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A Plain Word About Girls

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The tact (wtaicli every pcrson having occasion in hundió a considerable aambei of aempepen peí weck wil) reoogoiie) tliat searcely a uionih elipses wilhonl U ltOI7, more or Ic.-s piriable.involviDg une or more of tliat large clasm of yotiiig ;iils whoaie drachten of tradesmeo, méchame-, or BinaTl formen, wouid eeni t" reuder a fuw plain words botti the eondiliou of ihe-e nirls timcly aml bent'lioial. As a rulo, oiu American girla of the ini'lillc classes ure not excelled m booeoty mul virtue ly ihoae of any othcr natioii, bat are they pr iperly eduoftted Mdtraiucd? Au American boy ia generally puahed 1 tlironh h in'li aohool 01 local ooilege, nJ ¦enl rato ihe irorld wiili t protesion nr trado, whilr the sister ia pivon twu uribrec yean at school, and then lifer pr.'iiaratiou lor lili1 is onded. In l'ram-r, the laniici's ilaiiKblor knows littlo o(' uinsia or fine arts, bui nigoarefully taught in all ilie layptcrii-i of , the iluirv, and lia a ooiDiuendabla pnde in lii'i' kill. In (crinaiiy. girla ot allcLuwk ara Bjducaied in domentio flfirn aod ¦¦ uuircil tn beoouie expert in detail work aml management. In SoandioaTia the inaidcii il laii),'lit to wolk in lier htcbool, and lu'l' pa.-lor and parCDta watch over In-r tn keep her modeul and devoot in America, on tbfl ciiitiaiv, innr linies out ot Ion, the mother taod beween bar daughter and all labor. 8he doen 11 ihe drudgery, ; while ihc girl, befrilled and fluuïicd, itnincd loow, lo liave a good time in lier owi) way. itl) no oniploj nicut, 110 objeot in lile, liut iBkmage, and wil h juat eoough etliKtatien 10 enable her to lili hw bram wil II usele and liasliy, it' Dut aliscilmdy vicious liu-nitiiro, what wonder if linee or foor yeara of Mich hle .-liunld rendef her eoaVM',, and peil. lievoml llie eiidnranco ofdeo&pt pooi)loï llad.-he lieluliged lo a lower rank, DCCtissüy wuuld have taugbt her ; il' loa hiaber rank, be wonld liave been objiged to use ImiIIi lieail and liando in ácquitillg the ecoouiplMbmenti bolengjog to a refiaod woinan. The defocl i not dtie tu inferior lUOinl.s or intellect, hut thc.-o unis llave reached I stage ivheic ihey BTfi late. Thoir edneation is lint auficient tO enalile thein to work with thoir lioads, and thev havo leKrnid lo despise hoosohold lubtir a-nieiiial. 1 1' cuippf IK'il tooam a livin;;. lliey ennvd tO the oitics, and invanahly prefof t" enter scwing-niachineü, or beootne shop jirls. earniog Ir.nn 2 10 í-t u week, sleepins in ganéis and living on Btarvaiiun tare. Krom tlic ranks ot' these girls the dens of infaiuy in OOI eitics are tilled. Aanming lliat the abovo is a correct Ktateuient ut the actual eonditiun ot' the Auierican &ir ut' tlio iniddle class (and we bclieve that the iiicturo is nol overdrawu), the retnedy seíBuia te bc that Bbould take betttr cate ot' their Jaughters. (ive your girls, as well as your boys, work of their owu, aod lot tbeui do it ander the home roof and iheir moihci'.s oye. Give thcui skill in old-fishioned work, andtaith in its efficiency to proniote their highest Uut above all, surround your dauhtoi' froiu the eradle, with the honor and modesty duo hor as a woinan. Thus will hor oivu lite be elevated, and an important step be taken towards the eivilization and refjnemutit of the obus to which shc belonifs.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News