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F. S. BUCK, WHOLBBATJC AND KKTA11. ¦CO l M HOUSE All Gooods Solfl at Detroit Prices. .Vent for GLOBE umi BKAL F DETROIT tolmtt'o. NO. 7 EAST HURON STREET. a8iyr il2J PAD ACTS D1RECTLY OW THE KIDNEYS Hladdcr aml I rinnr.v Oixüii 'v Almorliiiilt uil humoit". L-vciy tnioe ot dUeate, md forcihy i in t thr atem throiu'li Ihti pore o( the kin. nonrishiiiL' umi strenirtheDlng vegetable t es, glvlnf t i omlrrfiil ionr lo cure ai oooe, PAIN IN THE BACK, Mlilo or liOins. Iiiflaininatioii a ml KrightR Dliteasc or the Kldaejrs, Diabetes, Ih'opsv, (¦nivel, i 'alai rh ol' thk Itlml ¦ der. II i -li olnr-l. Seuity or rain ful I linuiin-. leONitN,riiMtN or rtirelM In the I liiif. l-lt M H himI PHYMICAIj IKBILITV and in (kCi any diaeUfl ot these greatorirans whether coniractd by over work, train, exci-ssivc drink, thfl abu.-f ot naturu. or otherwise. It saperoedea onttrely the inconv.nience aod trmihK'H ui' taking nauseam aud pftUonom internal medicines. lt ie worn exactly where nccded, nrxt to the body and immedlatoly over the kidneys It in comfotable lo the patiënt, fale, pleaeant and reliable in it? eftectf, hut pewerfd in it: acties. It can bc worn at 11 times, in any climate, and ie cqiially pood for MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Do not b prJadlced. Oin fr a tkiai. and be convinced thiit it Ih bonMt, reliable, effect Ive and jïift vrbtt your Peebl mul exfatasted bexiy rvqalret. ThoQUOdfl are diiily adtling their tentim ny U the woDderftal cnraüve power ol this ren retnedy. who are belng reatOTttd to perfect health liter all otlnT treatmenta md roteedles have fniled. Ask your drairgist for It, and accept no imwitation or scbstitotb. If he has not got, it tend to ue and rcceive it hy return mail. DESCEIÍTIVE PSICE LIST.-Recular Pad, $á ; Special Fad. for Cbronic, drep seated, or racn of lonj: f tandinvr. : ; Chtldrenfl I'ad, for fiimmer complaint wenk kidneys and bd wettiny, $ÍJi). )iir book. "How a Un mm Suvcd," coutalnitif; a hisitory of this yreat dicovery, mailed free. Vi i te lor it. A1 klDXKV PAO i O.. Tolr.lo. O. 101 1-23 FJ[ jon are a manVIf yon aro a H r of m mr.n "f VH W enrd by the struin of W tt'i-stoilinK ¦ yuur duties avoid m nitfht wurk. to reMiniuIanlR and uso W tora braln ui-i -veanu Hop Bitters. ¦waste, qm Hop B. If you are youn7 iuid H aufterine f rom any indiwretton or disipa ¦tíon ; ir yon re marii' -il or single, old or H younir, suueriiifc froin ]iiirb.nUh or laiiKiiishHinfr on a btxl of vickncsH, n-ly on H O pH Bitters. Whoevcr you are, jPtk Thousandj die aftwtmerer job feil 71 II nuaily f r o m ome tliat jour -'-n Jijformoi Kldney n . ,1-fYlr-mislnk'. EE(li--a-s ttiat iiukM iuif or stinniliitiur, ¦ , A have been pn on tid Ttlthoutintoxieating, ]¦ 1 by a tiniely m wf t nu e Hop JHftA HopBltters Bitter. #WK m '„arl'lZilmSm" ¦ -ift D. I. C. Tou wlll be ¦ niTTmn tobáceo, or ctirwlifyouusc ¦ I 111' uarooticg. Hop Bitters IK 1KS I U" ' UIU SnlclbyclnurKSfitójS 1 NEVER !'i.líí-at"r ïJÏ'rllrAii l";,1,!1 I Ife. It has 1 TA I L "ro eo- saved fl ¦ Rothpiirr, N. T. dreds. 'tmi - tl T..r.mi„, (m. ClAMPIofÉBBT KAI WOLKSALi: aiul HKTV1K, Manuractiirr,! liy MRS. E. A. BURLEY, Dealer !ll :ltl kllult Of it M::higis Aroacc, opposits Aïtisdd Hcs:o, DITBCIT. i. ANTED. fiAME, POÜLTRY, E&GS, BUTTER, k. BY Ballarcl, Branch &l Co., 112 Broad St„ N. Y„ ' BF" Mend for l'i ii (urmit. kl ion-a IUSu T FOI A] -OFHops & Malt BITTERS. Rtrïi in the materials tliat Nourish, Inripor to, Turlfy and Strengt hen. Thcy supply Umin, Muscular and Jierve Forfc, Vigor to tho KnlVtliltMl, Tone and Ntranth to the KhaiiKted, ourlihmeut to the young aud ¦ NeiT Ufe to the agcd, In"it on ti-rln ttaem. All Praggiitt cao obuln both free ud rculu iic bultlc. Health Is Wealth. 1)B. K, V. West - Nk ¦ and Bu.mnTreítmünt: "peolflc (or Hi ter!, Dtzülnen.Convolslont, Nerrous Headach I resuton, Lcw ol Memorr, j Spcrmatorrhiv, ImpötBncy, Premature Old Agv, caused hy over szertlon, nelf-bnso, or 0TMn4ntgencc, whicti lfail" to niiHcry, decav and dcuih. One box wil] cure n ceül cisai. Bteh l' contuinn pue month'i irratmcnt. One dollnra l)ox, or lx bóxes lor dollars : Benl by innit preptld on rwlpt ol I" i' ¦- w i-Miran to cure iiny ca. uh oach order recelTi d by ns Ibritx boxg,arcompanlcd with flvc doHtra, we Hl wnd purchasirr onr wriiten euarnnti'o to retara the money II tb' tn-itin.Mit doef not i-ili-ci B core. Guáranteos Isroed by Browo & Co,8ole Anthorlxed Acenis lor Aun ' Arbor, Mich. JOIIN r. WBSTJ l'roprl etor, Chlcaeo, III. PriMlle A Co., Wholewle Agente. Detroit. Mich. DDS-10M Sntd tor directlom Pst Be1tllennrement 75 Woodward Ave., and 1 Opera House Block, nRTROIT, II II' II. Ht M LL KINDS of BLANKS PIUNTS1) ON SHORT NOTICI IT TUK COUKIEK .1011 K00MH.


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