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Judge Brown, of the Muskegon circuit, bas ïei-igntd. Troubles are still on the inerease in Ireland, but no violent action has yet been taken by citlier the people or the govcrnment. Amelia C'. Sweet, of Lawton, aged 40, bas been awarded a verdict of $1,000 against Calvin Mailt, acred Tfi, for broach of promise. Congress is to take a recoss for the holidays. The hope that we should have sotue solid work from the house and senate was a vain one. Kalamazoo, with her accustomed enterprise, has adopted a thorough plan for sewerage, and it is expectcd that woik will be comnienced Soon. Qreat preparations are in progress for illumiiiation and decoration at Washington, upon the occasion of tlie inauguration ofPrwtdrat Garfield. A grand eneampmeiit of I ,ld Fellows has been in session at Colunibus, Ohio, to reeeive instruction in the new work of the order, the past week. The red ribbon club of Katon EUpide il to hold revival meetings Jan. Tih, Stli and Mhi and expecu to mmke iii:my ennverts and have a floriona time. Gov. Fostcr.of ühio, bas withdrawo from the senatorial contest in that state, whioh practioally aleoU Seorotary Shermao as sucecssor to Senator Thuruian, damoorat. It is Kfopowd to unile the thirtern Michigancities lmvinfi telcphone exchanges into one grand circuit. Vfhal bello-ing tbere would be all over the state if tbigghould be done. The recent census developes the liiet that the negro population lias noreased in greatcr proportion tban the wliite, in cwry state in the union save the little state Qf' Delaware. The seat of Enoi T. Lovell, the republican senator eleet from Kalamazoo county, is to have his seat contested by bis democratie opponent, W. G. Kirby, on the ground of irregularities. Anothcr insurrection bas broken out in South África, and more Englihmen are wanted for slaughtcr in that iocality. The restivo Boen have gained a great victory recently, captured Heidelbtirg, and proclaimed a republic. The jury called to inquire into the burnDg of the Minnesota insane asylum failud to ascertain any cause, but censures the officers and employés for allowing patients out of oells after hours, and for the entire absence of ladders to reach the third floor. Tho principal of the Mason schools, has been arrested on a charge of cruelly punishing a boy named Cbristian. The professor says if the boy had received his puni-bment like a Christian, and not thrashed about, he wouldn't have been hurt any to spi :ik of. The Chicago doctors are puzzled over a peculiar patiënt in that city who sweats blood. His name is Willie Crawford, aged 14, and resides at 86 Seeley ave. They propose to end him to bondon and l,dinburgh, for examination by the academy of stirgeoos. Senator Blaine thinks the l". S. supr.ïme court judges ought to be increased to thirteeD. Considering the number of cases with whioh the docket s said to be lumbered up, the idea isn't a.bad one. Either more judges or more work froin those we already have is absolutely necessary. Gen. Shonnan is said to be very much soured over real or fancied snubs by President Hayes. His support of Hancock may have had some influence in the matter, but it is more than probable that the President, as conimanderin-chief, hu a right to do as he picases in making appointments in the military service. The empcror of Cbina is said to havo granted permistión to construct a telegraph Hdc from Shanghai to Tien Tsin, a distanee of 1 ,200 miles. It is estimated the cost will be $5,000,000. It is to be hopcd that the empcror wou't chango his mind as soon as it is Gnished, and order it destioyed, as he did the railroad, which American enterprise built there a few years iinoe. Dakota wants to be admitted to the sistership of states, and endowed wilb the right of national franchise. She claims a population of 100,000, but the requirod population nadar the new census will be not less than 150,000. Too many small potatoes in the senate now, many of the people think, and so Dakota better remain in single blcssedne-s yet a little longer. A disgracuful scene occured in the house of representatives last Tuesday, between Mr. Sparks, of Illinois, and Mr. Weaver, of Iowa, the recent greenback-labor-socialist candidatc for president. They called each other liars, villains, and a few other pet names, and then tried to Bght it out with their fíats. A pretty set of .men to send to congress and disgrace the nation with thcir foul billingsgate and petty waspishness. Men who will so allow their tempers to get the better of their judgment are not fit penons 1 1 cnact laws for the people. Tcmperance workers can well take knowledge of the fact that üquors o!' all kinds, including wines, are of late seldom seen upon the tables or sideboards at any of' the most fashionable reoeptions. Cultured people have conie to the conclusión that wine is not an essential, of hospitality. The banishment of wine from the white house by Mrs. Hayes- the inverted wine glass of General Grant at the great banquets that the world has given hiin, have been the nioateffeetual temperance lectures ever delivered. No father desiros his daughter to marry.'a drunkard, and w mothcr but revolts at the thought that her son should becorae one. There is no mis taking the fact that every day there is growing a larger inquiry, how shall we protect our sons and daughters from legal ized temptations to vice. - Ex. The following sensible words from an unexpected quarter, come to us froru I' S. Senator Brown, of Georgia, in a speeel upon his election: "Disguise it a ym may, the New tíngland states, with their schools and univerxities, have dictated laws to tbis continent. They have sent New England ideas all over the west and they domínate there. Look at Prussia, tha little empire over which Napoleon rushec and al most obliterated. IIard!y a genera tion passed before it had in turn bumbled France and taken the power from its em pire. Tbc brighteyed boys in yourmoun taiDS and wirc-graH may represent yoi oubly before the world if you edúcate tbem We must also edúcate the oolored race and they ought to be educated for the btú 1H ol the aoioo, and liy the tricml 01 he unión. [Applause.] I wnuld devote hs prooeedi of tlin public lands to this tnrpoM mi a baais of lKteraoy. The coltred people are citizetu, ml we mu4 do lieiii justiiv. " The following ia f rom om ol' our most vuluvd state exclianges : "The death of 'rof. James C. WaUon, and his burial in Ann Arbor, Mich., wliero he once lived, Utve stirrcil alruin (he glowing enibers of In Kuse-Douglas controversy. Watson was a Douglas j)artisan, and therefore an ipioncnt of K. A. Iii;al, who so nobly de'ended that innocent wan, Prof. Hosc, who las been reiustated in his professorship. Jrof. Watooii, by will, gave the bulk of lia property to a national fund whose inerest, if any, will go to aid worthy young men wlicn they distinguish themselves in istronomical studies. The Douglasites in Michigan now try to iajure Mr. Beat, of he Ann Arbor Coi:rier, by saying that Watson adored the Michigan university and would have given to it his property ïad hc not been abused in the Douglas contest. The Cohrier very cleverly shows hat the will was on record in that county ong before the old quarrcl began (!) We advise thosc anti-Beal people to let that Watson issue slumber in all possible peace. Vlr. Beal is a kind man but a terrible hiter, particularly when a cord of his oppoBents' clubs lie at his feet. If those oppoïents insist upon open discussion of the delicate topics they bring to the front, Mr. }eal uiay sorrowfully, but tremendously, accomniodate them."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News