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Wants To Know, You Know?

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.;,,- In ri ¦ i ¦ I y to a pwtal ti) the Aun Art)orclty treasirter, O. !¦'. WebBter, I ani Informed thul my t:i aseesmncnt for 1880, cu "thc e-i thrcc roí! oí lot 10 and one rod north i it, pari of lol 9, In blink '!, 9. r. 9 e ." lunonnta t 17.87. (nv i slwayi pay my taxea promptljr aud wlllingly, but I would like to know tlie of tlic increasc theréin. In - my tax on lliis s;iiih' prn.c iiy mis $10.07; In 1873, (11.07; in 1874, 13.08; In IÖ7S, $12.47; in 1876, $11.05. ín 1877 U iik i jump ei exactly í, and waa $13.00, In 1878tliejnrap wm stlll largcr, $3.19, ora taz t 115.34. I" s;;' ¦' wai =i' k ? i the is in 1878, or. $15.21. Tlio incruMC in the two year lasl nained waa explklned to me !iy the treaaureï ns catued ty the imililtbe ncw ooart boute, etCi htrt wlmt is the cause of thh ycm-'s furtlier Inercase ! Have they been putting np mm-e eourt thJa ycsu-, u compared wiili isr-J. bow :m lucreae of abut 88 percent, wWle the vahie "i thc property has fallen off Wlll yon ktadly explaln it, fr. Editor, nol only fcr my benefit, imt ior tbat of niiuiy of your readen who are ponibly ai tguoul u i of A nu Arbor municipal inat liorna) MAHY W. MOVIOAR, Detroit, Do. l , 1S80. Tlic aboTC letter waTeryfair and aaodid pne, and t gives us pleasure tü answer it, hicli we shall endeavor to do t hu best we I in. SubiniMjng ihe letter lo Mr. C, I i;ipi, Mipi rvisor ut' the lul and -d u;irds. I ie tolls u, lint, iLal our boIiooIb, whicb I ra oxponsire, are conlimully inoreanng in I Qttibcr ol pupüs, wbich nooctisitates n I reatcr Miiliy eacli year for I huis, and tcnehers' Balaries, Senmd, our I talo taxes boen unwially IiíkIi 1 ig theyears 17 7U, ocoasioned by I iriationa fir benevolent parposos. TUifd, II ai c-oiinty basoreoted a court hoose whiot I oal overi75,0O0. (20,000 of tbü amonnl il mi city paid i"i-li down, in adoance, and II i id to borrow the money, whióh lias had .i be paid, asid froni Ibe city'a proportios ! iftbs $50,000 balance, aod aa Ann Arbor I iiv p;ivH over one-seventh of 1 1 10 onlire t;ix J f tin! couoty, tlic burden cao bo readily ! -i mi li ¦ littlo bead-work. Beadesthis, tlio anirersity, beiog loeated viiliin our city limita, wo are often oalled j upon to aid il, :ind ncvrr in vain. Kor nstaooe: Aim Arbor oity bas paid 1 100 toward the medical college, and $4,00(1 oward the university hoapitala. Uesidcs tlic:e amounls $4,200 was voted to the firc lepartmD( spring, to pnrcinsfl nu i encino, and othcr nccessarie?. In lKT'Jour city Uix was a little over $S,OOH ; fot tlio ycar 1880 it is over 116,000, not inolading the street tax ! This ia art increase of over 100 per oent The inoreua upon (lic tax referred to ia but tió per cent., so it would not secm unjusily large. The valuation ol property in the first and sixth wards has been raiaed a trille liy th board of I viaora, wlnlc in Ic1- growing warda it ha? deercascd. The anseesnrent npoB the aboVe property has been rawcd $17."), but is nmv only $1,300, a buib the owner could realice any day shc miglit clioosc to icoept it.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News