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Michigan In The Cabinet

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It is an open secret mat. llw mena 01 3ongressman Newberry are argiog hú name for appointment as seen tary ol the ïavy and that the president eleot is hold ng the matter under advisement. Thero j are excellcüt rcasons why Michigan should lave i representador) in the ncxl rabiiu't. and it is understod that Gen. Garficid ¦ disposed to oonsider her eUimi in tliis matter fUvorably. The i-tutc gave birth to the republican party, and froui that day to this has stood by it with uhwavering devo ;ion. It hasfurnishtd ihe several adiuin strations with many of'its ataunchest and ablest counselors ; but with tbe exceptioD of the short term of Secratary ('handler in the interior department no .Michigan publican has ever held a oabinet appoint ment. Tbat President (Jarfieid should be scanning the peninsular state for asuitable man to place at the head of the naval departoient is less a conipliuient thau :i mat;er of justice. On thesupposition that the appointment is to come to Michigan, Mr. N'ewberry's qualificationa for the office are a proper subject for newspaper discusión. The News is not a special admirer of Mr. Nowaerry as a politician, and has exercised considerable freedom in cr'tïising his measures and methods. But aside from all party considerations he has educational ind business qialification which should commend him to Gen. Garfield asa fit man to place at the head of the navy depart ment. He il known at the bar as one of the best admiralty lawyers in the west. His familiarity with the legal qOMtiona ;rowing out of the commercial and inari:ime interets of the country is exceptional. Kor sevoral years he has bee.n at the head jf one of the largest manufacturinij establishments in the United States and has made a special study of the cost and quality of building materials, the latest inventions and improvements in construction, etc.. a knowledge wliich bas been sadly nccded in the govennment nuvy yards for some yean past. He is alsoa large tcssü! owdot and l is thoroughly con versant with everybraneh of vessel construction and management. Lt would not be easy to find a man better posted in the manufacturing industries of the country, or who has put his knowledge to better practical use. He has been most 8uccesfiful in the management of bis immense private intcrests, and ifentrasted with a public departuicnt he would (fonduet it in the same mcthodical business way. President Oarfield will consult the public welfare if hc chooses for his lieutenants practical business ilion ratlier thao brilliant politioiaos. Tlie January nuiubcr of Scribner's will contain in account of tho liuis aml methode of the uew HorologicalandThenuouictrica! Bureau rccently cstablishcd by the Win1 chester Observatory of Yale College, trom carcful personal inspeetion od the spot. Tbis is the first bureau of tbc kind establilied in this country, and cannot fail to raisc the standard of excellence in both clock, watchea, and thermometers. The curious macblnery used to correct watches to the tenth of a second, together with 1 some singular faets in the behauior and habits of thermometers, uaake the article of' more than usual interest to the reader. The same number also contains some account of Mr. John La Farge's and Mr. Louis C. Tiffany's recent work in stained glass.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News