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"PARM FOR SALE. For tlic purposc of closing a partnership, the nndersigned offers the Finley farm, in the townöbip of Scio, for sale, elther In part or the whole, on loog time. For part icularp enquire on the premises . DAVID M. FINLEY. Scio, December 21, 1880. 1019-31 JOTICE. The annnal meeting of the Washtcuaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held at the court houee in the city of Ann Arbor on Wednesday. January 12th, 1881, at 10 o'clock a. ra., for the purpoee of clectlng offlccrs and transacting such other business as may legally comcbefore the meeting. N. 8HELDON. Dated, December 28, 1880. 1019-20 "M'OTICE. Whereas my wife, Ruth Kmogene Koot, has lcft me without juet cause, I, Lcvl Koot, forbid all persons harborlng or trusting her on my account after this date. LKVI G. KOOT. December 24th, 1880. 1018-20 ¦JOTICE. The annunl meeting ot Forest Hill Cmetcry Company of Ann Arbor, will be held at the office ol Emannel Mann, Treasarer, on Tucsday, January 4tb, 1881, at 2 p. m., for the election of offlcers and the transaclion of such other bnsiness ae may come before it. E. B. POND, Clerk. Dated, Ann Arbor, December 90, 1880. 1018-19 POR SALE. A Farm of twenty-oiie acres, with a good dwelling house on it, one mile from city city limits. Enqnlre 965tf At TUE COURIER OFFICE. "POR EXCHANOE. I have a farm of 100 acres in the western part ot the State, valued at $6,000, which I will exchange for Ann Arbor City property. RICE A. BEAL. pOFFINS AND CASES 1 FÜLL STOUK AT MARTIN'8 Ml order proioptly atterdedtn. WANTED. Br a Competent & Experienced Nurs9 a Sltuatlon. Apply. 1015 DRAWER 34, P. O. lyTONEY TO LOAN. At seven per cent, Secnrity must be on flrst-class farms in thiscounty, or city proporty iu Ami Arbor, in central and desirablelocalities. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Attorney. Office : S. W. Cor. Main & Hurón Sts., up-stairs 1008-31 WILLIAM W. NICHOLS, rB3STTISrJ? 1 TËb& Successorto G. V?. North. Office, 19 Sonth MalD Street, opposlte National Bank. Reeidence, 27 Lih orty Street. Nitrons oilde pa administered whe roqnestert. (Mist "POR SALE. I have a sood Fl OURIMO MILL of fonr run of stone, thu I will sell or exchange Tor i'roperty In W'aahtenaw County. i RICE A. BEAL. SCHOOL BONDS FOB SALE. Sealed tenders are lnvlted by the nndersigned untll six o'clock on the afternoon of January the llth, 1881. for the purchase of $4,000 (four thousand) of five per cent. boudB of BChool district No. 1, ol the city of Ann Arbor, as authorized by the last aniiiial school meeting, held September Hitli. 1880, in denominations of $o00 cach, hearing date February 1, 1SK1, and payable as followe : $2,000 (two thousand dollars),Febrnary 1, 1887. $2,000 (two thousand dollars) February 1, 1888. Interest payable annually. Both principal and interest payable at the omce of the treasurer of suid district. The rlght ol rejecting any or all bids is reserved. By order of the Board of Education. L. GRUNER, Treasuror, 8 S. Main St. Ann Arbjr, December 14th, 1880. PROPOSALSl'OR WOOD. Sealed proposals for 150 corda of wood, four feet onp, Kooa, green, body or straight hickory, hard tnaple aud sucond rowth upland oak, in uuantltles QOt lesa than ten corda, will le received by the undcreigned until the llth day of January, 1881, in clusive, up to 8ii o'clock p. ra. Tho wood to be doivercd in the next ü days after awardine the contract, at the different school huuses iu this city, in ¦mt-li quanitiea as deetred. The right of rcjectlng any or all offers íb reaerved. L. GRUNER, SS. Main St-, Treasurer of School District No. I, oí the city of Ann Arbor. Anif Arbor, December 14th, 1830. 1018-19 Sealed Proposals FOR JANITOR'S SERVIGEg. Office uf the Clerk of Wanhttnaw Co., Mich., I November 30th, 1880. [ Undar direction and by resolution of the Board o Inperrlson "! W'u-htruuw County, I ehall receive sealed proposals np to 12 m., of January 3d, 1881, for loing the janitor's work at the court house, in the :ity ol Ann Arbor. Particulars as to service requlied ind perquiftiti's given. will be l'urnishcd at my omce ipoo application. The Board reserves the right to ¦eject any or all bids. EVEHETT B. CLARK, 1014-18 For the Com. on Public Buildings. F. S. BUCK, WUOLESALE AND RBTAIL TOBACCO i CIBUI! HODSE 411 Gooods Sold at Detroit Prices. Lgeni for GLOBE and SEAL OF DETROIT tobacoo, N0. 7 EAST HURON STREET. 81yr A LL KINDS OF BLANKS rHINTBD OM SBOBT HOTICK AT TUE COURIEB JOB ROOMS.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News