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Cbaneer; Mollee. STATE OF MIClIhiAN. Ihe Circuit Court for the County of Wnshtenaw. In Chancery. Snit pending IntbeOircuit Court for the OonntJ Ol NV a-htenaw in Chancery at Anu Arbor, on tlie 4!h day of Daoembar, A. D 1880. Jei uVha P. Noble, coroplalnant, aeainst Alonzo D. I).ii uiid Jane A. Davi, John Webher and Mrs. John Wbbrr,lelendtint. ItsppMrtng unonproof by n!Uii:iit that thudefendants, Alonzo U. Davis and Jane A. Davis, two of said defendants, ire BOB-nvidentsof the state of Michigan and are residenrs oí the state of Vermout ; therefore, on niotion of Tracy V. Root, ?-olicitor lor said complninant, it is ordered that atld deiendants appear and Hnswer the bill of eon'.pluiut in t his cause witliin three months ir m the date of thui order, and that thii order be publiclietl once in each week lor mx weeks inucceaslon in the Ann Arbor Coukiek, a newgpaper publiehed in s 'ld county, and tlinl the lirst pnhltcatlon ttaareol be within twniiy clayrf froni the date of tnli nr!tT and thtl such paDltcatKm shall not be necessary in case a copy of tuis order be Berved on eald delendanti at leaxt twecity Aiyi lirfore tbc time pneorlbed tlierein fur the aipearance ot 8aid defendantH. JAMES McMAHON, Circuit Court Commissioner in anc for the ('utintv of WHliteimw, state of Michigan. 101B-1Ü-J2 Tracy W. Koot, Solicitor lor i'omplalnant. Estáte of Tilomas Smith. QTATE OK MRniUAN, Couutj ut Wafhtenaw, ss. Ata sesslon of the Probate C'ciurt for the County nl Waohtenaw, holden at ihe Probat" Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesduy, the seveiMh da of DecembWi in the year une thi)inand eii;hi hundred aud eiühty. Present, Wiliium 1). Harrlman, Jvdga ol Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Smlth, deccaeed. lidward I.. J. Smitli executor ol the lui 111 and testament ot sald decvaavd, comes into coart and renresents tbat he it now [re]ared to rcmlrr hls ilnal account as such exeentor. 'riiereupon it it ordered that Tuesday.the fourth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the loreHoon, be assined for examinin and allow Uu aocb account, and tbai ihe (ievi.-ces. lagUeM and heirs at law of said fltlMUlVl.inri all other lerson int-tMtad in said estafe, are rtqvlrod to appear at a session ol Baid court, then to be holden at the Probate Otflcejn the City ol'Ann Arbor, in sald county, i and show canse, lf auy there be, hy the said ! acconnt ihould not be iDowad, And it if Furtber ordarad, that sald exeeutor eivi' ootlo t Ot persons interested in said estáte, Of pendency ui sald account, and the hearing thereof, b causini; . a copy of this ord r to be publial d In the Ann Arbor Vouner, a newspaper prlnted and clreulating In said county, tbiee siuceswve weeks previoiiB to snid day of hcarlnu. (A true copy.) WIIXIAM D. HAKRIMAN. Jndseof Probate.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News