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AMERICAN I - BalJ i'X3rr :' BALL BLUE THIS IS THE BEST BLÜEINC lasr use ! ir [a not POMONOU8I 1IKI.1S liLKACIlIM; and ;i i:s a BBAIJTIPül TINTI &For Sale by all Grocers.a American Ultramarine Works, .¦.¦ llitiilcu Lniio, Vi' lork. ges-iTi W. TREMAIN lince Atteiicy A.A.TERUY'SHATSTORE oi fh ItriliNli liisurmiof Comp')' (of Iondon and Kdinburgh,) Capital 13,000,0UU, Gold. Detroit Flre and tlnrlnc ln. . Caen AsseU f00,000. Sprfngftcld Ins. (omp'j. ofitlaM,, Caah Aseets (1,800,000. Iloward Ins. Co„ of York, Cash AíwetB 11,000,000. iUiiIiiiimI Intnrance 'oni'y WATKKTOWX, - NKW (iRK, Cash Assi't 11,300)00. ¦ liborally tdjosted and proiuptly paid. yr IN. H. DOWNS VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR ís a sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Diseases, when taken in season. People d!e of consumption simpy because of neglect, vrtien the timely use of this remedy would have cured them at once. Fifty-one yeara of constant use proves the fact that no cough remedjr has stood the test like Doinis' Elixir. txkm M Me. and $1.IIO per bottlo. For Sale Every where. DrJBaxter's Mandrake Will cure Jaundice, Dyspepsia, B Liver Complaints, Indigestión, ¦ and all diseases arising from Biliousness. Price 25 cts. per bottle. For Sale Kverywhere. IIKXIIY áí JOJl.NSOM'S ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENT l'or .flan and Itrast. The most perfect liniment ever Icoinpounded. Price 25c. and 50c. For Solo Everywhore. 1016 87 FERDON LUMBER YARD ' JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Maniifac.turer auU Dealer in SACINAW 6AN6-8AWBD LIIMBBR, LATH AND SHIN6LES. Wc lnftto al! to pive na a cali, and rxamlno oni stock bcíbrt purcliaoitit; elicwlHT'. ALSO AGKNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SKLI-S FIRE BIUCK. JAMES TOLBKRT, Prop. T. J. KKK(U, Snpt. ft-b.l3,'79 HALL'S"' Qatarrh Qure. s Recommended by Physicians HALLS QatarrhQure. Is Indorsed by ClergymenAViH C111-0 Any C;ixo. Office of A I.SUwut i. Cu. Chicago, ni , Juue4, 1S60. .Vtssrs. F. J. Cheney fb , Tnlrdo. O. itlemen . 1 1!: plcasure in lnformlni; 70a that I have used Hall' Ealnrrh (uro. lt luis cured "'¦ 1 as very bid- and don't hesitan tosay that it will cure any caso 01 (atarrh if taken prorly Touritruly.J.B. WEATHKBFOKD. AVoi-ih 1O A Bottlo. B. Muiirat, Jaekwm, Illoh. irrite: Have had í'atarrh for 'JO ypn. Hall1 Cutarrh Cure cured mu Couaidur it w ui-th glú.uo a bottle. Hall'.f Catarrh Cure is sold by al! Drnpgiti at ?5c. per bottU'. jManufactured and sold liy F. .1 CHENKY ACÓ. .SolePrcprlelor, TO1.K1", Hilo For ale Ín Ann Arbor by H. J. BKOWN A 00., Comer Main and Hurón Btreete. 10(19-1021 8500 REWARD ! WE will pay thc above renard for any case ol Llver Complalnt, Dyspepela, Stck lliadaclu-, Indi gestión, OoDStlpttíon ur ÜOfttíTOOMi caunoteure with Weat'i Vegetable lint PfUa, hen ttaa riirt-ctioiiB are etrlcily complied with. '1 hey ure purely VageUbla, and nevar fll toglvesatlihctlon. Silgar Coated. Ijirge Ixixes, contuinlng SO I'UIb, 5 conl. For Bale by all drni;ist. Beware of cimuterteití and Inillatlons. The (reonlna manuMctured Only by .HillN n. WK8T . CO . "Tha PUI Maker. " 1M ,v' 188 W M idtoon st.. Chlcaso. Free trlnl packafie ent by mail prepald on receipt of a !i cent etamp. HB8-1O4? FRANKLIN HOUSE, DETROIT, Toriicr f Bate and Iiinu'd Street. In the very oatat 01 Iho batlneM Prt ol the city. Our table are the beul, mul oor roonu and bede are mt exeallcd. Term UM pi-r day. tliMil A JAYIKK, anaiftr. mm


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