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american" BALL BLUE THIS IS THE BEST BLUEINt I2ÑT TJSE ! IT ís Nor POISONOUg! IIKLPS BLKACHINO nd civks a BEAi tu ii. tint; fcifr-For Salo Iy all (irocers.jH American Ultramarine Works, SS Muiden l.nnf. w York. W. TREMAIN GENERAL iBiffl Af f omoE at A. A. TERRY'S HAT STORE iVortli ItrltNIi liiNiirHiice Comp'y (of London and Kdinfcurgh,) Capital JIVIOO.OUO, Gold. Detroit nnt Marine Ins. Co. (,'ah Assets ttttjUt. SriiittlU-Il In. iii") . o! tin., ciiiii AptiM(. immmm. BowaN In. Cr„ r New Vork, 'h AMeta fl,000,OW. AurU-iiltiiriil Intninnre 'oinp'y VI'KIITdWN, - NEW VORK. ('uh Afliet tl 100,000 L0HK8 libcially adjusterf and pruuiplly pakL . yr IN. H. DOWNS VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR Is a sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Diseases, wlien taken in season. People die of consumption simpy bccause of neglect, hen the t i mei y use of this remedy would have cured them at once. l'if'ly-one ycars of constant use proves the fact that no cough remedy has stood the test like Boten Elixir. Pi ico 3.5c. 60c and S1.00 per bottie. Kul Sale Kverywhere. Dr.Baxter's Mandrake BittLr!S Will cure Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Indigestión, and all diseases arising from Biliousness. Price 25 ets. per bottle. For Sale Krerrwhero. 11K.XK v .v jouwn ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENT Fot .lian anii Ut ast. The most pci-fect liniment ever compounded. Price 25c. and 50c. Fur Sale Everywhere. 1016 8: FEBDON LUMBBRYARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., MmnilficturiT ritid i)-.Hler Ín SACINAW fiANG-SAWBD LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. We '.i.vit'1 al! to pive nc a cali, and examine om Mock b.iorr pvrehw&it n1nirhnrB ALBO AOKNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND 8KL1.S KIRK BRlt'K. JVMKS TOLBKKT, Prop. T. J. K KKI II. Kuiit. MJa.1t Qatarrh gure. Is Recommondecl by Priysicians. HALLS Qatarrh gure. Is Indo'sod by Clergymen. AVilI Cni-c An.v Caso. OffleeofA I.8tewrt Co. Chicago. 111 . Jniii-4, 1SS0. Meun. F. J. Clnrti ! n . ÏWfiio. O. (cntliin.n 'I takt ]iiaure In informlnir yoa thfti I havr uMd llalli ( 'at.irrh Curt, lt hu cured na 1 ws Try l ld- aqd don't heitatetoeay ihai 11 will ¦ ¦ oD'atarrh lf taken prirly Y(iurtnily,.I. li. WBATHEBFOED. Worlli gjSIO A ltottl-. K. Mnr.(V. .1 ickaon. Mich. vrutei; Have had CsUrrh for 20 Jttn. llall'slatarrh Cure cured ma CunsidiT it wortb 110.00 a bottle. Bain Catarrh Cure la so1d by all DraKRÍtsat 7Ac_per bttla. Manufactured and soUl by I-'. J. CHENE1 A I ().S..l,l'rcprietori, ÏOLKDO, OUIO For sale In Ann by II. .1 BK11WN O . Corner M.1I11 mul Ihiron Éttl -. HWMOa $500 REWARD ! A'K ¦¦vill piv the tbOT ivwarcl lor any caït of Livcr ComplUDt, Djspepata. Sick Hoadaclu'. ImliK'ation, Oontlpatlon or COfHTauoM wc caDnot cure wlth wttt'i Vastable Unr PIH, when tb iiircctlon ore "iririij compilad wlth. '1 hf.v re ptireljF :otal)lt. tuid DvTornll togtTOMÜBltecliQD. Surr Coatcd. Ltrgi hozw. conl lnlng 30 Pilis, ó cení. Vot ühIc hv all drn l'ÍMs. Beware counterfelt , und liuratloua. The tenulne manufacturud ouly l.y JOHN ' I, "Til.' l'lll MakiTf," 1HI ,t lív; ' Madumn BU, OMcago. Oí ihhI packajif fent by m-ill prt-pnld ou recelot oí a 8 cout stamp. 98-1IHH FRANKLIN HOUSE, DETROIT, Comer f mul I..arnMl Ktr-eti. In lie r i.iiier of ihe bualneal part "i tb c ty. tnr inblt'H aro the bcsl, mui our rooms alíd hedí are nol eicelled. Term 1.80 per 1 ltK.H A JAMKS. lliiinirt-i. 1001 1


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