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Judge Marsten

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At the New Kngland Suppcr held last Wodnosday evening in this city Chief Justicc Marsten respondüd to llie toast : " Tbe Stato of Michigan." He liad nearly closed his specuh witliout a j-ingle word in refcr8WM to the state, when at length he alluded to the " great temple of justice," whieh we, witli our liniited knowlcdge, construed lo mean the iuprenw oourt of tho state of Michigan. Ue in effect má tliat it was to thi temple we all go for the settlemcnt of any disagrecments bctween man and wan, and after goiog there all hlionld bow in humlile submission to its deerce ; and aecurscd be the man, wlio will by any word or act do M s;iy anylliinu tliat sliould have a tendency to weaken the faith of the peoplc in the supremo court of the state. This kind of talk is familiar to uh, having heard it from a class of men wbo fawn on the court in its presence, but curse it when its back is turned. We will frankly say that we were surpriscd to hear such language f rom the Judce at this time, in view of the fact tliat he, and his associate on the bench who then sat bcside him, are to decide important cases in January in which some of his hearers were interested. He should havogonc alittle further, and said that in this free and cnlightened country there niight be cases where it was the bounden dutyof men to cali in question the acts of our supremc court. Evidently the Judge came here to deliberately say what he did, and we are sorry that hc should had done so foolish a thing. B. Frank Bower, of Detroit, response to the toast, "The Press," and made the follpwingallusion to judges which we think are fully as pertinent as the rcinarks above referred to : "The pres is no respecter of persons. [t strike oorruption whereyer t shows its liydni-heíicl. It exposes abuses wherever practiced. and does not spare the pulpit or rnc Dmcn. -ui' iiijii. n' mnBBWCtm ti l-i u in recent years, been made under the cloak Of law. and judges have essayed to become lts dictators. In this republic much infamy -ill rmrir )% Tcciftlo Tho rrnatiflltinn loes not warrant it, and the people will not permit it. Says a well-known author and able lawyer : ' It will be a sad dav for the i n depende n ce of public justice ana the niajcsty of the law, wiien the ietty tyranny otan indifferent or corrupt judge can, witli mpunity, arbttñrily punish the newspaper tliat criíicises his action. Tlicre is no ineeOM i' sacrcil intliicni'c on the judicial erndne in a republic which can ever defy thc watchfulness of the press. It will follow malfcíisanoe aiul IsnonUMM and tnrpiiii. ir and tyranny In Se oourt, a.s ever)-where else, wiili a vigilance u ouiniscicnt :iik1 ileepiMI and -athing as the ubiquity "i that Cttaar, againsl whoe imperial pursult De Quincy sai.l the pathless deserts of the Roman empire wcie but a transient and futlle security." "


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News