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Prof. Watson's Will

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lo the Editor of the Pioneer Prc : The Wisconsin Journal appears to liavc considerable trouble to adjust the will ol Prof. VVatson. The story of hiswif'e's wealth seems to bc the hinging point. If such is the fact, I have uever beeji aware of it. Ilowever, I know something of Prof. Watson and of bis wil!. 1 1 is niother does not tigure in he Wiscom-in Journal. However, the professor owed his existence to her, and probably his success in life ; his mother was the prime mover in taking him, a ohild, froro Canada to Ann Arbor, for the sole purpose of giving hiui better school. She encouraged him as imy mother could. She supported him by her daily labor, until he graduatcd at Michigan university. Not dow referring to the .sufFeriog, disap pointment and huiuiliation she bas codurod the last twenty years, her son, her early hope, now conh'rnis his nature by leaving a will granting his old mother $150 a year, to pay board, clothes, etc , which is absolutely all she bas to depend upoD. Professor Watson was a mn of extraordinary intellect ; but of his inordinate ambition to distingush himself before all moral obligation to his fauiily, there can be no better proof than his will. lic gave all he possessed to a scieotifie society, with a viewevi'lcntly, ot still furthcr porpetuating his name. This is, prolably, not of interest to you. Still I would like to see faots. Nor do I ,want any uw of my name. Still tbe faets ïcrc stated are at liborty to be Oled, and uuch more. I was proud ot my brother; iis aliiliiy m ui bonor to Kim. nd h life valuable ono to lc lost. 1 1 is will is ;i di.sgracc lo Wa name. EDWAKU WATBON. BlODX FalK, Dee. II. Wc ask .ludftc Cooley, who .-prut some liourn in Mger ieroh u Bod somethin ¦ sli;id nüd tgunsl Prof. Watson, to onrefully road tlioabovt', and tlicn teil us il' lic found any remark, purposely or nccidentally droppod by us, whicli cquals in hitteimss the above, whicli was caliuly and doliberately writtCD by l'rof'. Watson's only brother wreks alter his death.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News