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Stop that Cougli. If you are suft'ering with a Cough, Cold, Asthuia, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Consumption, loss of yoice, tickling in the throat, or any affection of tho Throat or Lungs, use Dr. KlNO'a New Discovery for Consuinption. This is the great remedy that is causing so much exciteinent by its wonderful cures, curing thousands of hopeless Over one million bottles of Dn. Ki.v.'s Nkw DlSCOVIBY have been used within tlie lastycar, and have given perfect satirfaotion in every instance. We can unhesitatingly say that this is really the only siire cure f'ur tliroat and lung aft'ections, and can chcerfully rccommcnd it to all. Cali and get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a regular sizc for $1.00. For salo by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mioh. A Ladlcs Wisli. "O, how I do wish my skin was as clcar and soft asyours," said a lady to her friend. " 5fou can easily make itso," answered the friend. " How?" inquired the first lady. By using Hop Bitters, that makes pure rich blood and blooming health. It did it for me as you observe." Read of it. -Cairo Bulletin luiinaculate and rich is the whiteness of linen rinsed with American BalL-Blue. It is absolutely pure and free from all poisonous ingredicnts. If Yon Lire in a Malaria District Wear the Llon Malaria aud Llrer Pad And Body and Foot Platters. It is a eer tain preventative against Chilla and Ma laria Fever of any kind, and if'there is any trace of it in the system it will thoroughly eradicateit. The whole troatment for onc dollar. For sale by Druggists. Biicklcn's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in tho world for ('uts, Bnisefj Hores, Ulsers, Salt Khcuin, Fever Sores, Tctter. Chapncd Hands, Chilblains, Coros and all kinds of Skin Kiuptions. This Salve ia warranted to give perfect wtisfaction in every case or money rcfunded. l'rice 2b cents per box. For sale by Klu'rl.iiili & Son, Ánn Arbor. 1002-1034 Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters act upon the stouiacli, liver and bowels, remove all secretions, purify the blood, and fottify the Hy.-itcni against uiscae. Horseuicn. Ask your uieruhant for Henry & Johnson's Árnica and Oil Liniment, and keep it always in the stable, to usu in case of Mofctoab


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News