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Two Great Men

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Mr. I hoinpxin, MCretary ot' the iiivy, passcd through here oo his way 10 San francisco, on Wcdur-diiy eveoiog, witli hi.s party. in coinpaiiy with Delégate D.iwney, Jud'C Blair, aud l'nitid gtatea Mar.-hal Schuitzer, I went iiito tlie specixl car, and talked witli hini while the train toppcd licre. Tlio uthcr sucfnbefs of the rrty lid most of' the talking, and I eloucntlv sat on tlic back of the obair and whistleda t'ew bars frotu a litile operetta tliat I am having cast at the rolling mili. I aui Bot very hilariou." in the presence ot' great metí. I am not o inueh at home in tlieir BOoietJ as I am in my own quiut litilc búudoir, witho ne leg over the piano and the otlier tanglcd up amon' the $2,500 lace curtains and Majolica dogs. lïy and iiy 1 thOttght tliíit I had better show the secretary that T knew more thun the caunal observer would uppoc, and 1 mid, "Mr. Toompmn, how s vuur navy looking this rommer? llave yon abeared your iron-olad raus yct, and il' an. what wil) the clip avrnige, do you think '! " II i' lauhod a merry, ripplinjf laugh, and -iid it ho was at home he woild swear tliat lie wns in the presenee of the mental giant, William C McDuc. I was very mueh pletied with the secret;try. Tlii wijl insure the lirilli:inf succOss of hg western trip. I could sce that bc was aciiistoined to the very best ot' society, Pur hc stood theic in the blitidiriji lare ot iny dazzling beauty U sclf'-pos-ics-od and cool as tliuugh he worc at tiumr, talking willi 15on lïutl i ;nnl Conklinj; :ind Oarpcntor and Othef ii-in; young men. 'rhere ih a Miikuii; rcsemblaoce betweed Hip itecrelar; and uiysell, We are 1 t li tall and ilqnder, with roguish eyos and white tuur. IIi. liowevfr. 18 wliilc. IrolU age, and H a kind of blui.-ih white. Mine is white beoaosc it oevet had moral ooung or strctiKth of chaftfler eoough to lic any Othcr color. It aU0 bas more of a lenmn eolorcd tiiiRi' to it than the secroiaryV i;t. Wrc raasmble eaoli olher in uwcral more rciccts. One u ilüit we aro liith Initid Stato oficiáis, lie ia a tnember of the cabinet and I ato i LInitod Statei 4on)Biiiiuir. V ar both great lucn, bul I have tucowded bctter in koeping it a


Ann Arbor Courier
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