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The next term of the Michigan Military Academy at Orchard Lake will open January 4th. This ia a most excellent school for boys, and is remarkably prosperous. We cali theattention of oureaders, espeeially of those who wish to surpriso their fríends with a handsome present, to the advertisement of J. Halier & Son. This firm has made every effort for this season, and are able to show the finest stock of goods ever brought to Ann Arbor, which they now offer at the lowest prices. " Chiuco-Quiiilne." Physiciflno ty thU ucw ugunt Of Peruvian Bark is a perfect substituto for the Sulphate of Quinine, and that its action is preferablo, as it can be used in same doses where Quinine is indicated, and never causes the disagreeable effects of the latter u pon the head and stomach. Druggists sell it at $1.50 per ounce, or sent, postage paid, on receipt of prioe by Billinqs, Clapp & Co., Boston, Mass. atötïcë The annnal meeting of the Ann Arhor and Lodi Plank Road Company wlll be held on Tuesday, the four'h day of January A. D. 1881, at two o'clock p. m. at the office of the company located at the toll Ente of the safd company, in the pecond ward of the ctty of Ann Arbor, to clect ofllcort and Irnnnact such other bu-lncss ae may be deemed nccessary. Ann Arbor, December i, 1880. 1016-18 KMANUHL MANN, Trc8n er. TUOTICE. All persons lndcbtcd to the late John C. Burkhardt, harnees maker, wlll picase pay thelr accounts at once, as this estáte must be cloeed Boon. L. GKUNER, Ann Arbor, Dcc. 6, 1880. Admlntatrator. 1016 "VTONEY TO LOAN. At seven per cent, Secorlty mtut be on flrst-claes farms in thiscounty, or city property in Aun Arbor, In central and doalrable locuhtiee. J. Q. A. 8K8SION8, Attorney. Office : 8. W. Cor. Main ft Hurón Ste., up-stairs 1006-31 WANTED. - Br a Competent & Experienced Nursa a Sltiiatiou. Apply, 101$ ÜKAWBH3I, P. O. WILLIAM W. NICHOLS, DBNTIST1 ElK? Snccessono O. W. North. Office, 19 Soath Malo Street, opposlte National Bank . Residencc, 37 Llh orty Street. Nltrons oxide cas admlclstered whe roonestwi . 568t POR SALE. A Farm of twenty-one acres, wlth a good (lwelllng house on it, one mlle from city clty limita. Enquire 1KÜ At THK COURIER OFFICE. pOFFIN8 AND CASES i FULL STOCK AT MARTIN' 8 ÜOR SALE. I have a Rood FLOUHINO MILL of four run of stonc, thdt 1 wlll sel] or cxctiangt! for property Ín Washtenaw County, mtf RICE A. BKAL. A HOLIDAY GIFT. MU, FKED. J. SCHLKDK, foreman of the Cortuiu Boukbindury, han a inaiiiflceot PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE ! ALSO TUE NEW CROWN H11II.K, Printcd Both in English and Gorman, ('ontnliiliiL' over Ï.0Ü0 IllUKtmtlons and 2! full pate Stccl KiiKravIimH, whlch he Ís kuIMiii; t remarknbly rcu-ouable prlccs. lie hIbo has a lull lluu ol Uanpinff Ín prlcos from 81 50 to $1 00, wlitcb aro just tbu tblug for Hotlday trad.-. If yon want somethlng ín thib ltuü tu iiiiiko your wlfe, or you motbur, or yonr elstor, or coasln, or swüetheart nnppy, next riirMmm, eWe htm a cali. LOiS-lO


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