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Comnilssloners' Notioe. STATE OF MICniQAN, Connty of Washtenaw, es. Th underaUrnad haring in1'" appolnted by the Proteta C'ourt for said cmimy, amunicione to rooelT, examine and adjust 11 claims and deniand ol .ill prrsons aainst the eemte ol Edward L. Boyden, late ol r:úd county, deceawd, herehy t'ive noticethat "lx niouttm fnmi ota are allowrd, by order ol saul Probate Conrt, for creditors to present their claim? agalnit the estáte ol ald deceased, and that thoy Hl meet at the office of Zina F. Ktng, in the cily of Ann Articr, in oaid connty, on Tm-sd iv, the ürst day oí March, and on iin-i-day, the thiityllrst day of May next. at ten o'Olock a. m., oí each of said day. to reci'ivi-, exnniine and ailjust said claims. Uatad. November 2!th, 188U. 11BNHY 06BORM, ) KHANKLIN CATE, VCoMl89lONl. 101G-19 ZINA P. KING, t Cliancerj Notlcc. STATE OF MirHIGN- The Twintytcond Jndicial Clrenlt- lB Chanccrï. iuit pending In the Circuit Conrt for the Cotinty of Wauhtenaw- in Ohascsrr.kt Anu Arbor, Mich., on Novimber Hth A. D. 1880. , _, ,, Virginia W. r.urlelgh. complalnant, npimft lvia BennTng and John L. Burleih, dekiuianis. It Pnearinu upon prooi by affldavit of J. C. Kuowlton that the deienriant.John L Burleiïh. Is a noD-rcuidcut of tbi siaie, tharefon, or mitiou of bawyer Kuowlton, Bollcitore for said i ordered ihat r-ald defendant, John L. Burleiïh, apn'ar tnd uiwh th bill of compluint i" ibis cause within tlm ¦ moDtbl hom toe date ol order ml that thls order bcpubli-heri raoa in ench weck for eix mki In loccruloo in the Anh Aiibob Coiirikr. a newspHper pnbüshed In eaid county, and that me flretpunücaiion thereol be wlthin twenty day from the date of lid order.and that puhllcaüon hall not be neceseary in caee a copy ol this order be erwa on said def.ndanis at least twenty daye before the tima preactibed tberein for the aupearaiice of sam delendDt. JAMKS McMAHON. Ciraiit Uoprl CommiDBloner in and for Waehtenaw Oonntv, Mlcfr. SawïBK & KnoWLTOH, „ ,K BoUdtoca for Cumplainaut. iui--i „„,„, rurolibod tree. w'th ru'l In.uoctloDi Ibr coo Vil In.lrioiion. .re io .Impl. n! pliln. U." ! I II o rtprou rrom the very lUrt. " 9 J I II .tul..niin. Uoj. lá tril cm f.rn li'f ¦" V I t b.en..ile .t tb. bu.lne.l oiir '1'1 doll.r. h iinM Vk. Nu.blüf lik U vrr Uw ["i;,, ¦kn .re .bh to m.k. monej You u mlW ''J'SSl Jurln, jour tlm. .1 r..t pruilt You Jo nolb.. jL" c.pluS io It. W. uk. .11 0 rl.k. Tbo Dí!Í.íSSoo. AufUiu, Mne. "" ""


Ann Arbor Courier
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