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Our Offer For 1881

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Dr. Chase's Improved Recipe Book, Containing Over 2,000 Recipes 4 and The Ai Arbor Comer' BOTH FOR $2.00, THE PRICE OF THE BOOK ALONE. Auy penoa deatrotu i Becnriag tiiis most excellent book aa yin, eau do bo by labserlblllgfor'l'liK NN A.KBOR UOIKIKR lor oiit' Vrat" and paylng i-xo in advaooe Qld Ba boert ben, by paying all airearagm, and od yearinadvminv i-uu secare Uie same premium . Ifyou aBrOady have a Book, yen may. perhaps, havo a moUier, broiher, ulster, or a frieod wbo wouia bo glud i reoeive it us u ïioliduy Kift. Tlis Offer will Höld Gooa ünül January l, 1881. - The Book tril] ba deltvsred at thls oiüce. If sent hy mal) 15a BddlUonsl wül be requlied to pay poBtage. THE IMPROVED RECIPE BOOK Itenibrjures all the vahmblc naipes of the OM Book, with Uil lm provenían 14 apd dlsooverles In llieurts, snr ncaa and medicines of the last elght years udilcü. The new edltlon glvea i ti plHin languago fnll dirt'ctUinK for kuccessful trofttmpiit of all the lcmUngdlseases to whicli man, wointm or ohild are heir, ns woll as Uiose of horses or c&ttle, and itre the re4Qlts of longexperleueeof Kme of tlie most sclenUQs physlcians of modern timos. The pullisher bas adopted the Etóformed Practlea of Medicine, and many oi the Recipes in tlilsdepartmentare more preclooa than rubíes. They ure prkvli-ss. Nu ïmilher should be without thla book, as it "Advue to Mothers' and "Balea for theTrcatniiMt. C':ui' mul .Manogeineut of CbUdretl11 alont: i s; wortli ten times the price of the book, and shoold make Ha AVelcome Friend In Every Household iu tliis bn.iid land. "Itiiugulde in Iltalth as well as in Slekness." The publlsher hos alBO added leveral new and attractive departimnls, Vlz: ' Kules for the Treservut ion í llcaltli ;'J Accidente and Knn'wiii-ies;" "Advice to Mother-.' " Rules for the Dress. Care and Bflnglng np of Chlldren;" "Coid Wulcr Cure;1' "Hints on Hoasekeeping;' " Amiiseni) nts and J minor úiiiHí) for tbe Youiik;" " Hee-Keeplng;1' and One Thousand Household Recipes. The New liook ia complete in all its d6partraenU; but especially so In it "Medical," 11 Mother'R,' " Farrler'R," and "Coloring," and contains over two tUousand l'ractlcal Recipes, for everything and everybody, upon almoat every subject and bnnoh Of mechanical lndustry, and is adapled toall classes and conditions. This book aloue cauuot be bought lor lesa ttaan Í2.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News