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Twenty Dollars Reward

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A gentleniau in Convera, (a., offets thc above su ni as a rcward to any persqn wbo will, on iglú, read tbe following wilbout mispronouDoiqg h wurd: " One niorning I found niyself'in aqueer .unida vast arca of' burning aaoda. To iii.v relief I desoried an oasis, butalas! it. turned out to lio a mirage. I could toa, as I thouabt, oMoades, geyser, and gewgaws ndewnbablc. W'hun I oomplained to an Edo wite of such a deoeptire knd the ontoward t'ellow tn'atcd me witb contuinely. I wasonly saved liy tbe tiiunly appearance of a i'roin tbc pniaant llow ot' tbe auuanoe wbieb loaped np (rom tbe rootofa pyramidal ojrpreM :i which he fircil bis (Vise, l'bis jicrversecrcaturc IMI80 maddeoed by : jape tliat be eommitted felo de-sc. He was tbe protege ot' lbo kinr, and liad bean fur nme time bu employee in deeiphoriog orooifonn ioaoriptioog, aii'l may have l Cbaldean. Thongb cleanly dressed, he was not cleanly. Now seeking a ; by ¦ .-.tivum lüli'd with aniíualcules, I wrote an ex'iuisiie CRsay, drawing on my l'eriilo brain, wbich I read every altornate day Ibr a week, and then wrapped it up and placed it in STi alcova Cor safe lceeping.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News