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Merry Christmas to all. Last Tuesday was the shoi test day of 1880. There will be a hop Christmas day at the armory hall. The Baptist ladies made over $200 by their recunt fair and festival. Mr. J. A. Gates' son Willie broke bis leg ono day last week while coasting. The chicken pos is beautifying the faces of the chi'dren in variom paris of the city. Where's that 1 1 feet of snow, Mr. Vennor ? It .nowhiTe to be seen in this locality. ____ Here'R n body- theres a bed ! rhere'sa pUIow imvs a liead ! Tliere'saeurtain- berc'.io llKlit! i li, re's a pull- uud so good-night. Jeremiah Peek, cx-aldcrman of the 3d wan!, has been seriuusly 11, but is now better. Oh, tile Ught,ud warmth, and glory, Clrcllng 'round a Cliristmas Eve; K:istern tale or falry story, Never could such magic weave. The breaking of the town pump on the court house sjuare, occasions much discoiufiturc. The boyi tnd girls at the normal are now scatcd uoording to elpaifioation insiead of separatoly as heretoforc. - . Tliu telephone polea point heavenward. Soon "helio thero!" wiil be ski.nming along ovor th irtrea at a furious speed. A. 1,. Noble h contemplating erecting a fine nsidcnee next spring, in ful] kecping with his $[,800 lot 0D División street. A prettv Jill : a l-r.-iicli Ijuut-beel A iaollon ..i banana p A HUiliti.M slip, and clciwn she íciona viHion of embrotdered bou I Tliat'a' all i Dr. Stede gave an excellent discourse at the Bresbyti rian ohuroh on temperance, wilh reference to woiuan's work last Sunday. Justiw Wino-ar sent John Gram a tramp "over the roid " for fhe month, lant Monday for styling a bock from John Moore s i-tore. The various oburohea of the city have changed their hoor ofücrvico from 7;80 to7 o'clock Sunday, commencing last Stbbath evening. ¦- - ¦ At the Presbyterian church Christmas, to inorrow uiorning, there wül b a praiaa meeting from 9 to 10 o'clock. There will be a special GhriatttM service for Sunday school and cungregation at the Unitarian church next Sunday niornini. No evening service. The Michigan Central R. R. directora have reoently declared a semi-.innunl div idend of four per cent., the same to be paid February Is, next. The Unitarian society has succeeded in raising all but $200 of the $4,000 which they are obliged to raise in this city, for their new church ftructure. There is to be a meeting of the Irish citizensof this city next Monday evening, at McMahon's hall, for the purpose of furminK an I ri.-h land league. The postoffice will be open to rnorrow, Christmas day, from 10 to 11 o'clock a. m., and from C:30 to 7:30 o'clock p. m. There will be no tnoney order business. Next Sunday evening, at 7 o'clock, at the Methodist church, Rev. J. Alabaster will lecture on the Phases and Progrcss of' the American Temperance Reform. A bilí for divorce has been filed by David G. Rose, of Sharon, the state senator elect of this county, against his wife, Corjelia M. Rose, on the ground of desertion. More Christraas presenta have been sold by our mcrchants tbis year than for niany Kcai-ons previous. Which speaks well for the {rood times tonight and to-inorrow. The Sunday school of the Methodist ohurch will give a Christmas entertaiument in the audiencc room of the church this evening at 7 o'clock. All are cordially invited. _ The school board want 150 cords of wood ; and also have school bonds to the amouiit of $4.000, bearing five per cent. interest, which they are deairous of disposing of. The Daily News mau thinks it is funny to see "Harry Hill shooting rabits," and the Coorier man trying to punn." Isn't it funnicr to see the News man trying to Spe" ? -- Nobby cutters, tintinanbulating belN, eomfortable robes, fleet horses, anxious beaux and williug sweethearts are awaiting a good fall of the " beautiful, beautiful snow." The great Germán temperance locturer, Mrs. Henriette Skelton, of Detroit, is to deliver an address in the Germán language, at the Germán M. E church nest Suuday evening. _ Wliat the average young uian nc-eds is a pocket-book pad to make sick pockut-books bealthy for Christmas. The young man with a " best girl" is particularly anxious about this. JEvery Saturday, of Detroit, gave B. Frank Bower, ot' the Evening News stafl, formerly of this city, and local editor of the Courier, a handsome notice in its last issue. The roads were seldom ever in better condition than at present, and the farmers are improving tliem by hauling in immense quantities of wood, pork, hay, and other produce. Mr. George Johnson, of Saline, and Miss Lydia Helber, of this city, were marriod on Tuesday, the 21st inst., at the residence of the bride's motuer, dh Washington street. "Theeye, the diseases which afflict it, and the prevention and cure," was the subject of a lecture delivered by Prof. Frothingham to an Adrián audience last Monday evening. A new time table went into effect on the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Grand Trunk R. R. last Tuesday morning, but we haven 't been furnished a card yet to make the neccssary corrections. Mr. Rouscup, of the News, went to Upper Sandusky, Ohio, last Wednesday, to spend a few days with bis family. Mr. A. C. Wright takes charge of the city news during bia absence. The temperance meetings at the opera house are' being well attended and tnany nuw signers are being obtained to the pledge. The boys hope to give temperance a big, big boom. Tliis is thu season when thoughtlesa persons on the railroad train persist in keeping the window open for the apparent purpose of giving the occupants of the seat behind thetn a bad cold. " You are an anticuarían, sir!" cried an ardent young lady to our old friend. " Oh no," said he, "I have not the honor of being an adjective ; I am only a simple noun - only an antiauary." It is stated that diring tbe recent cold snap a country editor froze to death while sitting by nis office stove endeavoring to keep warm on the promises of liis subscribers to pay wood for their paper. There was a Christoias tree and a general good time at the African M. E. church last Friday evening. Besides the giving of presents, there were several reciiations by little uaisses, which were heartily applauded. Don't forget the hook and ladder company's ball, at arinory hall, on Friday evening of nest week. The boys are deserving of a hearty support, and those wishing to indulge in this amusement are assured of a fine time. At the special election held in Ypsilanti to choose a justice of the peace, vice Skinner, resigned, D. C. Griffin, republican, was elected over Frank Joslin, democrat. Ypsilanti cily is fast coming over into the republican column. There will be no inore work on the railroad north for the present. It is to be regretted that the cold weather came on so soon which made it inipossible for the company to have the iron laid by Jan. lst, '81, according to promise. Another lamp post, at the corner of Ann and División streels, was smashed up by a runaway team last Friday. It is to be hoped the debris will be corded up and lelt thqrea year or so, just to improve the appearancc of that corner. ??? The number of slippers and dressing gowns which will be given to-night and tomorrow, in the ttate of Michigan alone, is variously estimated at ('rom 1,000,000 to 10,000,000. The figures neem large, but sooieof the slippers are large, too. Company A is to hold an election of nonHMMMMoned and civil officers.on the first Monday night in January. At that time a decii-ion will be reached respecting the propobition of atteuding the inauguiation of President (Jarfield, and mcans devised for raising sufficient fundg for the same, if the boys conclude to go. By the immense display of poultry in front of grocerics and markets, it looks as though pverybody might liave a fowl drnnerforChristm:is. We have an apprentioe iu this office who will soon enter the professional pedestrian arena. He is an immense walkist. He lives about one mile dUtant from the office, yet on yesterday morning he left home at 6.50 and arrived here at 6:45, and says he didn't run any at that. Min Haanah Moore, of this city, and J. F. Snuimerville, of Remersburg, Pa., were ¦arriad al the residence of the bride's mochar, 21 South University Ave., last Tuesday afternoon, the 21st inst., llev. W. Hall official ing. The couple left for Toledo on the 5:60 p. m. train. "Life is short, and time is fleeting," so if you desire to secure one of Dr. Chase's Recipe Books, either for yoürself, or for a friend or relative, by paying up all arrearages, and $2,00 in advance for the Courier one year, you had better hurry up. The time is growing limited in which to secure the premium. George Washington was chosen sheriff of Bay county at the recent election by a plurality of 189. It is not the same George who couldn't teil a lie. We judge so at least, for this fellow is a democrat.- Ann Arbor Courier. George is not so much of a demoerat but we can trust him a hatchet. -Bay City Tribune. About the time the CouuiEa will begin its weekly rounds next Friday niorniog, there will be an eclipse of the su i. It will commenco at 7:45 o'clock, and continue for about an hour. If the heavy clouds whifli have hung over us for several weeks will clear away, we may all be able to see il "through a elass, darklv." The MuskoRon Chronicle dkplaya considerable enterprise in issuing a holiday supplement in pamphlet form, containing, besiJcs many advertis-ements of a livebusinesw comtuunity, niuch reading matter appropriate to the occasion, aod views of several of the public buildings of that city. It is very nicely gotten up, bespeaks an energetic publishcr, and a thriving, wide-awake city. "As the day8 begin to lengtlien, The cold begins to streugttieu," Is an oíd proverb which stares consumera of coal and wood in the face at present, but at the same time tbey can have the consolation of singing the line from an o!d Christmas carrol : "Days grow longer, S1111I11M ms stronger," etc, wbich will give them a ray of hope that in the course of time Old Sol will make it too hot for fuel dealers. Miss Allic Waterman, who was married at Coldwater on the 15th inst, to Chas. E. Kinncy, of Sioux Falls, Dakota, is a. relative of Mr. 11. Waterman and family of ihis place, some of whom were in attendance at the wedding. The affair is said to have been one of the grandest ever seen in Coldwater. The floral display was largely from Cleveland, but included japónicas from Chicago; magnoilas, from Texas; mistletoe, from Tennessee ; and moss from Florida. The election board of the township of Lima, consisting of Walter Dancer, supervisor ; Wra. Covert, towDship clerk ; and (iardner MoMillan, a clerk of election, have all, upon couplaint of Nathan Pierce, of Lima, been arrested on a charge of permitiing illegal voting in allowing a man named tíeorge Freer to vote, after he had bien challengcd, without swearing his vote in. Eminent counsel has been procured, and the said board, who are all democrats, will be proaecuted to the extent of the law. As a general thing we frown down anything in the shape of a pun, and allow our indignation full sway at even an intimation of a likeness belween words, but some way wo have a warm side for the followiog frora the Otisville Telegram : "Ann Arborltes petitioued thelr councll to remove the railway coal sheds ou Miller avenue to a dlstunce of :ü) feet from the Street. As at present sltuated, they utlörd a ' screen ' for the perpetratlon of ' black' deeds in that tocality. Cuange the nameof the avenue, Mr. CourIer, by all means. We suggest Scuttle avenue; you may then scoop in those blackguards by the operatlon, and the former Millereites wlll again oousider themselves lnhabltanU of the 1 noury' klugdom, havlng found Ann Arborof rerage." They evidently fully appreciated Rev. J. Alabaster at Mount Clemens, for here is what the Monitor of that place says of his lecture : "The flrst lecture of thecourse was dellvered In the opera house, Tupsday evenlng, by Rev. J. Alabaster. of Ann Arbor. The lecturer's subject was "Michael Angelo, Sculptor, Falnte-, Architect, and Poet." wc cannot speak In too high terras of praise of thls lecture. In saylng lt was grand is to say but Httle. It was a wonderful production of a master raind. Next to seeing Italy and Roine, and the works of Michael Angelo, the workl's greatest artlst, is to uearMr. Alabaster's description of the same. Mr. Alabaster speaks In a clear ano dlstlnct voice, every word can be heard, and he is very eloquent. A good sized audience greeted the lecturer, and were delighted with what was glven tjii-in. The managers of the lecture course are to be Jeongratulated up ou the auBpicious openlug of the same." ¦ You must wake, and cali me early, Cali me early, daddy dear ; To-morrow '11 be the bnpplesl day Of all the long, old year, Of ftll the long, old year, daddy, The merriest, Jolliest day. The abovelinesare notexactly according to Tennyson, but are quite applicable to the occasion. The day will be a jolly one in many homes, but in others it will be the reverse, probably. We should be glad to hear thatold Santa Claus had visited every home, and made the children happy. At any rate we should all obey the old couplet as nearly as possible, and " At Ch rist mas be merry, and thmikfiil wlüial, Aml fi'astour poor nclghbors, the great and the Hinull." Miss VAizn M. Whedon, who died last Saturday, at her home in the fourth ward, made a request bcfpre dying that an exami nut ion of her body should be had to ascertain the cause of her death. She had been growing corpulent for several years, and for the pastsix months had been totally helpIM, having attained a girth of eight feet. The physicians to wbom was assigned the task removed an internal tumor weighing the enormous amountof 212 pounds. The deceased was eight uionths and four days over 48 years old at the time of her death, and had been in esteemed and respected rdfcidi nt of this city for a period of 34 years. The annual meeting of the Washtcoaw county agrieultural aud horticultural sooiety was held in tbc court house last Tuesday, and an alinost entirely new set of officers elected. It 8 to be hoped that the new officers will infuse new life into the society, and uiake our county fair what it nhould be, successful in every particular. Such a thing ought to be possible, but it can only be done by hard work, and keeping all official acts free from petty meannes.s or personal spite. The following is the list of officers chosen : President- Ellakim T. Walker, of Salem. Vice-Presldents- J. W. Wlng, Selo; J. D. Balilwln, Aun Arbor ; David Cody, Plttsfleld ; W. B. Thompson, Salem ; ïlarcus S. Cook, K.cordlng Secretary- John N. Bailey, Aun Corr'espondtng Secretary- 1). M. FInley, of ATreamirer- Dr. W. B. Smith, Ann Arbor. Executlve Uommlltee- Ann Arbor city, D. Ann Arlwr town, Hi-man Hlck; Auüusta. Hlram Hrown ; Bridgewater, Junius Short; Dexter, VV. I. sinlih Knuilom Wm Bui ; Lima, J. V. N. üregory ; Lodl, Mlchael Lyndon.S. O. lliullry ; Manchester, H W Dorr: Norllilleld, Kmory Leiand ; l'ltts11,1,1, n. BalberUnd : BoiO, John Pacey ; Salera, Wni U Hamilton; öuperlor, Jolin W. Nanry ; Saline W li Uell ; Sharon, C. Hood ; Sylvan, liiramPierce; Webster, L V Ball : York. O. Uoodlng; Ypslanti city, A. M. Noble; Ypsilanti town, J. E. SmltU. The pocketbook of Miss Lutz spoken of last weck, as liaving been stolen from her father'sresitlence, was niysteriously returned last Saturday, with the fbllowing note: "I was in town last Tuosday ee and by mlstake eame up your stalrway lnstead of the one uext uorth, and 1 found this purse on the ban later, and at the name time saw my mlstake in the place. I was about togudown whena man and wuriian oamfl up and I was so frlghtened belng in the wrong place, and also havlng the inoney, that I bid In kbaok place that I found, undthey went on up and I uvnl down and out. I camc to town fo-day and wlmn I found by Wednesday'i dally papar thata man was arrestcd lor It, I madeupmy ïnind loRlve It back to yon, and now I leel happier, there was only f Jl I'-J lll il." An individual who had been arrcsted upon suspicion of stealing the pocketbook was discharged last Monday, there being insufficient evidence to convict hini. The following from the Boston Post, hits a bad nail square on the head, but neverthc'.ess, would it not be a good idea for sotne people in this and other towns to imítate the examplo of tho boy 't " A West End pulmber is in despair. He has had a boy under his tuition for six months and yet the lad, on being callud upon to go and fix a leak in a pipe, took his soldering iron and finished the job in 20 minutes, instead of first going down to examine the leak, then going back to the shop after his tools, takiug thein to the house, returning to the shop for a piece of pipe, going off with a man who was waiting for him to see anotherjob, then getting dinner while the fulks in the house were kept in a state of confui-ion, and finally going down and fixing the leak, so it woulj break out agaio next day. He says the boy will never, never loarn the business." The American Newspapor Reportergives the following sound advice : We have a piece of advice which we wish to inipre.-ts firtuly and indelibly upon the public mind, and that is, to give the printers fair play. Do not forget that it costs sometbing to puff, as well as to advertise ; nevcr sponge upon a printer in any way, whatever. It is the printers' ink that makes ninetenths of our fortunes ; it takes money (o buy ink, type and paper, and yet, after all this, few are the thanks the printer gets. Give the printer fair play, and give up all hopes of gratuitous puffing, etc. Daniel Webster was " mighty uear right " when he reinarked of the press, " small is the sum rewarded to patronize a newspaper; awply rewarded are its patrons. I care not how humble and unpretending the gazette which he takes, it is imxr to impos.-ible to fill it out without putting into it Boiaething that is worth the subscripción price." There wasan enjoyable oceurrence at the residence of our respeeted citizen, Mr. D. W. Noyes, on Tuesday, December 21st. The news of the day, old time reminiBcence, and various other things were discussed, not to mention the items that made up a firít-class holiday dinner. It seemed like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's all combined. But; the occasion was the triple anniverf-ary of the natal days of Mr. Noyes, Mr. Seth T. Otis, and Mrs. Blanchard, relict of the late Rev. J. Blancbard, once a pastor in this city. Mrs. B. was absent in Los Angeles, California, but a letter of exceoding interest, and'full of pleasant and good things, was sent as her representative. The occasion was one of genuine old-fashioned enjoyment to the partios thus enumerated, to the sons and daughters gathered home.again, to the invited frieuds, and to your correspondent. May tbc triple; anniversary be uiany timed ropeated, and added years bring increasing cheer.