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A Merry Christmas to all the readers of the Dexter items. At a donation visit to Rev. L. L. Gage In md of $so was realized. Mrs. ,Ichso O. Hoyt has been quite ill br a weck put, bal is again on the road to health. The Leader promises its readers a new lirss with .the new year. An indication that business is thriving. The Episcopal people are to give their Sabbath school children the benc6t of a [hrÍMDHU tico (bil evening in the church. The Dexter red ribbon club boys are to fiivc a dance New Year's Eve.. Deo. sist, il reform ilub hall, and expect to have a olly fi0lJd time. Mis. Daniulson Bterted yesterday morning f'or Jjansitiíí, to visit her son. Sho contémplales to spend the winter there and return by about April, '81. Th e Kpit-copal social, at the residence of Wm. Stevens, last Tuesday evening, was a very enjoyable occasion. The ladies appeared in fancy dross costumes. C. S. Biiby who bas had a sore hand, wiUMid by a nail, (which should have gone into a horse's foot,) and which, it is said, at oüc time threatened bis life, is about again. James Lucas, of the Peninsular Mills, has shipped five car loads of flour, put up in 190 lb. sacks, directly to Europe, during the past week. Dexter enterpriso is making her famous. Miss Carrie Magoffin, daughter of Rev. J. H. Magoffin of St. James' church, who has been attending the Hellmuth's ladies' college, London, Ont., the past term, has returned to spend the holidays at home. The Rev. C. A. Clark, who for a time occupied a position in the Leader office, has given place to Frank Magoffin. Frank worked on the Detroit Free Press for a time last summer, before his departure for Colorado. The days of 1880 are numbered. We ibwhiiiIji lílfrico tVin Indináis iniprnirfl thpir privileges while tbey have the opportunity. Three loDg years must pass before 1884 appears. Bytheby, where is leap year party ? The reform club will be addressed by H. Wirt Newkirk, Etq., of Bay City, at red ribbon hall next Sabbath evening, Dec. 26th. The speaker was foruierly a resident of Dexter, and bis speech will cali out a large audience. There is being more ice stored here this winter than any winter for a long time. The ice is of the best quality and easily to be obtained. The lesson our people learned last winter and summer has not been forgotten. We miss our guess if there is not an ubundance of ice water here next summer. J. McNauiara, formerly Dexter correspondent of the Argus, Las formally aasumcd the charge and control of one column of the Leader. Jim is no respecter of persons and the boys may depend on baving their aciious placed before the public, unless thi'v keep straight. We wisb him succe-. James Eaton bas been appoiuted villagc marshal vice Lucius Tubbs, who failed of a reappointinent. Mr. E. has beeu the efficiënt dru:u major of the Dexter oornet band, and received a prize at the band tournament at Port lluron, some years ago. People here have great confidence in Jim's ability to maintain law and order. MANCHESTER. It doesn't trouble the D. H. & Sw'n It. R. to secure cars necessary to do its carrying. Next Monday evening the newly elected offieers of Manchester lodge No. 148, F. & A. M., will be installed. Ninecar loads of flour have been sbipped directly to Scotland by the millers of this place within the past week. Dr. A. Conklin and J. C. Gordanier went as delégales to a special session of the grand lodge, held at Adrián last week, from the River Raisin lodge. V. R. Fountain who has been having his cyes operated upon in Boston, bas returned, and bis sight is so rar reoovered that he can read coarso print. Enterprise: Wm. and Henry Faber lately threshed John Logan 's clover, which yielded him three busbels of seed to the acre, or about 15 bushels in all, which is claimed to be the largest yield to the acre in the township of Bridgewater. Manchester lodge, No. 148. F. & A. M., has chosen the following offieers : W. M.-W. H. Wcbl). s. W.-C. W. Case. .1. W- W. II. Pottle. s. I). -s. W. Cliirkson. J. D.-J. A. Field. Treas.-J. II. Kingsley. y-O. W. L)oty. Stewards- B. O. Lovejoy and E. E. Koot. Tyler- E. G. Carr. The following are the offieers recently chocen by Meridan chapter, No. 48, R. A. M., all re-elected : H. P.- P. F. Blosser. A.- Arthur Case. s.-K. F. Crafts. C. oí H.- Albert Case. I'. S -J . D. Van Dnyn. R. A. C.-J. F. Neslell. lf.SV.-H. O. Calhoun. M. 2 V.-C. W. Chase. M. 1 V.-W. H. Pottle. Tren.- M. D. Case. Beo'y 8 W. Cliirkson. Bcnunsl E. i;. Oarr. SALINE. The following officors of Saline lodge, I'. & A. M., have been elected, and will be installed next Monday BTeoing: W. M.-J. McKlunon, Jr. s. W. Aldrleli. I W. 1). I'. McLachlan. 8ec'y- A. J. Warren. Treas.- J. Sturm. s. n. -o. v. naii. 1. U.-L. M.TIiorn. Uteward . M. Clark nd 8. Moore. 'r.vicr o. N. Bom. Ubserver: We are sorry to learti that our friend Richard Marsb is ëuffering from paralysis of the lower limbs, making it necesHiuy fin htm to walk with crutehes.