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Wlirn Pelluwa' Hyioilioiiliiti :, i taken ' iolo the stouim'li, diliitoil as direoted, it itiiuulato tin; ;ii'-iih Wsist lligeittiftn, and enters the ciivulation wiili the fböd- i ilien acts apon the nerven und uiuHole, tjic Muod and ili" BOoretionA. Ove IaimtIcuco l'iom Mwiy. "I liiül tiii'ii nok arul mi.-' r.ill'' nu long, ¦Mrl liinl uuaed ut) liuabaad w niucfa j blo and expense, tío (mm seemed to know wliat ailod me, tl:ai 1 na ooiDpietoly disliciirti'iicil snil divoouraged. In thia trame I ut mind 1 k'"1 ¦ bottle of llii Bitten aDd I tued tliüin unknowii to niy fauiily. I soon bofjiin to raiprove ainl gaíu bo fat ili.ii my bttnband and faüiily tliuuvln ii Btrtnge and iinnatural, bul wln'n 1 tnlil tlieui wliat liad liclrcd Die, tbfty xaid "llurrali lor Hop Bitters! long niay they proa]ni' tur tlicy have mude innthiT well, and us happy." -lbo Mother - lloine Journal. [m macúlate and rioh is the wbitenem of linen rinscil witli Amkkh'an BaIX Mi i k. It is absolutoly pure and live hom all imisonous inpredients. Vacant Hntl In the ilental rank will liever ocuur il' you ure particular with yuur tectli, and cluanse t In-m i'vcrv day wi'h lint RuUOQ to-'thw;isl, SOODÓXT. Prom yunth to old aio it will keen tln enamel spotlesB and unimpaired. The teetli of perMrti wbo use SUülUNT have a paira Kara whiteneta, and the guuia a roseate hue, wbilu the breath is puiiBed, and romlereil sweet md pure. It is c'otbposed of rire antiseptic herhs, and is entirely frec from the OO" i ¦itiiin ilili and injutious ingrediotits of l'outh Tastos, &a. Forillo Lndios. Thoso lanuuid. tireaome se8B.tHH, ominK you to feul oaroely ablo to Le un your luit ; that constant drain that is taken froui vour systerrj :ill its cl:i.-tiitiiy .driving all the liloom froni your rhecks ; tint continual .slrain upm your vital torces, leiideriiiK you irritable and fretful, oan eañlv be re moved hy the use of that tnarvelous reniedy, lnp Bittara. [rrvgaloritiee and ob stiuctioiis of your sysieni aro iclicved at once, while the .special cause of pciiodiial pain is peiinaiiently removed. Will yuu heed this? - Ciocinniti Smunlay Night. 1881. 1881. THE DETROIT Post ani Triln! The Metropolitan Bepub! lican Journal of i Michigan. i A Standard Family Newspaper. TlioycHi 1881 will iiiuiiicsiiiiiialil.v be markeil iy Dupreoedented baslneea actl vltv aud Indiu trtiildcveloiM-ineiittlirouKhniii i ln ¦ ( ; i cit Northwi'.-t, and a Uve newspaper lii fQU svmpathy wiili il ie prevulllue-governraeutal politica and with all iho olvUTuDg ImpalMM of Lbe ae Nlioukl be in the lunischoiii ui evory intelligent mul progressive íunitly. Tliesubsci'iplUin ltst uf Tile Dutrmt l'ost imd Tribune was neiirly duubleil üurlng 1881), and its polltloal luflneuce uiade lUelf strikingly . IV-lt In the mftgUmoeTQt rrpubliean niajorltlrs rulled iip lliruugboul Mlcblgau- K revalt to which ii is unlversally conceded t lint its liibors ooutrlbuied. Tliis slmiiug faiully newuwper will nut inerely niaintaln Un hlgli nUíiiUIiik during ilir ooralng jrear, bat it will )¦ .sLieugihènexl, both y increaséd editorial oare ftod by tlie addlilon ofuew iruiures. Jis niíws ili'.:u- ini'iii will be kepi ircsh, aecurate aud oomplete; the paper lias control of the larget nwiliuea (br naUierlD latelllgenoa, forelgu, iloinestic, sliilc aud lnril, and liiillntalns special OOTTatpondenM al all ïnii.iitaiit poluts in Michigan nud ut Ihr jnain rrnter ot news elsewnere. Jts compüatlou "I state news 'and its commercial reporiK will be made fu 11 amt trustwoiihy. Its editorial page will discuss all current issaes candidly and from the (tondpotal I aivu rftte Inforination and ol an adlu-ruiu-r U) correct politlcal and economie principies. It will be tlienteadfasl ;hiiiipKin ol fciial rights. a free ballot, a sound carrencyf public houesty, a protHCtlve tnrilT, thu Iree school system and ecouomlcal governiueut. columns will be rich in mlKeellaneoiiH reading maller. íncludinK original and iiuoted sketolics and poemg,ana selectlonf from the current literatura of the day. Especial care will be taken to keep the paper pura and elevated in tone. Id Its Weekly edltlon oxpecial attention will be paid to topics of inteivst to the rural comniunily. Us"Fann añil Plmide" tleparUnent will abounil in discussions of qnesttons of iotérest on practical agricultura, letters on torra aud lióme ti)ni-., i . -,i, s, etc. THB LRTTEB BOJ is in its, -11 wort h inore than t he pi ice itl snhsoribtloa. The Information imd alvlce oontaint-d ni this depattmeul have already saved t housands oí dol lurs to tbe palrons of The l'osi mul Tribune. It Is edite. 1 witli pálnStaklOK caie, and un ctlort.s will be omitled to ineraoM lts practical usefulneu, Ju brief, neither pains nor expense will be spared in keeping 1 he l'ost and 'rrlbnne a I ICST ('I.Ass KA MI 1 .Y N I . u sl'A PER, stroiií; in all departnients, and In eveiy way woithy of tile gitat statc with whose history nuil growth i has bren so long and siowly identiciana : l'cr SI. Thr . tiiUUln. lli-. n.c.ntlil)ailv ... tJ IW fj .")li Trí-Weefely mi _- r i;-, Weekly 1 Vi 73 in Weekly, in clubs of 1U l In per aiiiium. Kor n 75 wewill send tbe Weekly Post and Tribune for oné year and n copj orine Biograpliy of Sacharían Cbandler with Introdnctlon iiy the Hem. James Q, Blalne, The Blography is a iniiiiiu volume oí 133 pages, printed on heavy iluted Paper, profnscly íllustraUd, and bótfnd ím eloth,gxfil and black tna 1. No iincr spociinen ol t prluters' and binden1 art was ewr ïssued in tlila country. The boolï has liever licen suld lor less Ihan f M, añd many thoñsaud copies have been dlsposed oi in nu t lui n Btates ;n i hai prlce. TI!l.l,s-l!sri!ilTln.s. TllKi:-. MON II Is, 1 ui; öQENTa. Tiro Weekly Post and Tribune will be sent on inal to uew Bubscrllwn threr moutus for SS ernts. This offer, i ii 1 1 -nti' ¦ I to Introduce tue paper to readers unaqualnted wllh lis nierlu, is n tt nnhj uuti Mirh , z:. No oiu1 now tiiklne tl ie paper oan takeurtvantageof tilla ofIer, vh ie h applli-s tnil i to ut ir nibm . All postage prepald. rtpecllneii copien free. Kiini i hun ,v i ik, besen) al om riskbydrafts on Detroit baiiks, monej order ol lu regtslereil letters. si liuiidretl Dollars in [rcmluiirM to ageuta, In addltlon lo liberal term lor canvoxsers. Send for agent' ei reu lal m, hptíoltutfu üumíi h, etc, Hddresa Tlli; POÜT AM TIM1M NB, 1IK1' I IO I T N. H. DOWNS g VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR Is a sure cure lor Coughs, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Discase, when taken in season. People die of consumption simpI v bccause of neglect, when the timely use of this remedy would have cured them at once. Fiftyone year of constant use provcs the fact that no cough remedy has stood the test like Botcn$' JElixir. Price :i5c. 6üo. and per Oulll. For Bal Kverywlien). Dr.Baxter's Mandrake ISlTTËRÜ Will cure Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Liver Complainti, Indigestión, and all diseases arising from Biliousness. Price 25 ets. per bottle. For 8a1o Kvry wherc. I1F.NKY .V .11111 SOJ'S ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENT For Jttan anti Beat. The most perfect liniment evet compounded. Prie 25c. and 50c For Sulo Lviiry liyro. 1016 87 $500 REWARD ! WE will pay the nhovr rcward for ny oaM l Liver Complaint, Dyspepsla. Bics Uesdacbe, Indlgestton, OéBstipstloo or CostlToaesfl we cannot cure wlth Wl'Kt'i WlrtHhle LI ver PIIIk. hen tlic (tlrcc ' tionp nrc strirtl) Compilad ullh. 1 licy purcly Vcictülile, uncí ncvcrfil togtvesatlata tlo. Kunr ('o&U'd. Lsrge lioxcs, contndiiK 'M) P}Hs, SL9 Ocuis. Kor bIc bv all ilrn 'iriMs. lluwnre of counterfelto mid imliHtlonc. The enultiH n:nnir:icturi-l only 1 by JOUN i. WK8T Jt OO., "The l'lll Mnkcr,'1 181 & lttt W. Madiion 8L. Cbicsjfo. Pree trlul park.' ¦ent hy ninll nrepalrt on receipf of n :i oi-nt híhtup. ', HMN.1IH9 ' ',


Ann Arbor Courier
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