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ANTÓN EISELE, DEALBR IN MABBLE I GEUITE Mm The pubhc 1h invitod to cali and examine specimens of the celebrated KNOXVILLE, TENN.,MARBLE I Of whlcli we hve a supply of ih-w clonlifns. It 1í I superior to ny marble in beanty and diirability, and MM place of Se ilch ftninite. riti i i.oi:ktiiv i;vi:k. WOKK AIL AHRANTKD. Shop- Cor. of Detroit and Catherine Sts. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. 915!f D1NSEY & SKABOLT'S BAKERY.GROCERY AMD - FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keop conaUntly on band, BUKAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC.,KOR WHOLKSALJt AND KKTA1L TKADB. We sbatl an keep a inpply of SWIFT 4 DKUBE1.S BBST WH1TK WUBA1 PLOUR. UBl.RI FLOUR. KYB FLOI'K, BUCKWHKAT FLOUR, CORM MKA1., KEEII, c, c At wholeeale and retail. gmera! tock ol (.KiMiituswn PROVISIÓN! conet&ntly on hand, which wil] be Bold on a reayoE ableterms as atany otber houae In the city. Caen paid for Butter, Bs, and Country Produce generally. fcV Goode delivered to any part of the city will jut extra charge. yr KINRBY 8KABOLT. TO AGRICULTURISTS Tlie unclersigned are ïiow iiiiinufncUiring a a alt for ferllliKlng purpoKe thut is jecullnrly ;ni:iiiifil to the use for which it is designad. K is entlrely free frora dlrt, or hjird iiinips. and is , made by a process wliich leave II rpurated in the salt all the valuable plant fooil, .i well as ingredlenU calculateil to free and remler Moluble the Aninionia ;ilrealy QoatRlnGd in tli We propose to piare the prlce bo low that none Khall be deterred from gtvtn it a fair trial. The use of salt for fertill.lng purposes is no longer au experiment, but ha beeu fully proven, not only scientlrlcnlly and tlieoretieally, but practically, by scores of mir most successfnl ngrlculturists. We herewitli present the experionce and opinlons of some of the leadim; Farmers and Scientit8 of tbtfl lilld olher rountries, hoping that the perunal of the sanie may Ik muliiuily beneflelal. We shall pontiuue to Küthcr surh statistics as we can on thln subject, and hope enrli and every one will aid us lu thli ly (Ivlag us the benefit of his experience. Orders and eommunioittions may be addressed lo eilher of the undersigiu'il, who wlll furnlsli all DaoMMUy Infornmt ion as to pTloe, transportatlou, etc. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, Eaal Baglnaw, Mlofa, THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT CO., (Limitedi Syracuse, N. Y. THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT CO., Cinclnnatl. Ohio. Mr. Jam) Tolbert, per K. (i. Brown, bns this salt Tor ale at the Ferdon Lumber Yard in thie city. !-yr WASTINC DISEASES Snch a C'onpuinntion, Bronchitis, Acthma. Gein-nl Uelilllty, Brain Exhaustion, Chroalc ('unstipatlou, Chrjnlc Diarrhu'i, UyspepHia, or LOSS OF MIRVOIS POWER Are poaltively curcd by FBLLOWS' rOMi'OUND RBln OF HÏPOPHOSI'HITKS. As phuiphome enter o lartrely into the annima) economy, il tMíConieí;ar escoellenCÊ th brst Tchiclc iih which Co axaoclati; the other vilallzlng ini;redieata Df healthlv Blood, Nerve and Mii'cli-. In Pellow' Sjiup of Hypophosphltes are combined all the eubstancc fonud ucressary to iusure robust hi'alth. and whercas it was tnvented with a view to inpply uvery dettcirnry, it certainly liao pn'forinvd somc wonderful cures. MANC1IE8TKK, N. H., Julie 18, 1!. Mr. Jf I. Fellowii. Otar Slr: I wlsh to ncknowlodie the creat benefit I have ïeceived from the ol "FcIIowh' Cora(ound Syrup ot Hypopbosphitea. ' 1 have been an invalid tur nearly two years, wlth a bronchiial affection that hrtctiiiir chronic. In the Fall of 1S7S 1 luid n phyiiclan eijthtydayn in sneceaaiou, bevidoa the coni Kei of several others. They gave me bnt Httle encourü'tnieut, Hoine of them none. Iist -hily Iwwadvfsed to :_'ive yonr remedy a trial. 1 iltd fo. and in lep thn one wk tliere was a mmked lmprovennnt inr Iha iwitor. 1 have contiuued its use trom (taat time umi! the present, lapfrlag all the time, and I can tmthfully ay I Mm more than a hundred per Cent. better thau when I ctmimenced its ue. I bav6 increaeed in weiL'ht bout flltuen pmuid;, and my conli, whlca mim féarful, has ncrtrly dipappeand. I believe had It iidi been lir y"ur Syrup. I tniilil er thlB have bnen buyond the cari-i of tbis lik'. Very trüly your, AI.HBRT STORY. tyi)o not ba daoÜTtd by remediei hrarini; a simtliir name : no oiher preparatiou is n substitute for tbie. under any dKOlDMUi 101S-U THE CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN I'HE WORLD ! TWO COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR, - OR FOUR COPIES FOR TWO DOLLARS. With an Extra Copy thrown n for each Club of Four, Thaw .ïtr the new terins of THE BCHO,th v-t vekly newsjmper In the Stute. EVERYBODY WANTS IT ! Address, TVI& SOHO, Hrfrolt. Mirh. THE BVBNINO NKWs. I il v Ctrculatlun. 27JJ00 Oplos, Hright. Newsy and Inüepomleut, TiyMil($5.'0ayear. AtUlreNH.The Eveninu NWB, HM: Detroit, Mlch. 1 m Ontiil nut Di ti' (ht.r wlio lli in In the iu..i'. l m V BkMtli mul pmflitMc boniMta knowu. Kerjtliinj t fw, CblUk1 ooi ifviuirvl. We will turni-h tou everr k l" Qlll7 ¦"' upwftrda li ciiy rltbmt k m ¦tjin wj Trom home over utgbt. Nom. bttenr. l.l Muny Bfw werker- wkDtil at once, limny r uiakiug ¦¦ f'Tiiiot - Kt iiir baalatM Ldip 1H4 u ¦ tiiu' L mm T koil v otiDi boy ri'l firla mik frott pny. o M b 14 WtlllDf U work flt to ioor immry ,-vi y Ur thn ckh If iuBtU Id wek KtmDf ordlurr rmilTDiiit. Itn-c bo ruir t oo. wlll lioJ .bon ritil to ritnu AMeu 11. ll.iiin & i'y„ 1'urtUiid, llftlu, i...; M


Ann Arbor Courier
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