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Our Offer For 1881

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Dr. Chase's Improved Recipe Book, Containing Over 2,000 Recipes and The Ann Arbor Courier BOTH FOR $2.00, THE PRICE OF THE BOOK ALONE, Any penon üosirous of seruring this most excellent book as aglft.c-an do subscrlblug for Tuk An.n Arbor Uoukikb foroue year and paying }-.(i) in aüvance. Old subscrlbers, bypaying all arrcnrages, and oue year In advance, can seoure the sume premíala . If jou alreiiily b&ve a Book. yon may, poriav,- a mother, hrother, sister, or a frleud waowouldl.e glad to recelve lt as a hollday gift. This Offer win Hom Good untu Janoary l, 1881. - The Book wlll be dellvcred at this office. If sent by mail 13c additlonal wlll be requlred to pay postage. THE IMPEOVED EECIPE BOOK It embraces all the valuable Recipes of the Old Book, wltb the mprovements aud dlaoOTerles In the arts, sclences and medicines of the last elght years added. The new editlon glves lnplaln language full tliroctions for the suceesnful treatiuent of all the leading dlseases to which man, woman or ehlld are hei r, as well as tliose of horses or cattle, and are the resalts "f long experlence of sorne of tlie most sclentlfle physlclans of modern thnos. The publlsher has adopted tlie Reform ed Practlce of Medicine, and muny ol the Recipes in thls departmentare more preelous than rtibles. They are prlceless. No mutliur sliould be without tuis bc.ok, as its 'Advlce to Mothers'' and 'Knies for the Treatment, Care and Management of Chlldren " alone is worth ten times the price of the book, and should make it a Welcome Frleud in Every HousehoUl In tbis broad land. "Itisa gulde in Health as well as in Sleknoss." The publlsher has also added neveral new and attractive departments, viz: " Rules for the Preservation of Healtli;'' Accidentsand Emergeucies;" "Advlce to Mothers," " Rules for tlie Dress. Care and Brlnglug up of Chlldren;" " Cold Water ture;" "HinU on Housekeeping;" "Amusements and Indoor Games for the Voung;" " Bee-Keeplng;' and OneThousand Household Recipes. The New Book is complete in all its departimnts; but especially so in lts "Medical," " Mother's,' " Farrier's," and "Coloring," and contains over two thousand Practical Recipes, fur everything an.l tvtiybody, upon almost every subject and branch of mechaulcal lndustry.and Isadapted toall classes and conditlons. This lok alone cannot be bought for lfs than Í2.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News