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Mrs. Rachel White, oolored, of the 4th ward, died Wednesday afternoon, of old age. The deccased was born a ílave in 1785, and had resided in this city for the past nine years. We are again cautioned against takinjj Canadian paper currency. Maiiy of the banks and business houscs of the state will receivc it only at a discount. The Jannnry AtlMiillo IiprIus a new volume wit h a number of great and varied excellence. Tlie flrst cliapters of MIbs PhelpH' serial 8tory, " Krlunds: a Duel," are so vlgorous and Intereatlng that her readers wlll be ltnpatient for the next inatallment. Mr. Aldrich conlrlbutes a most entertalnlng paper on "Smitli," whlch wlll have a peculiar Interest for a liost of readers. Heary Jamos' " Portralt of a Lady,'' needn uo commendatlon to the multltude wno follow hlsstorles wlth an admtratlon whlch few living novellsts coramand. John Flske lias an itriicle on " 8ociology and Hero-Worsliip,1' whloh takes exceptlon very strongly and oonvlnciugly to the artlcle by Willlam James reently publlshed In The Atlantic. Mrs. Harriet W . Preston coatributes a dellghtful llterary-hlstorlcal essay on "A Symposium of .Sixty Years Aeo." Wttllnra M. Rossettl begins hls series of articles on "The Wives of Poets." wlth gllmpses of the wlves nf Eurípides, I.ucrelius, Dunte, Alflerl, Cervantes, Lope de Vega, and Cornellle. Uichanl (irant Winte's paper on "Sara Iteruhanll," wlll attraot ninrketl attontion just now. Mr. Wlilttier's tender poem In memory of Lyda Maria Oh lid is one of the noblest and most churmlng poema Mr. Whltller háa ever wrltten. Mr. Hteadman lias 11 fine pnfiu on " Ye Tombe of ye Poet Chaucer." Uthnr poema, essay, stories. and an umisually varled "Uoutrlbutors' Club" complete a laperb number of this magazine. Now Is the UnM to subscribe íor it. #1.00 year. Houghton, Mitüin fc Co., Boston. Husillo Local.S. Still more holiday goods havo arrivcd at J. Halier & Son's. If you want to see the ucatest projcry in the city, you will fiad it ou Aon st., noith of court house. 1017-1018 W. II. DonaldsOQ, treasurer of Piltsfitld township, will be t A. A. 'ferry's store on the 21st and 28th of this month, from 1 to 3 o'clock p. m., fur the purpose of receiving laso.-. Low prices, best goods, large stock at prices that will please cash buyers at north side of court house square Joe D. Simson's popular store. 1017-1018 Teil your friends that 1 have added ati immense number of overeoats and ulsters to my stock, which wcrc bought at a great saorific.',aud will be sold at prioes to satisfy the clo8tO3tbuyer. Make your purchases as soon as possible. A. L, Nobt.e, Dec. 15,1880. StsrClothing House. ¦ 1017-1019 In no braach of business is there such a ohanee for deception as in the jewelry business, and persons should buy goods of no one but reliable parties and of an established reputation. To those of our readers who contémplate purehasing anything in that line, we recommend theui to Messrs. C. Bliss&Sin, of this city. Select your ChrUtmas presents at Mack ' & Schmid's. Buy souiething useful, ap propriate and sensible, don't throw your money away on tomfoolery ; presents that will only prove to bc " Llke snowrlakes on the rlver- A moment white then gone forever !" but wind up the year 1880by showing your good sense in buying something useful for ühristmas presents at Muck & Schmid's. We would adviseour readers to carefully examine the large stook of groceries, crockery, glassware and lamps nt Joe D. Stimson's. We are sati.tfied that once you see his stock you will buy. II is tea beata them all. 1017-1018 ATOTICE. Th.1 annual meeting of the Anti Arhor and Lodf Plank Road Company wlll be held on Tuecday, the fourtb day of Jauuary A. D. 1881, at two o'clock p. m. at the offleu of the company located at the toll cate of the suld company, in the oecond ward of the city of Ann Arbor, to etect o til eert and trminact euch other btilneen ac may he docmed Decesary. Aun Arbor, ürc-niltcr 4, 1860. IQltt-lS BMANUEL MANN, Trcaeu-er. ATONEY TO LOAN. At seven per cent, Secnrlty mnst be on flrst-claei farm in thivcuunty, or city proporly in Ann Arbor, in central and de.-lrablc loctilftie. J. Q. A. SB88IONS, Attorney. Offleu : 8. W. Cor. Mnin Huron Sti., np-etalr ÏUOOI WANTED. BT A Competent & Experienced Nurse a Sltiiutlou. Apply, ' 1015 DKAWEU3I, P. O. Ty ILLIAM W. NICHOLS, JDE3STTIST1 $& Haccenaorto O. W. North. Office, 1 Sontb Mals Street, opposlte Natlonl Bank. Renidence, 37 Llb ertjr Street. Nltrone oxide gtr sdmlnlstered whe rnqnovtod. 66St ÜOR SALE. A Farm of twenty-onc aerea, wlth a good dwelllog houou on it, one milu frotu city city limlts. Enqaire itfetf At TUK COUHIKR OFF1CB. COFFINB AND CABES I i FULL 8 TO UK A T MAR TIN1 8 A n nrAtirr rromptly lttfi1l tn. Cliancery Noticc. STATB OF M1C1IU1AN. The Circuit Conrt for the County of Waehtenftw. In Uhancery. Snit pendinc In theGircnlt Court for the Coiiuty of Watihtcnaw in Chancury at Ann Arbor, on ttie 4th day of Decemlwr, A . D 1880. Jorusha P. Noble, complftiiituit, Aeaiii!t Alonzo D. ' Uavls and Jane A. Davia, John Webbr and Mrt. John Webber, tlefendanta. Itappearlug mon proof by nffldttvit thiit th defendant, Aionzo 1). Davl and Jane A. D.ivia, two of eaid defendants, are non-reeideuta of ibe ftate of Michigan and are resldenta of the tate of Wrmont ; tbercfore, on motlon of Tracy W. s Hoot, tolicltor for Kaid complalnant, It is orderod s that Huid dcfendantn appear and answer tbe blll of L complaint iu thii caunu within three niouthtt trom c the date of tbis order, and tbat thU order be a llshcd once In cach wenk Tor u weeka insucceailon e In Ann Arbor Coükier, a nuwniiaper mhllrbed r in - 'Hl county, and tbat the tl rei publlcatlon theronf bc withlu twenty diiyt frnn the date of tbis order and that snch pnbllcatlon nhnll ïiot be necenfary In case a copy of tbia order be aerved ou sald - AOtl al leant twentr dayy hefore the time precrlbed tlieruln for the iiuearance 01 aaid defeudanti. JAMES McMAUUN, Circuit Court Coramlflaloner in and for the Contity . of Waahtonaw, Statu of Michigan. 101(t-lUL2 Traiv Vi'. Koot, Bollcllor for ('omplaiu&ut. ''


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News