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Estáte of James C. Van Kippr. 0 VATE OP M ICIIIOAN.Üounty of Washtcnaw, sb AtaHosion Probate l'ourt for theConnty o Waahtenaw, bolden t the Probate Office, In lie city of Aini Arbor, on Monday, Iha slxth dy ol Da cember, tn tno yoar one bonsand elghl hnndra andelghty. Prenent, Willtam I) I laminan,.! udcc o Probate. i ii the matter o( thu óptate of.IamoR ('. Van Ilipcr deceated. On reading and tlllnu the petltlon, dnl; oi Iflod, ol John II. Van !Lii.r praying thal ndmini tratlon of imd catate may bc j;ranted to John II mi Rlper. Tharenpon it in ordercd, thut Wedncsday, the Mfth hiy of .liimiiiry nost. at ten o'cloek in tht torenoon, be uilgned for Die hearing of Mld peö tion, mul th;it the bein at law of eaid decrased nuil uil oihirr peraooi Intaraatsd la said estáte are rcinin'd t(T apprnr al a innion of caid courl tben ! in' liDldMii at Uie Probate Ofllco, in the city o Aun Arbor, and show rauco, tf any thrre be, wh; the pfayor ! Uta potitimier Khould iii)t hc yrnut ad. And it is fnrthor orderod, thai aald petiuone (rlve Dottce to the imraona tnteroatod In Mld oabtlJB of the punduncy ofuld petitlonand the hearing thereof. by rautbiK acopyofthli order to be i'iihllahüd In W Anti Arbor Vourier, a nowspaper prtntod iniil clrcnlatltiK in aid connty, three sireceosiw wecke pravloua t uld dHy oi beariiur. (A tnic copy.) ' WII.I.IAM I). 1IAKKIM N, Jildi:c ol' I'rnbatf. wil. Q. Ixci'Y. Probato Register. IO1 10 Estarte of Edward Reem. STATKUK MU'lllOAN.CountyorvVaolitcriaw, 6. , At a iuo8ioc of the Probate '"urt fnr theConntyof Washtenaw linldi'ii at the Office, ir the city 01 Auu Arbor, on Tuesday, tho 1 -llh day of December ui Uii' e:tr cue thoiiH.'ind elght huudretl ,mil Tienent, Williain D. llarriman, Jtidfje of I'roliHte. In tltc nutter of the anta te of Bdward Reore,deün realiiiL' and flliiiK the petition, dulr vori lied, ol Noah w. Üheevor, rwlmtnlitrati boniê ti'in jirayiiiL' that ho may lu' lueiiHi'd lo seil the real astate wboreof aid decoaaed dlod aelced. Tln'ieniioii it is onlored, tluit Tnesdny, the llth dny of .lanuary noit, at ten o'cloek in the CorenoOD, bo afeaignad tor the beartog ol caitl [ietitinn. and t imt tho heirst la of Mld deoeud, and all other peraonfl [nteraated In Mld estáte, are re'jllireil to apprar Jlt ;i .e-Hlon ol Haf Cl Court, then lo b holden at the Probate uftlce, in tho cliy ot Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any then; bc, why the pmM-r "f tiie patltlonai houid Bot se Rianted, And it ii turther orlored, thitt wild petitioner ijive notire to tho peisoiiK Intereated in Mld entjite, of tho Kondeney ol mi petittoo, and the hettrinc tlierettf, y raimiiiK a fcopy ot IIiík order to bo puhhnhert in tiie Ana uowiÊTy a newapaper prlnted and elrcalatrns In taH coontyj (bree inccetl?e week previouii to valfl dy ol hearing, (A tuut copy.) W1LLIAM 1. IIAKKIMAN, Jndce ofl'rohate. . W.M. (1. DOTV, I'robate Ragtstar. lniT-iuid rp -- .- - - - ___ 1 To AdvcrtUera. Ti ik. Ann AitnoK C'ouuikk Iirh ilouble the OlrOQlAUOD of uny iitlier ppir publlNliuil lu ciunty


Ann Arbor Courier
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