned ou gromids of dfiMrtlOD. Cha. A. Batwell et al. vs. Wm. U. Deubel et at. llcport of referee act atilde, and n new trial granted, wltli coNts lo ubldu llnul duturmlualion of Hiilt. Eugene Helber vs. IKftld Marx. Verdict for plalnllli; %UM and osts. Mary Ijiubengayer vs. Jacob Laubengayer. Deorw of dlvorco minitel ou the gruunds of cxlrcmecruelty. Catlmrli.e Ashley vs. Alkauah Asuley Decree of illvorce granlod. Audruw Mlller vs. Franklin lltndsley. As¦ampalt. Judgmcnt for ]liiliitltt', Du.3 and cots. The l'uoplo vs. Clark Woolsoy. l'leaof gullty or itNKauii ,ind Ijaitciy. Mini.'iiced to ihroo moDualn ronla bonwofeorraotUMi The lJeoule vs. Hunry Smlth. Heosous for not tlllnu lnformallon, tlled by prosee utlnif attorna; nutalnod by oonrt, and dcfundant dl, cliargod on paymeut of nii W . P. Campbell vs. W. B. Shcrman. Leavo to move for a new trial granted. HMaJl ItaiiMfurd vs. Kugenc B. Arnold. Verdict In favor iifciiiiiiilnl niiii I Pcople vs. Cuas. A. Meyers. Falae pretciisis. 8entenced to one year In the state prison at Jackson. People vs. Heury Lulck. False preteucos. Kenteuced to reform school at Lanslug uutil IH years of age- 4 yoars. People vs. Patrick Cari. Assanlt and battery wlth intent to rape. Convlcted of assault and battery. Senteuced to two raontbs In the countyjall. Jacob Brenlng vs. Dorothea Schnelder, et al. DeinurrersustaTncd aud blll dlsmlssed F. M. Woodruff vs. S. N. HedKes. Order tliat complalnant glve seourlty lu $100 for costs. People vs. Jas. Innls. Larceny. KecoKiilzance lorfelted. A. M. Clark el al vs. H. M. Wheeler et at. Executlon for deflclency granted.


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