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Illinois has paid all of her state debt. Texas only gave Hancock 85,000 majority - that's all. Ahout cqual to Towa for therepublicans. Emigwti tu the uuuiber of 318,957 had arrived in New York the present year up to the I2"th inst. Jonathan J. Wooduian ia the latest dark horse in the senatorial race. lie ia way in tlie dimniest ot the deep, decp shadows. Tlie Brooklyn board of aldermen have decided not to rant laundry liecnse.s to any but citizens of the l'nited States, thus giving the Celestial washee-washcr the "dirtv shakee." It is given nut that Senator Biaine has been offered any position he niay desire in the cabinet of President Garfield, and that luMvill accept that ol'secretary of state. The assoeiated prest dispatches of last Sunday Sttted that a largo number of Chinese who had struek for higher wages in a .-hoe factory had been discharged and replaeel with cheaper American laboror ! Is this possible? The name of Mis. Josephine Robinson, of Marine "ity, is urged for the position of postmistress of the coming legislature. Her husband was lost on the lakes, being un officer of the steamer R. S. Coburn when it went down. "Russia is to assist Penia ín driving out the Kurds.' is the way a cablegraru reads. Yes, and in doing this Persia aduiits the camel into her own tent, and the uext thing tliat will bothcr her will le how to drive out the Russians. Christmas in Ireland, the cable saya, was a sad, dull day. Depression is marking the spirit of the people, and the merchants being especially despondent. The agitation 'm paralyzing trade, putting capital to flight and ruining commercial activity. The papers are daily filled wilh special and associated press dispatches respecting the Sprague divorce suit, giving minute l'tails of disgusting episodes, much of which gush, slush and nonsense should be suppressed for decency's sake. Dr. Edwin Hubbell Chapin, of New Vork, the eminent Universalist clergyman, died in that city last Monday, the 27th iust. , in the tïfith year of his age. He was one of the greatest pulpit orators in the world, and liis denomination meet with a great loss in his demise. (ucen Victoria manages to wony along with an income of $3,000,000 a year, and yet her oldest son, the king that is to be, 8 continually asking parliauient to give him mouey Ut pay hi.s debts. Perhaps it would look full as well for the old lady to "shell out" the funds for that purposc. The KMte bas in a very nnart way dislinscd of' the Fitz John Portcr case. A resolution, offered by Senator Dawes, of Mbm.i was passed, authorizinr the presi,lent at his discretiOD, within eightcen ruonths of the passage of the bill, nd with the oonsMt of tlie seuato, to aj)point Gen. Porter to the army, but to no position of higher rank than a coloncl, on the retirod list, and without compeosatioD aiDce his ditmiMtl. This action removes the ftigma upon tbc name ol' (Jen. l'orter, so far as Iba Mínate 8 concerned. The wisdom of thia aetion is greatly questiooed by a larga portion of the npubüou party. Senator Logan na espeoially bitter againat ii. " C'llpliiMiania, " Un' Aun Albor OOI t liiiik, m 11 goud name by whlota t deecrlbe Ui peculiar cbaracterUtloe i 910e of the i.-itlgued adttora ol I to 0 p. patent shaeta.' The iMliturs .11 thuae iheeta are uol 11 niv ones Bffeoled wlth "cllptomanla." Tbedlaease takes liold ol adlton without reforenoe to the bowol of the ¦beet, lul uoconllHg nu tbe editor Iirk more foroe to om tbe eclasora, than bralne to Bbove the pencll, and haa a weak oonsoience Alk'KHli '1 rlliimr. Iba above is ccrtainly truc. In writing the item rererred to we bad before dj m eight-pagc paper, si pages of which was patent, and upon tbe two remaining page there was certainly not over ton linea of original matter, M we recognized items from several of our exchanges. Wc might appropriately add that several of our most valued state exultantes liave foreign in or outsides, and many of the most conscientious, hard-working editors of the state prefer to print their paper in that manner, as it gives so much additional miscellaneous reading. The disease spoken of is not confined to the patent sheets alone, but is quite prealent in the fraternity, and is so, undoubtedly, becausc it takes hurd work to sot up a gond, live newspaper. The Nonliwfstenr Chriítian Advocate, pulilislied at ('liieagoivcsits 100,000 readers throughout the length and breadth of tbu nation, the following viow of the Watson will qoaation "Tbe astronomer, Prof. Wttsoo, rocently deceased, willed bis sixty thou.sand dollars six year.s ago'to the nation1 which, through trustees, is cominanded to invost the interest in priSGt (o youiiK men exceptionally profiuient in astronomical studies. The will awarda twn hundred dollars to the widow aii'l three-fourths as much to the niotlicr. 1 year, The publie atraightwt; bagan lo oondema the tastator uut il it was anDimncod tliat the ladioa have iodependenl resources. That reopeoed Ann ArboT quarrel davelopei the statement that the ladies an ia faet depeodent. li is allegad that Watson lia eihibited charaoteristic heartlessnesa in teeking to ereot a ttational monament to himself l the expense of tbe niothcr and wife who had rijfht to more humano tivatmcnt. Ourcomequenl prompt onttinpi nerai i" be jaatifed by tbe arnon of Watsun's owd brother who lia began snit tocoDteal the KetnÏDgly soaDdaloua will. Though Watdoo iIimiI. and bis legaoy are public faots anti open to review. If the apparently outragcous will is mistained it will be a national wandal and nuisaniv. The ujnn wlm seekl to ereot out of a Family fuml a personal memorial that monnmcntalizes an insult to a defraudad wife and motber, should be thwarted by laws in the interest of publie morality. No self respect lul citizon will aecept the trustecship ; no ynung man will receive a "prize" from such a dishonorablc and dishonoring fund, unless, imleed, he le made of the btuff that composos such unnatural testators. The eonditions upon which we base this condemnation are alleged by informed critics. Should the facts prove the circumstances of the will to be respectable, we shall be thoroughly grateful, and and sliall gladly withdraw the protest."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News