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I 1881. " Harper's Magazine. IHtrSTBATED. "Mliidviiiii Ibe sulijii-l ohir, 1 1 vi'l.v uicl frorn Hu' eduoatlonal j u "t view eeklnr to pro. vtde tlmt wiiti'h. taken together, wll oeoi tin moitaervtoe to ti"1 large! namber- I iiig w oonoladed that, H I conM have bat one ¦wjrk fora public Illmiry, I wonld Mleot a opmpleli Kt ol llntlifi'.i Mimllily."- ClIAHI.KS PbAHCU i'ucon'te'nts are eontribnted iy th njpirt wn inent linthors nnd nrtlsts if Earopeaad Amei le, whilellielonuexperlenriMil the pUblUnen baimadethem oonrenani wltli tbedemreso tbc public, wlilch theywlll (pal " patMU isratlfy. HARPEfi'S PERIODICALS. HMtPER'S MAUAZINK, üdc Year IIAHI'BK'S VVEKKLV, Ouo Yuar i "¦ EIARPBR'S BAZAR, On Teu ' '" l'hc 'nii(KHi)vi' ¦amad.One iesr '" (lt Aiiy TWO nli.ivc Dam ld, Ui' Vonr 7 (K HARPKH'H TOUNG PBOPLB, OM Vcsr 1 t PtttOQê Fi ¦ ' to all milmeribt-rs 'm tht Unittd Statu ¦ 8Ü ThovoUuiH oí Hm Itagatim bgtawltbth Numbers of June and December ofnu-li jreT Wlien wlll be underetoofl thatthe .subscrlber wishes to betel" with üu curicnt number. A Complete Set of Hari-br's Maoazini . OOm prlsing f'l volumes, In neiit clotli blndlnu, wlll beseut by express, IrolKlit iil expense of piiichaisei, on reoelpt of J ". peí volume. s''"7" mhtiif, by mail, jwitpaid, $¦"! IK). (!ltl cuses, lol binding, la cenls, by mali, postpald. Kemlttimces sliould be nnulc by Post-Offlce Mon.y ( rdcr or Draft, lo avold chance of loss Aèwipapers are nol lo copy Uñé odoërtit without II" fi[irms order o liAiti'Kit i BBOTHkus. Addresx HAHPEH & BBOTHEHS. New York. 188O. LITTLE MACK. CLOTHIEB By all út the test display of HOLIDAY G00DS ever shown in tkii city is dow open for inspection at Little Mack's, Ho. 9 S. Main street, the Larpst ClotMni House in the city. CHRISTMAS Little Mack's Tailorini Department is a snecess anfl all persons who ksire first-class enstom clothM will not rept jayM ns a visit at No. 9 Main street, Ann Arbor. III II I Ml, CLOTHIEB. 188O. ¦ M v m w Youraetvfli t.j ïniking money whtu golden ¦ ¦ cbuc ia offered, therebv ]w- kucping povII erty from jour door. Tbtwe wbo alwaji tiko II IJ I f ftdvantae or the good cbaucea for uakiui; m , , ¦ nioncy tbftt are oITered gcuerally bocome walthj, wblle tbote who do not Improvs iMb j cüauooa remain ia povertv. W want many M.M Mm MAM. men, women, boya aad (irla to work tor ua right in their own lix-alitii". The büiioeu will paj more than ten times ordinary wagea. We furnieh au expenaive outtlt iml all tbat you nevd, Trv. No ooe who cogage rail lo make moutj vtrjr rapldly. You can drvote your whole time to the work, or ooly your njare niomenU. Kuil inrornialinu and uil tbat is ueeded, ent iree. Adilr-e Stikson k Co., Portland, Ualoe. 1007-38 n. Bi SSflTll Jt CO., corner of Weodward umi .leflVrton Aves., Detroit, invite tlie utlemioii of liij er l tkelrlargc aul line colleotloa r su i iny Mlver Ware, Treiieli Clecki, Faienec Ware, ltnnir. l'ari-iaii Vovclllcv liamond, Jcwelrj, Watclics and Sil ver Plaled Ware, cnibraein arlielew inot approprlate Tor YVeilding AniiivcrNary and Iloliday GiftK. Order or inquirios by mail wlll rcecive our prompt and earefnl altention. Jcwclera m i iniorii, corner of Wood ward and leflteraOB Avciiiick, Detroit. 077-1029 RE-OPENED. We wish to announce that the nld nli;i)le Alliambra Dollar store, has been reipened at the oíd nunilx-r, 92 Woodward Ave., Detroit. A cordial nvitatloo u extended to all lo look tlirouyh and ezauine our tiew aml tlcgant stock. New lovelties received daily. 1004-30 O AA A A A ACluoroBiA v x x i 6vFUfUUU FEItUIl.E LANDS KOR BALK ui tbeBeautlfal ki,khoh tba GARDEN VALLEY OF NEBRASKA By GRAHAM JONKS, Keal Kutale Aientn, Wis er, Cumtng Co., or Norfolk, Madlson Co., Nebrua. Map, l'unipliloti', etc. ru"ilHlird rr,.,. „p,,,, Plilicatinh. 1016 llll'i


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