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THE INTER OCEAN FOR 1881.  image
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THE INTER OCEAN FOR 1881. Kuil) Hemi-W eekly anl WeeUIy. In presenting the prospectus of The Intkk Ocean ior tlie year 1881, it is scarcely necsary to remlnd tbe people of tlie Noithwest tliai the paper ms been, irom the date of its eulahlishiiicnt, pre-emineut as au exponent of stalwart Kepiibllcanlsm, and in advauce of all others in promulgatinL that system crl' pollllcal ethlcs whlch lias a üs ïmnulatlon the Idea ui hunianii y In politica. It Is not the advocate of coldly coucelved llirorirs, bot thi ehjampiou of ideas warm with tlie hlood of struggling and bleedlng humauity. As guch tt is ieaa umi knowu of all mm. It Isnot uecessary tosay tbat The ínter Ooean ha never deserted the platform or principies on whlch it bcgau tlie Ught for the rlghts of thecltlzun or i tb worlt lu the luterestgof the Ïieople, but 11 Is gr.itlfylng to know that the tcpublii'an party has come ilnally to stand squarcly on thls stalwart plutfonn, and that m thiiH iiiovlni forward the party leaders have acknowledged that the poslllou of The ínter Octan, taken years ago, was correct. This is, to The ínter üeeau, the heartlest and most ernphatfc lndorcement of its policy and the most effective testlmouy as to the value of lta Influente, nnd the ijuallty of lts leadership. The influence of this leadership was never more apparent, nor the hold The ínter Ocean has upon earnest Kepublicans was uever more forclbly illustrated than during the last Presidentlalcanipalgu. Throagti the campalgn.the earnestness, loyalty and enterprlse ol Ihe paper were everywhere recognlzed as important factors In determinlng the result. ana its siatfas as the leading Republlcan juurnal wae Ilxed beyond iltsputc. In view of these facts, it Is only necessary to say that The ínter Oceau wlll malntaln this posltlon by continulng In the stralghtforward (Miirsi that has made it somany frlendsamong Kepubllcaus everywhere, and that has given il a reputation for eourageons lalrnoss and Journallstic zeal and enterprlse. It wlll inslst upon a party policy esseutlally stalwart, belleving that the lnterests of all sectlons and the welfare of all classes will tic bast conseiTOd by a close adhereuce to the fiunlauienal principies of Kepublicanisni. It wlll malntaln lts present attitude In favor of protectlng American IndUBtry ugainm tb pauper labor and coucen traled capital ol the old world, and wlll be foremost in the flght on any uew questions that may be sprang on the Republlcau party. The ínter ucean will discuss all public quetlons fairly and fenrlessly ; It wlll glve the news accurately and fully, supplemeuting it wlth intelligent and falr-nilndeueommeiit ; it wlll malntaln its high Standard in State. Washington and forelgn correepoudenee, anu wlll continuo to special attentlon to department havlng referenoe to home altiilrs. "The Curloilty Shop,""Voman's Elngdom," and '"Farm and Home" have grown bettor with each succeeding year, and the oousclentlous eflbrt that gave them tbeir popularlty wlll be devoted to tïielr lmprovement. The Veterlnary department, In charge of a practical velerlnary sargeon, will be made of special valne to horsemeu and stockgrowers. In the department of flctlon the beat erlals have been öecured, and these wlll appear In connectlon wlth short storles and sketches. The market reports, Inlcl n In flnanclal and commercial news and dlsousslon of trade topics, will be made full and rellable. giving special attentlon to matters in whlrh the mt-rchanta, stockgrowers and farmers of the Northwest have a direct Interest. The Weekly ínter Ocean wlll give the news of each week complete, presenting Important matters In detail, and ooiidensliiK minor news in such a way as to not obscure or weaken any statement of faet. The Weekly wlll be, in short, more comprehenalTe ín character and scope than any other polltlcal or general newspapcr In the country. In addition to all other departments raentloned in oonnection witli the Weekly, 1 InHeml Weekly wlll continue lts edncatlonal departraent under the present able editor. Belleving that Toe ínter Ocoan coutrlbuted not a Illtle W Beouhllcan success In the last ainiuUgn, the proprli-for have no hesltatlon In asklng the stalw&rts of the country t atd them lu wldonliiK lt Meld of lnlluence. TIn: wholesomenes and elTectlveness of the lnlluence of such a ipor have been dcmonsl ral il beyond disputo. Kepublloans Intereatod lu maiiitalnlng the lntegrlty and etpiit de aorpt ui thi' party are interested In increasing the ciroulatlon of those papers that mntrïbute most to the desired ends. Among all such papen Tbe ínter Ocean stands tlrst. There Is uo varlatlon in the prlces of the variousedltious. The ínter Ocoan Is the oheape-it paper- consldorlng the nniount of rendlng matter furnlshed and lts high eharaoter Rh u Journal- published iu the country. Daily ínter Ucean, One Year, TostagcPald $10.00 Semi-Wcekly Iutor Ocoan, One Year, l'ostage I'aid 2.50 TVeekly ínter Ocean, One Year, l'ostage Paid l.lö Sample Copies Sent Free on Application. iiiiin-HB rui: iMi ii oii.w lllCRgO.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News