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WllOI.KSAI.K AM) HKTAII. TOBACCO & CIGUE B All GoooisSoli at Detroit Prices: Agent for GLOBE and SKA!, ni' DETROIT tobáceo. NO. 7 EAST HURÓN STREET. HS . H Vf H ACTS DIRECTLY ON THE KIDNEYS Kladder umi Iriiuiry OrttM bj AI.MOrbil[ H humor, overy trucc 01 dUease, tod forclüg tnto tlie kvöUmu throufjh the poro ol th6 skin.nourIshini; iind streDffthemng regettbll tonic, gtving lt i o ii il ir ful iiuncr to cure at uncu, PAIN IN THE BACK, Sidc oi l.oin-. 1 iillaiiiiiiation ai. '1 Brixhta IHsrnne of' tli' Kidueys. liuletH, Oropwy, (rarel, 'aturrh ol' Itlmliler. 11 ü ! olorcil. uiiy or l'aiufiil I rinatinir, OepoNits.i'nHtw or ilncil In Ilic ll'ini'. M'.llVOINiiiid rllVSKAI. IIKBILITV and in fait u dUeue al these greatorgann whether contracu-d by 0T6T work, strain, excessive drink, the (basa of natura. orothsnriM, It snpercedes cntirely the InconTonioncos and troublog ot' taking nauBcaus and paisonous internal medicine. lt is worn exactly where needed, next to the body and immedlately over the kidneye It is comrotuble to the put ut, safe, pleaeant :md reliable in ltB efl'ects, bnt powerfd la its MBO, It can be worn at all time, In any clioi.ite, and is equally good for MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Do not !)' prejadiced. Givk it a tbiái. and lie couviitced Ihat it ie lionesl, relitible, ell-ctive and inat what your feehle and exhuusted body reqnire. Thousands re daily adding their tratím uiy to the wonderful curatlve powere oí thÍB yreat reinedy. who are bE4ng reMored to perlect health after al! other treatment and renlMlei have failwi. Ask your druiigist for it, and accept no immitation ok ; si'bstitdtk. If he liaa uot fot, it senil lo us and , ceive it hv return mail . DI3CRIÍTIVE PÏICE LIST. -Regular l'ad, n ; Special Pad, for (Jhronir, deepeeated, or casen ot long standing, fS ; Children'a Pad, lor lammer complitint. wenk kidncyd and bed wetüng, ?1.."). t)nr book, "How a Life wae Saved," rontainin' a histry of tble great discovery, malled free. W'rite for it. DAT H1DXEV l'Ali O.. Toledo, O. 1011-23 f If you art a man m lt jou are a V w of m nmn of H pnod by the strain tt W ¦ yuur duties avoid V nipht wonc, b v.' etimulftuts and uae II toxvbimlnaerTttUu Hop Bitters. ¦wiute, ü Hop B. If you are younflf and I suff erinv f rom atiy In(ti-rittion or dtsipa ¦ tion ; if youaremarii. ,1 or single, old orHyounK, sufferin(r frora jKMjrbcalthor lancruiHhHInK on a bed of tticknes, i'i on H o p ¦ Bitters. %Vhoever you are A Thousands die anwhemver you feel ¦ I nually f r o hi ome that y o u r system JMLJ f"r"' of Kldnejf m-iila cleannint?, BSdisoast tlmt unitlit intf or stimulutinK, IR ï Iweniintiitui without tntnricatfng, Hlbj a tl mei y of tak e Hop .jK&k HopBltters Bitters. MiïÊiB mm Tlavf you XSÈÊ HBkV SS-Si HOP LÉ; ou willbe ¦ niTTmn tobaci-o.or curedifyouuse M ILUl1 uur.otu,. Hop Blttersl H [} I UU ' UIIU SoldbyilM. plTxiknd W nrvfro t. Sendfcr loW.plrited.try ¦ NEVER Clreular. Iti lt mayi _. .. uoi iiittus I r,?e.e,yt.rFAIL -T Saved m Ktknln,.!. ¦ dreds. 3 ' T"r"""' ""' I in [ i in CHAMPION SIIKKT WAX WOLKSILK and ICKTAIli, Mainifaciiirud by MRS. E. A. BURLEY,! Dealer In ui] kiudt or WAX MATERIALS, " Micbigic ATonuo, oppoiite Aitisde! Estse, IETSOIT. 10U 21 WANfBD. " GAME, POULTRY, E&GS, BÜTTER, &'c. Ballard, Branch & Co,, 112 Broad St,, N. Y„ ¦ i ciMKisaioK ntcDum, 1& He n tl for l'rict'H ui rent. a 1011-23 -OFHops & Malt BITTERS. Rich in the materials that, InriKOr te, I'urify and Strengt hen. Thar supply Braln, Hunrular and Aene Forre, Vigor to the Kniiebliil, Tone and Ktraugth to th Exhausti-d, Nourlshmout to tho young and Keir Lire to the aged. Inslit on trylnic tbrm. All Druggtits cm obtaln bolh freo aad rvgulw iie buiüoj. 1 005-10,-)? Health Is Wealth. Dn. E. 0. Wüït's Nküve anmi BuakiTremmfnt a Bpeciflc for Hl itaris, DlzshMM.OonrnJtlont, N,ru- lleadache, Mental OeprexKlcm, ol Mvmory, SpermatorrhO'a, Impoteucy. Premature Oíd A ¦,' caused by over eiertion, self-abune, (ir OTer-lndolginii', wucb leads to micery, decay and deaih. One box wlll cure recent canes. Eiu-h box contains one month s tnatment. One dollar a box, or xix for flve dollai-B ; Mi-nt by muil prepald on reeelpl ol price. We i;iiaraulce pi. boies to cure mu Wllh each order receivrd by uu Icir sis boxes, 'ac mnpanied with live dollars, we wlll (end the pur. onr written guvaote to return the moni) ir Ou treatment doe not elïiTt a cure. Gainnteea Iraaed by Hrown & c:o.,Kolo Authorized AgonN lor Ami Arbor, Mlch. JOIIN C. WEST ( 'O Bole Proprtetors, Chicago, 111. Frlüelle i Co., Whi Asenta, Detroit, Mich. 9tft-10iI Srnd for dlrectlons for Self-Meapuremt-nt. 75 Woodward Ave,, and 1 Opera House Block, DKTKOIT, MICH. ALL KINDS OF BLANKS ritlMTII) ON SHOItT HOT1C1 AT Tlli: ( 'OI'KIKK JOB R00MK. '


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