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Vanuit riaiTs Iu the dental ra riks will never occur if' you ure particular willi your teeth, and cleanco thom every day with that fatnoui tooth wanh, SOZOPÖNT. Krom youth to oM aie it will keep the euainrl qOtlCM ''"'l uninipaired. Tlte teeth ot' penóos wlio ose WÜZODONT have pearl likc whiicHM, ind tho gami a róscate liuo, whilc the breath U purificd, and rcudcred MMt and pure. It is omposcd ot' rare tntuap tic herbs, and is entirely free ('rom the DOjoctiqnatiie and injurious ingredirnts of Tooth l'asttfs.j&c. Cause and Effect. The uiain cause of nervousnes is indigestión, and is caued by weakties of tbc stomach. No one can have sound nerves and good healtli without using Hop Bitters to strengthen the stmnach, purifj tho blood, and keop the liver and kidneys active, to carry off all the pokonotu ud waste matter of the systciu. 8ee ntlier column. - Advocate. A Coiigh, Cold or Sore Tliroat should bc stopped. Neglect frequently results in an Incurable Iung Disease or Ctmsumption. Bbown's Bronciiial TbociiES are certain to give relief in Aslhma, Bronchitis, CougJu, Uatarrh, Contumptire 'titd Throat Viseases. Forthirty years the Troches have been recomruended by physicians and always give perfect satisfaction. They are not new or untried but having been tested by wide and oonstant use for ncarly an entire generation, they have attained well mcrited rank ainongthe few staple remedios of the age. Public Speaker aml Sútger use them to olear and strengthen the Voice. Sold at twenty-fivc cents a liox everywhere. 100T-58 Ageuts and t'anvasscrs Make from $25 to $50 per week selling goods for K. C. RlDBOUT&Co., Il) l'.arclay atrect, New York. Send for their catalogue and terms. 1000 1052. Mothcrs ! Motliers ! ! Mol her ! ! ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with thu excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? 11' so, go at once and get a bottle of MKS. WINSLOWS SOOTIIING SYRU1'. It will relieve the poor little suffercr imiuediatcly - depend upon it; therc, is no inistake about it. There is not a tuotlier on carth wlio lias ever used it, wlio will not teil you at once that it will regálate the bomla, and givc rest to the luother, and relief and healtli to the child, opcratiiiK likc magie. It is perfeotly suf'e to use in all cases, and ploasant to the taste, and is tho preseription of one of the oldest and best feinale physicians and uurses in the Unitod States. Sold everywbere. 25 cents a bottle. 1007-58


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News