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Resolution Of Thanks

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At the recent meeting nf the state horti;ultural sooictj', in this city, thr followiog xprcs.sion of thanks adoptad by a uianimous vote : Durlog the tenth annnal oonvention ol tha Mich litan hortlcultural noctet] weliave ieen o bospltably entertalned, oor wants imlelpated and si thoroagbly provlded tor, Ten teyoudthe expectatlons thal were ralaed bj the oordlal Invltatton i hold trar seaslnn here, nul we are plaoed ander obllgallona lo su ni'iiiv people and ftrlend, iimt it is dlmcull to mentiun lliera in detail wlth any snrance that none wlll be lefl out. We wlll naino.bow. ver, ili.Miili.-.-r-. and meinlien ie Washtonaw oounty poinoloRleal noclcty, and tl Ititensol Ann Arbot generivlly for tliclr conrte,,„s treatment aiid hmipttable entprtalnnienl „„ ihla oooaiilon : Uie Indien and Kentlemeii who by thelr dellgluful music have iiüdeU bo mater lul ly Ui the plraanre ol om nu-olliiR : tlie local miinllteosliavlMglnoliariie UieiniuinK„,,.,it ,,i lh nuetliiKl tlis ofllclHlH wIki liave irranted au the one oillie comnnKHiiH audlence n.,.11. and other oumiurta lejl wllh Uie session the profewion of the State I nlvemjlty, Aifrlciiltural College añil Normal Hchoul, who have rnmlBhed im the admirable ailU rosnen fol imr Instructiou umi enlerlal ni . to Ar.tlng Presldenl Priem, for hti kind InvUallon to visil univirsily, :iiui for lils (iIHimiomh In sbowlngusthroiutli the bnlldlnfoiol the various departmenU;theoffloerol the oaiil yenr, who have Jevotod mnob of theli Mme u the advaiiftoinenl and Interes! ol the society and its olilecui and peoiaTly to ourworthj piwhlaul nntl ofticlenl -..¦.rciiuy, wl InoeHsanl labor havalieoome a pari ol the bUtorj ol tlui society and In fnct.ol the hortloultnreol theconntrv In acknowleügenwnl ol the klndly offlcei llins rendered ; therefore be n Jttiolved, Thai the sincere thanksol the state hortioultnral oolety ba fenderad lo ea :m' all ..f tbeabove mentloned, and thal the Bme bpcome ¦ pari of tne-reoord ol tbhi ¦


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News