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AMERICAN B ALL BLUE THIS IS THE BEST BLUEINC lasr use! IT Is NOT l'OISOXOUS! UELPS BLEACHING nml BIVEfl A BBAUTTFüt tint: StFor Sale by all Grocers.l American Ultramarine Works, v Malden l. Xew Vork. 1 lyr W. TREMAIN lB18 iLl! ofthick: at A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE orih BrlilKli Iimurnnre Coup')(of London and Edinburgh,) Capital l:i,iK),iiuii. Qold. Dcirolt I and Marine Int. ¦O. Cash Aswts iai.uoo. SprliiclU-ltl In, l'omp') . (riin,, Owk Awets l.fHXi.lMNi. Howard In. .. of c York, Cash Asi-etf $1,000,000. Agririillnriil tniiii') WATBUTOWN, - NKW OKK, Cash AtH'la U,S ifiM. Lossee libeially adjustud and promptly paid. yr Warner's Safe Kidney and Liter Cure. ir (Pormcrly Dr. Craig'M Kitinmi Oure.) A vegetable preparation and tne onlr ion nmpdy m the World for Brisht'a HItbt. IHabcln und ALL Hlduc) , Llrer, and Urlaau-y DUrwn. jiTestlmonials of the hlghest order ia proof of these statements. HTFor the cure of Diabete, cali for WarBrri aaTe IXnbrtm iiir. ¦WFor the cure r Hrlsht'a and the other diseups, cali for Wanur'l Smfe Kldar mud LlrcrCarf. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It is thebest Blood Puriarr. and itlmulau every fuiiction to more healthful acuuu, ui is tbuia benefit in all diseases. It cures Hrrofulona and other Mita Erapttona and liseases, iacludiug Caucer. VI. errs, and other Som. Ujip.-p.lm Weakaeafth Itcirt, Constlpatlun, Dlulnm, Qrneral DbllIty. etc, are curel by the Safv Blicrr. It la unequaled aaan appetiseraud regular tonle. Bultles of two slzes ; pricea, 30e. and tl.OO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly givesReBt and Klrp to thesafferinf;, cures Headaebe and Neuralgia, preveots KpilepltcClta. and relieves PUriou rro Irutlun brouglit ou by excenslve drink, orciworlc, mental sbocks, and other causes. Powerfut as It is to stop pain and soothe dittnrbed Nerves, It never Injurei the syttem. whether taken lu smoll or large doses. üutties of two Bizei ; prices, 50e. and $1 .00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are tn loimediute and active stimulus for m Torpld I4tt. und curt Cot tlvautu, Dripaptltv, Bil - I WTfliHPWn È iooanew, Blltoua DUrI aT itwffft iV.U a rluaa. MaltrU, FTr I rFnAiMiAfrm l B n( Agn. and sbuuM I AsMéMKiJ I '¦ used whenever ttM I pVKLlZ3B HH9 huwels do nul operan BÜM freely mul reuiarly. ¦¦ lr Ko .-thr l'llli r-nlr h ¦ PSnfïxRVVH pi nudl doM Tor tavorvkfl. I (.UAléaUUÉaW B4 'rk l'rl' 1& ¦ WTanrHrmfS 1-1 w.rrrs.rr RtdiHu. [JLflkLIiUklJ EmA m b irmri.u ikIm. I bzr" -BI H.H. Warner & Co., I 'fj!fWgMMai RO0HE8TEK. N. T. 965-1016 FERDONLÜMBERYARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Maniiiactnri-i and Dealer in 8ACINAW GANG-8AWBD L1IMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. We .Lvitft al! to give ns a cali, and examine oor sJtocfc hfore purchasinK elsewhore. AIJ0 AOKNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SELLS FIRE BR10K, .I.VMKS TOI.BKRT, Irop. T. J. H KKI II. Hapt. fi-h.U.'TH Qatarrh gure. Is Recommended by Physicians HALL'S QatarrhQure. 19 'ndorsed by Clergymen. Wlll Om-o Aiiy Ono. OffloeofA I 8twart4Co.ChicafO,rB, Juue4, 1880. Utttr. F. .. Chmry A Co , Tnlnh, O. -liake pieHure in informing jou tliat I h:ive um,i Ball'a ('atarrh ('ure. lthas currf lm' [ mis vi-ry t ui - :njl iton't hesitate to say thal it ill i i.;r tiiiTiMso ofCntarrh if taken properly Yourstruly.J.B. WEATHKRFOKU. Voi-tli 1O A Hottle _ E .Miii!RAT,.T:iokon, Mioh. writes: Har bad Catarrti ForSO rw. Hull'sCaUrrh Curocureda Cunlder it orth SlO.uO a uoltle. Bslfa Catsrrh Cnre is sold by 11 Drucniitsat i belt Ie, Maniifactiirrd and sold by V. 3. I CHEN1.Y i CO Solo Pre prietor, TOLEDO, OHIO For sale in Aiin Arbi.r by H. J. BROWN A CO.. ' 'orner Main ud llüron BUajajta. 1009-1(121 FRAÑKLIN HOUSE, DETROIT, ( oimr of Bate nil Inrned Slreetn. In the very center of ihe huïlni-m part of the city. Our liibU'c hvv tu-rft, und our rtoms and bedaarf nol eicel led. TVrm fl.50 ppr dajr. WARMKR MK. ManHsern. LL KINDS OF BLANK! FBimi OH 8HOHT BOT1O AT THE (OURIF.K JOB BOOMS.


Ann Arbor Courier
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