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Tie on the red ribbon tomorrow, boys. Now don't forget yoursclf to morrow and write it 1880. The Mooreville Baptist church put in a new organ reccntly. Next VVednesday, Jan. 5th, the board of Bupervisors meet in adjourned session. The Geruiao literary society (Olympia) will meet next Monday eve. at Mrs. Behrs. The entertainment at the Presbyterian church last Thursday evening netted $100. The Courier. office bas been awarded the contract for the university printing this year. Prof. C. B. Thomas, instructor in modern languages, in the university, has decided to return to his pijst again. The Daily News man invites us to "come again." Thank you, but it doesn't seem to be necessary. The Unitarian social was held at the residence of Mr. Rubt. Glaizer, on Cemetery kt., last eveDing. Now, boys, is tlie time tp swear-off and form all sorts of good promises for the coming 365 days. A very nicegold headed cañe wasreceived by O. M. Martin as a Christnjas gift from his son at Bay City. It does seem a pity tbat we can't have a few inches of snow when thcre is such a splendid boitoiu ior Bleighwg. Some of the colored people advertise a grand ball for to night in court house hall, it' anyotie knows where that is. The variom young women's missionary societios of the city, held a mcetiog at the oíd Bptiot church lat evening. ïlie expres agent in this city, A. W. Ames, Myi that last week's business was the largest ever known at this station. It has been too chilly for comfort on the ice the past few days, so the skaters have had to take a rest, "glide out" as it were. The Germán Latbmaa worshiping in Zion's church, hada Cliristmas tree in tbeir church on Cliristmas Kve, for the benefit of the Sunday School, which was an enjoyable occasion. Detroit claims to have 400 newsboys. If j'ou could hear our's ycll sometimes you would think Ann Arbor could go 100 better. ____ Cases have been made out against several saloon keepers, we understand, for breaking the law io telling liquor on Christmas day. County Clerk Clark is to have a telephone in his office, which improvement will be in working order in a week or so, it is hoped. The thermometer didn't reach zero once last Wednesday. It was several degrees below all the time, and seemed toougly to climb m]i. At the Irish land league meeting next Monday evening, at McMahon's hall, officers will be elected and steps taken to se cure permanent quarters. The eclipse of the sun this morning will have to try awful hard to eclipse this weather. It begins early in the morning, though, 7:45. The postoffice will be open for business on New Year's Day frotn 10 to 11 a. m., and from 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. There will be no order business. The course of lectures at Brighton includes one each frora Rev. John Alabaster and Profs. A. Winchell, J. B. Steere and I. N. Damnion, of this city. Look out for little or no fruit next year. Peach growers already affirm that the buds are all killed in this section, so save your canned peaches for next season. The WaskteWW county pomological society meet at their rooms in the court house next Satuiday at 2 o'clock p. m. All are cordially invited to attend. The Chritmas tree at the M. E. church last Friday evening was an enjoyable affair and one which the Sunday school children will long remember with pleasure. Twj hundred and fifty thousand Detroit river and Lke Superior white fish cggs, from Northville, Mieh, will be shipped from New York to Germany to-morrow. To day is the day set apart by the board of supervisors for their committees - appointed for that special purpose - to settle with the couoty treasurer and sheriff. The children of the Episcopal Sabbath school of this city, made a hol'day donation by classes, giving for the poor of our city, clothing, wood, eoal, and other necessaries. The ladies of St. Andrew's church visited the poor house in the bitter oold of last Wednesday, and made the hearts of the poor thero glad with presents which they carried. Wallace Derby is credited with killing a coon weighing 25 poundsin his yard in this city, Christmas morning. The length of time Wallace had been fattening said coon was not given. The reform club has passed a, vote of thanks to the Juvenile Temperance Union of this city, for the donation of $10 to aid the club in paying the expenses of the presunt meetings. There will be plenty of baskets out tomorrow to receive cards, but few houses will be formally thrown opea to callers, though many "latch strings" will be out for intimate friends. Next Monday evening at the M. E. church will occur the election of three trustees, to take the places of Wm. Noble, E. J. Knowlton and P. B. Rose, whose term of office expires on the 20th prox. ¦ ¦ The average life of a farmer is sixty five years. At sixtyfour he may as well begin to return borrowed tools, pay his printer and other olddebts and ask forgiveness for all he has cheated in horse trades. We have a prominent man in our city, holding position high up in the estimation of the people, who is so hot-headed that he has to wear a straw hat even when the thermometer is 10 below zero ! When a boy walks with a girl as though he were afraid somebody would see him, the girl is his sister. If he walks so close to her as to nearly crowd her against the fence, it is the sister of some other feller. Oíd Grimes Is dead- that good old manWe neVr shall see him more ;' He used to wear a long-talled coat, All buttoned down before. Why mourn for Grimes?- hls daughters live; On Fashlon's street we flnd 'em ; And still they wear old Grime's coat, All t il 1 I t 1 II I I 'i 1 IiiU II lielllMil ', T I ¦ Last Tuesday evening Otsemngo lodge No. 295, I. O. O. F., held an election of officers, with the following result : N. G., Eli S. Manly; V. G., C. A. Dow; llec. Sec. Chas. Powell ; P. S., F. G. Lotz ; Treasurer, E. B. Lewis ; Representative to Grand Lodge, A. II. Schmidt. Miss Lizzie Dygart, of this city, and Mr. Edward F. Colborn, law class of '76, of Dodge City, Kansas, were married Weduesday noon, by Rev. W. Hall, and left for the western home of Mr. C. on the afternoon train. John Keek bas purchased the property on the southwest corner of Main and Liberty streeta, opposite Mack & Schmid's, where it is bis intention to put up a fine three story building as soon as the season will permit. The annual reunión of the Bliss and Min nis families was held last Monday night at the residence of Gilbert Bliss, on Main streel. They were all there, and all enjoyed themselves, but as "Gib" has failed to give us a report, we are not able to go into particulars. The supremo court has reversed the decisión of' Judge Morris in the Boyden will case, holding that a man who has labored hard and accumulated a property, has the right to dispose of the same as he sees fit. Which decisión will commend itself to the good sense of the people. As we have remarked elsewhere, tie on the red ribbon tomorrow, boys, and keep it on, and keep the pledge its presence implies for 365 days; and, our word for it, at the end of that tiine you will be rejoiced at the pleasure the deed has wrought, and resolve to keep it forever. The W. C. T. U. is making a great effort to enlist the Germana of our city in the temperance cause, we are infortued. Rev. Geo. Deckering, of Wayne, and Mrs. Skelton, of Detroit, have both delivered addresses In the Gernian language this week, to good audiences, at the Germán M. E. church, corner of Liberty and División streets. The case of the Lima election board- CDiisiting of Messrs. Dancer, Covert and McMillan - who were charged with illejjally receiving votes at the recent election was up before Justice Granger last Tuesday, and the gentlemen wera ordered discharged on the ground of inefficiënt evidence to bind them over to the circuit court. Frotu terrible rumor previous to the trial, ye local had supposed that a second TammanyTweed ring was to be unearthed in Lima, but as it turned out to be all thunder and no lightning, he very gladly chronicles the innocence of the aecused partios. The Toledo, Ann Arbor & Grand Trunk R. R., not being able to complete its northern extensión accordiog to contract, because of tho early setting in of severe weather has been obliged to ask an extensión of the notes given until July 1, 1881. It is to be hoped that the people will be public spirited enough to do this, so that the road tuay be completed in the spring. The calendar of the circuit court fortho term, which is to con vene at the court house next Tuesday, the 4th prox., at 10 o'elock a. m., contains forty-nine cases altogether, viz ; nine criminal ; twenty-five issues óf fact; one imparlanoe ; eight chancery - lst class; six ohancery- 4th class. The calendar is not as large as usual. The jury are summooed for Wednesday, January 5th. Last Wednesday morning the Daily News man rescued a seventeen years old young lady frotn being frozen to death. The girl was on the way to her daily labor, and becoming benumbed and partially unconscious, had set down on a horse block on Williams street, unable to proceed further, when discovered by the gentleman aforesaid, who immediately summoned aid and saved her life. Jieautiful Snow - white robe of winter, etc. All very nice while the poet is sitting in the house wooing the muse and nursing tho base burner at the same time, but let him live on a corner lot and put him out on the walk with a shovel in nis hand, snowballs on his heels, and a steady drift blowing down the back of his neck from the surrounding house-top}, and it will takt? all the pootry out of his system as effeotivcly as the toothache. - Purloined. An exchane Say3 " Not only wateh your own woodpile, but also that of your neighbors." The writer has been led to think that this advice has been followed, from the incredibly rapid rate at which his woodpile has vanished. There are two fellows intcrestedio "lifting" the wood, and they being old offenders in tliis line, we f'eel iu duty bound to give their names to the public. They are known to the people of this vicinity as Jack Frost and OU Boreas. Christmas was very gencrally observed iu our city. Not especially by public exercises or demonstrations, but at the fireside, and by family gatherings. To the little ones it was especially pleasant, bringing souvenirs of affection from parents and frieods, and candy and sweetmeats from mythical old Santa, in plenty. It was a dark, gloomy day outside, but indoors it was more generally pleasant than for years previous, because more families were enabled to observe it than ever before. Tbose who were fortúnate enough to be in attendance at the morning and evening services last Sabbath at the M. E. church, heard some most excellent music. Prof. S. F. Ganung, of Havana, New York, presidcd at the organ, and the music whieh he brought out of it sent a thrill through every person present capable of being thrilled with music. The choir also seeined enspirited by the master hand at the keys and sang with far more than usual life and energy. We are informed that the professor will preside at the organ next Sunday which favor will be heartily appreciated by the congregation. We are told that the U. S. inspectors have in part condemned the new iron bridges recently put in by the M. C. R. R. , both to the east and west of this city, and that the railroad company will have to erect wooden structures in addition #nd under the iron as extra supports. We have not been able to ascertain particulars, but we do know if this appües to all of the bridges between Dexter and Ypsilanti, the expense will be great. The railroad crosses the Huron river eight times between this city and Ypsilanti, to the east, and nine times between this city and Dexter, to the west, with a large bridge over Mili Creek, just west of Dexter, and uiany of these bridges have been rebuilt this suuitncr with stone and iron. In the article on the New England supper in our last issue mention shoulci have been made of the very excellent inusicfurnished by a doublé quartette under the supervisión of Mr. Alvin Wilsey. The rendering of "Unwritlen Poems" was espeoially worthy of note and, fullowiag the sketch of Biyant and his works, was very appropriato. The society ordered covers for two hundred persons, nhich was about seventy-fivo more than had ever attended, and some one hundred and twenty five more than were present that evening, thus causing a loss to Mr. Frank Hangsterfer, who got up the supper. It seems that as this was one of the finest banquets the society has enjoyed and so many more were ordered than necessary, the society should at least see that Mr. Hangsterfer does not suffer loss. The people generally have been complaining of the cloudy, glooniy weather which has prevailed for the past few weeks, there being a period of twenty-one days in which the sun showed ts face but once and then for a few minutes only. The telegraph twice told us that in I'ittsburgh, Pa., tlie street lamps had to be lighted at mid-day. Well, a change came last Monday, and, after a futile attempt at snow, the clouds broke-away letting the bright countenanco of the sun out once more ; but, to compénsate for this pleasuro, old North Wind commenced breathing on us and soon run the thermometer down to 10 below zero. Not content with this unkind, coalblooded action, ho held the mercury down to near that point all the next day, and Wedoesday morning pointcd with icy fingers at 20 below zero and asked with stinging keenness, "how's that for low?" The reply carne froni aching toes, frosted nose, streaming eyes and benumbed fingers: it's enough, the belt is yours; give us a thaw." And "Old Sol" looked on with complacency and thaw it all; so did the fuel dealers, well knowing that a deal of extra combustión was necessary to save the plants, and exulting over rapid sales and rising scales- in prices. About ten days ago a young man, well dressed and of pleasing manner, giving his name as D. W. Fair, entered the drug store of H. J. Brown & Co., and representing hiniself as the traveling agent of Gage Bros., a wholesale millinery house of Chicago, who was stopping over in the city for a time with friends, asked to see somc toilet sets. Being shown the same, there were none which suited, and describing the kind he wished, requested Mr. Brown to send on and order one for him, which he di.l, the price being agreed upon at $24. From Brown's he went to Mrs. Craine's millinery store, and there he represented himself to be a nephew of Mr. Brown, and ordered a very expensive bonnet, selecting the tip which was to go od, and giving minute iustructions, saying that he wished it for his sister for Cbristmas, for which he was to pay $15, we believe. Well, to make a long story short, when the goods were ready for delivery the young man failed to enter an appearanco. He made no attempt to obtain possession of the goods, nor in any way endeavor to defraud either party, aDd was so plausable and gentlcmanly that no ono had the least euspicion of anything out of the way, and are yet puzzled to know the object of the man in doing as he did. They have about made up their minds, however, that he was either a practical joker of a contemptible aort or a little out of his head. The goods ordered nt either place are not profitablc to have on hand, especially in the of the bonnet. Jacob Knapp, the new county treasurer, has given bonds to the county in the sum of $150,000, the following named gentlemen signing the same: David Rinsey, Mofes Seabolt, Christian Mack, L Gruner, Frederick Schmid, Jr., Daniel Hiscock, W. W. Wines, C. H. Worden, Wm. Deubel, W. D. Harriman, W. B. Smith, P. Weiss, Fred. Breitenwtsh, William Muellenkamp, Adam Kress, William Beuerle, Gottlob C. Mann, Jacob Laubengayer, Henry Feldkamp, Paul Kress, Christian Trinkle, Ernst G. Haarer, J. Breining, Christian Feigil, Jacob Lutz, Lewis Habb, Adam Gehringer, Charles J. Vogel, Joseph Wciss, Gottlob Laeyer, Georgo Haarer, William Schwab, John Bouer. To the state he gives a bond in the sum of 139,000, and the following gentlemen aot as surety : Daniel Hiscock, Frederick Schmid, Jr., Christian Knapp, and John Hagan. Mr. Knapp will not move into the city, but has deputized Adam D. Seyler to do the business of the office, and this gentleman has in turn given bonds to Mr. Knapp in the sum ot $150,000, with the following surety : Aaron L. Feldkamp, Simeón F. Hirth, Jacob Raab, Johones Schenk, Michael Staebler, Jacob Jedele, Michael Foster, John Keppler, Jacob Bissinger, Conrad Bissinger, Philip Lohr, Leonhard Gruner, John Hagan.


Ann Arbor Courier
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