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1 1 HHJ . Harper's Magazine. ILLU3TBATED. ¦¦StUlIylUB 1 1 1 lllbjocl iIi.iim-i ivcl.v UIlll.ii'olH ódncatlonal Mlni ol view ¦eekttiil to pp ule iiiiii whloti. iiikcn together, will be "i tlm moat service to the lergeai nuiniiri i longAgo muoluded t luit, if I oooM ha bat one work tor public llbrary, I would select a eómplele s,i tf Harptr'ë Uonthly."- PrN018 ii ms, Jr. li content are miitriiiutci bj tbs moei emInent mi hoi-, mui arttetaof Europeimd Amerir., whlle the loug ex peiience t thepubllsliei InlH itrtili' I hem .-oli 'TMiuit wltll I I'mi .¦ ï tlif public whlch they wMI upare no punís to lrnt i tv . HARPER'S PERIODICALS. IMHl'Klt'S MAUA7.INB. UM Yef l IK lIAUi'liics WBKttLÏ, Ons.ïear... li HARPEIVS RAZAR, One Temr i m The PllHBB aboye Bamed, Oo Year luim ! AuyTWO above nam id. One 7 i) : IIAHl'KICS YOI -N(i l'EOl'LE, One Ve.r 1 M PontüQt Ff U nll t'ibsrribfrtui II' f I'n'ilfil StaH nr si" The volume ol Ihe Maqut iicgin rlth the N'uinliers of June nnd Uweinber iilciu li year. vviini na UmatMpeolfled,ltwlll be andentood thatthe inbporlber wlnhee to beglo with the current nuniber. ACompluteSetot IIahpkksMa'Iazink. comlirismu ni voliinii-R, In neiit. oloth bliulmir, wlll fieut by expmsK, frt-lglit at expende oí purcbaser, ¦eoelpt of 2." pf voldme. mum nilmm, liv mail, i'"''i"i"l. I-'' 00. C'lotb caseK, lor binding, 89 iints, hy mail. poHtpalü. Remlttonce sliould be mnde by PoHt-OMin-, Mont'y onlcr or Drafl, lo Avold cbance of lOMi StWtpaptrt mr nnt In coiu lliU OJtMttíUmttU without the erprfSS order of IIAKI'EK tt HltoTHKiis. Adilress HAIU'Klt i ÜROTHKHS, N.w York. 188O. LITTLE MACK. CLOTHIER By all odds the test display of HOLIDAY GOODS ever shown in tkis city is now open for inspection at Litüe Macft, Ho. 9 S. Main street, the Larpst Clotkinc House in the city. CHRISTMAS Little lack's Tailorini Department is a snccess anj all persons wto flesire first-class customcloth l will not rept payio[ ns a visit at No. 9 Main street, Ann Arbor. III II I MUI CL0ÏHIE11. 188O. MÉHMt M. S. S.niTII A CO., corner ol' Wooltv;irl nnl .lllcrn Aveu., Detroit, invito tlic iiiioiilion of hiiycr to tlit-lr largo himI line lleellon of ÉMerllB( Mlver Maro, Troiioli look, Faioiuo Ware, {roiiv.o. l'ai i-iaii Yot ollie, liaiiioimIm. .lowelry, Wairlicn nul Silvor llai-l Ware, omhraoiiiK ai-llo motil nppiopi iai l'or iiiiny AiinivorNary and Ilolil:ij í.ití. rlfi or inqiiiricM l) mail wlll reeclre onr prompt aiul oaroTul allcnllon. Jowoloinul Imporlvrx, ooruorol Wiimltvarl and l( ll r.n Aoiino, !?¦- Iroil. 977-lOSfl RE-OPENED. We wish to announce that tho old rcliable Alhanibra Dollar store, has been reotiened at the old number, 92 Woodward Ave., Hctriiit. A oordial invitation is extended to all to lonk through and exaniídc mir new and elegant .stock. New noveltien rercived daily. 1004 80 ¦ ¦ 11 ¦ BK TovrwlVM hj iniklns mfnejr wlipn iv pHa II oliunca in ..Ifcrwl, Iherclir mlw.v. ktclot aor. ¦ ¦ erly froin y..r dgor. ThM hu lii. uki II 1 I xlvuug "f lb ,...,J obiurri for m.tln ¦ 11 1 ¦ ¦ i "'T tliftt ure nftarwl KUQrll7 bo. tot¦ cIHj. bik ib..m who dn nol lmirova .ooi. IJlil 'll" rruinln lu ,vcrlv. „t .„in. ¦ ¦ " mM m m0. wome. boy intl tlrln ui work rr ut rluht lo lhir 0n lialHr. Tü bililuc wlll i .. more il.m Ha ij... onlluaij' w.p. w ruruUh n cxpcnln ouilli mn.l all ou ner-l. frre. No oue wbo fnK(. to tufthe nionrr rerj raildl;. You can drvofe Tour Mliole tilue lo th worlt. or onr) tour ra uuimtali Kuil lorormalion .ni! II I. ,,r.,lp,l Htnt lie. IMw HrtNnoN k po,, TbrtlBB.!, Maiiic. nt.17-. 6UU,UUU KEKK1I.K I.ANUS l'OK BALE in tbeBeantlrui klkhokx- ükGARDEN VALLEY OF NEBRASKA Bj HAHAM JONES, Ueal Katalc Aeentii. Wi. mr, ('umlng '., or Norfolk, Madlsuu Co., Nebrat kü. MapH, t'anijiliti'lH. etc, firnlHbed fret uiion appilettlea, Kin; ioiv


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