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The Mermaid

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Mr. Charles A. Doyle s a San Franciacan, lately returned from Japan. He is registered at tlie Linden hotel, from Yokohama, and in addition to the interest that atoches tíi hini, ow'mg to the strange country he hails from, he enjoya tho further distinction of being known "as thc mtfl with thc mermaid." A (lnl.r iVmocrat reporter Icarncd that Mr. Qojle not only enjoyed the disülMtion BMOtiopcd, but roally is the poisegsor of a njormaid. The repórter hiinted up Air. Doyle, and bad a pleasant cliat willi liim. The mermaid was a wondcrful toókiog tliing, almost liideous to look apon, bnt possessipjj a powerf'ul attractimí to I he bchuldcr, owin to the quecr amalgamatimí ol species dísplayed ín forniatioti. Tliusc who liaw jeen tbe oldtiiue geography Ilustración, wliich has reccntly bcen uaed M ¦ trade mark fof a certain patent liair restoratitTe, :ml wliicli reiirc.icnts tho merniaid ri.-iiiK troni thc sea and ooabing lier ioAg lockn wilh une hand, wbile in the other Bne liolds a small lookinfi-Kli', can rei-all lliis picture and tliercby forui an idea ot what the preaenl monstrohity looks likc, barriog, bpwever, the lieauty, which isa JUtinguishing trait of the ideal tuennuid. Mr. Dovle's strange curiosity 8 baif human, and halffish. Tne head, ebest, abdomen, and arins aic unmistakably human, lut fnini thc abdomen thc iTcatiiro isa lisli, scnlv. Ininy. and formed like theextremities utthc dweilen ofthe sea. Thc ann ate covered wit 1 1 scale8 to iho wnst, and the same fonuation covers thc backs ofthc hands to t lio Bngertips. Thc head is m small as that of a bby, but is perfect in cviny ilciail ; the lbre hesd docs not recedt', but is liiirh and straiglit, and is ofthe class that indioatea an unusual dagrat ol' iotelligeooe. The eyes are solí, -wimmy aud ligia as those ofa üsh : luit tho ears, the niouth, thc nose, .and in fact all t lie othci' features, are pronouneedly human, recular, clear cut and perfect, as a beautiful woman's face. A light coveriiií? of brown bair, severa] inchos in iciiKth, and cyobiMws to match aro tho only hirsuto appendages. The ¦pina] column is clcarly seen running up to the base ofthc skulland falling down the back until it is lost in the fishy extremity. Ten ribs aro easily counted upon the breast, and tho niainuiaiiaii letuale deyclopment for feeding tho young is easily discernidle. The merujaid ujcasures almost bree feet tiotu the crown of ts head to the extremity of thc caudal 6n, and is said to be larger than the ouly other specimen of the kiud ever seen in tbis euuntry. This other inermaid is now on exhibition in the New York aquarium, and attracts a great deal of attention froui scientists as well as from the general public. Mr. Doyle is very , proud of his niermaid, and thougli a great íuany attempts have becn ruado to induce him to part with the curious creature he has thus far refused to sell her. He saya the nionstrosity has been subjected to the closost scrutiny by scientists of the Pacific slope, all of' whom have pronounced her the most wonderful natural phenomenon ever brought to their notice, and have concurred in declaring mermaids no longer myths. The curiosity was captured two years ago by three fishermen near U rebaba in the great inland sea. They had often eeen her and had made inany attempts to capture her, and succeeded in tak ing heronly after the most persistent efforts. When taken she was taken to the museum at Tokio, and reluaitied there for a year and a half. She was fed en a peculiar seaweed known only to tlie Japcnese, and she thrived under the great care taken of her. Mr. Doyle purchased her f'roui the authorities of Tokio at the extravagant figure of 5,000 sats or dollars. The ranchase was made to gratify a sudden desire to possess the strange creature, and Mr. Doyle does net know what special advantage he enjoys in being oneofthe very few uien who own a mermaid. He intends to give St. Louis scientists a chance to examine and pafs upon tliogenuincness of his curiosity, and will probably present it at the next meeting of the acadcmy of science. lic did nut care to have his notoriety incroascd by the publication of the presence of the memaid in this city, and instaneed the power of the press by saying that, as he passed through Wyouiiog, he gave a luoal paper tlicre an account of the phenotnenal ftsh, nnd next day a oommittee of lidies frota the woman's Suffrage society waited upon him, and asked him if he wouUlu't lie over until election day and give the mermaid a chance to vote.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News