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Petoskey aspires to water wuik. Penlwater í-igbs for a villagc charter. The W. C. T. U. has opened t fre reading room at Caro. Birmingbam school children are beiüf frescoed witli tbc meaalea. Xupoleon lias had its religieus ent hii-iasti stirred up by Mr. Graves. MaroeHu is advertising for propo builtl a 6,000 Hbool house. ( 'hriatmaa l'csiivitiesincreased tbc ( I burg M. E. S. S'a pocket buok $70. Jubn Grant, Kalaraazoo's fast-borse, Las been sold to Boston parties for $4,ÜÜÜ. 'J'be Muhigan salt association with (200. - 000 capital, bas just been inoorporated at Kai oaginaw. Pinconning claims a bod ot' asbestos, or thinf nmilar to liavo been recently diseovered there. Sheriff Stanton, of UaklanJ CV, wu presentad witb a $50 gold beaded cane Christmaa, by his deputies. The Berricti SpringS Era says that rabbit s are so plentiful that they are a positivo injury to the farmers in tbat section. The hunting leaaon bat closed, and tbc poor deer will now be allowed to feed in i'orests uimiolested by bunter or hound. Jesse Parmenter accused of being mixed up in that Brown-Krell alleged blackuiailing operation at Corunna, lias been dis cbarged. The saw mili of Uannah, Lay & ('o., ot Traverse City has cut 18,183, 4mi i luiuber tlie Dast seasOD over II,iii)Ü,000 feet of which is slill in tlie yard. Geo. Newberry, agcd 15 years, of Flint, WM aoeidentally shot on Christmas day by a eompanion. A sad ending, throuph careleaaaea alone, of the joyous day. In Fredonia, Calhoun Co., the game bagged in an extensive rabbit hunt by the boys was marketed in New York, and the proceeds applied on a church debt. The residence of Geo. II. Hammond, 108 Howard st., Detroit, caugbt fire from the Chrutmas fixings and was injured to the extent of $10,000. lnsured for $15,000. B. B. Ellison, of Pine Rivcr, won't hug another wonian unless she's willing. He has just been fined $300 for embracing Mrs. Josephine Goggin without her consent. A justice of the peace in Glad win recently married a girl not yet 12 ycars oíd toa man 30, and everybody thereabouts but the bride, groom and justice, are indignant about it. Howell bas high hopea of a new opera house in the near future, and tbc Kcpublican says il' it is constructed according to tlie present plans it will be the nk-est in central Michigan. Horace W. Ilinnian a well knowa titilen and pioneer of Lapeer, dicd last Munday mornipg very suddenly, agod 77. lic was onc of the famous 49ers of California gold digging renown. A few of the members elcct of the incom ing legislatura have been woke up respecting the tax titlc gharks, and promise loine probibitory or restraining legislation in tbis line. It is much necded. The anti-Conger press in tbis sta'e have not yet found time to note tbat the Chicago Tribune's statement that lic was about to withdraw from the senatorial contest was a canard. - Evening New. The senatorial war wages warm ; tbc héroes are all in the field leading tbeir cohorts to victory or to stand witb la the foe when defeated. Botwcen the two B's a C will certainly step in and win. Mayor W beatón bas been awardcd a judgment in the sum of $7,OUÚ aainst Luther Beecber. The suit grew out of Wheaton's arrest some time since at the iüstanoe of Beechcr on the charge of perjury. Justices of the peace will do well to remeuiber that a boy can only be sent to the reform school at Lansing until 18 years of age. Several have been rejected recently bccause the commitmeut read until 21 years of age. It is asserted that a Chioaman in Adrián named Long Tower bas decliired bis inteo tion to become a citizen of the United States. Very good so lar, but will he conform to American customs in diyss, and manners, and religión? A man wbo was rescued from drowning at Muskegon a few days since, by a young skater who hcard his cries, gave the lad ten cents for his trouble. That being the man's own estímate of the value of his life, it must be a correct one. The St. Jo. Republican says that a movement to get a firet-class sidc-wbeol stcamer to ply betwecn that place and Chicago is on foot, and that one hundred citizens, the heaviest sbippers included, have signed a paper plcdgiug it their support. The naugbty Evening News thinks the Kulamazoo girls ask a good deal of old Santa Claus when they renuest him to fill tbeir stockings. Such a flat-footed insinuation as tbat sbould promptly receivo the big, big bounce by tlie Kalauiazoo feminiucs. A young oouple, the groom agcd 80 and the bashful, blushing bride 76, were married in Lowoll, recently. We speak in tbis way kcause people are supposed to renew their youth at a cortain period, and tbis couple must be yet young in their second childhood. Work on the Manistcc railroad is pro ng finely ; over a hundred men are at work at and near Tallman, grubbing the road and removing tlie timber, while at thia end, shanties are being built, tlie line cleared, aod tbc work ou the bridges will soon commence. - Manistee Standard. iáonie Battle Creck girls bave formed tbcmselves into a club styled '"The Mystic Ten," and vowed a desperate vow that no young man sball " sec tliem home" from cburch who will not walk to church witb them. Good for the Battle Creek girls. Just havo grit and you will bring the to time. The Detroit board of education and ooft) mon council are oonpoud of cüinmon material, aud are oommonly in cuiiimutioii. The former body have resolved not to liire any more fcmale principáis, yet in the l'aee and oyes of said rcsolution confirmed the very ones they resolved to reject. The latter body- well, it is imponible to give any idea of their doioffa, EUpraeentatnie llubbell, of thia itatei lias introduced a bilí into tbo house, providing for a duty of IJ oenta a ponad on all Iresh water Bah called hard fish, TOob u hitctish, yellow pike, trout, piokerel, bass, etc, and cent per pound on all freak water ti.-h called ioA Bah, such as pickerel, wbitebass, catfish, and .similar fiaa oaughi in Canadian waters and imported into the Unitei] Staten TIn: Berrieo Springs youtha are. so cbivalrous that they curry o moealed wcapuns to scliool, iirobably to slay ome deep dyed, spectral Mohawk Walk-in bis-Goro, in the dark and gloomy foresta of that loealit.v, and tbus mako lor thomselves a name imperishable; orrescuesome beautiful, dusky maiden from rutbless savage slayers. The school board are iinplored to squeloh this blood thirstiness on the part of these ten cent novel saturated boys.


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