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AMERICAN ' BALL BLUE THIS 12 THE BEST BLUEIHC l'l' Is Nor P0IS0N0U8I RELPS BLEACHING ui.i '¦IKS KKAITIFIi. l ÍN-, . fc#For Sale by all Grocers..g} American Ultramarine Works .¦J.1 II a dm l,anp. Xew Vork 82-lyr W. TREMAIÑ IHIIIÍ lid (JFTPICTC Al' A. A. TERRY'S HAT STORE IVortli llriiisii iiuraiioe Comp'y (of London and Kdinburgh,) Capital fl.%(IO0,0UU, Gold. Detroit Flre and Marine In. Co. Catb Aserte tMM im. SriiitfHll III. í'omp'y. Of nn., (Stíh Ktsjs $l,80,lXi. lio win l In. Cu., of ev York, 'rtfih ABets $1,000,000. Afrte nitor! Imiifiiiii ('oinp'jr W ATKHTOWN, - NTCW (KK t'iuli Aí-, - I 0,000 Lossea libcrally adjusted and prouiitly jiaid. jr VEGETABLE BALSAM1C ELIXIR ís a sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Diseases, when taken in season. People d!e of consumption sirapy because of negled when the timely use of this remedy would have cured them at once. Fifty-one y f ars of constant use proves the fact that no cough remedy ha stood the tesl like niriu' Elixir. Price 35c. 60c. and $1.00 per botUe. For Sale Ererywhere. Dr.Baxter'3 Mandrake BitterS Will cure Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Indigestión, and all diseases arising froro Biliousness. Price 25 ets. per bottle. Por Salo Evsrvwhere. HKJiHÏ JL JOHNSON'S ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENT Tor .Van and itrast. The most perfect Hniment ever compounded. Price 25c and 50c. For Sale Everywhere. Iiild 87 FERDON LÜMBER YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufaciurer and Dealer in SACINAW GAN6-8AWBD LUMBËR, LATH AND SHINGLES. We t&rltfl al! to pive nu a cali, tad i'inminf on f stock befor' pnrch.ujiuíí elMWhan. ALSü AUÜNT KOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SBLLS FIRK BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. Kf KI II. Bupt., ":' HALL'S Qatarrhgure. Is Recommended by Physicians HALLS Qatarrh (jure. Is Indorged BV Clergymen. Will Cnrc An.v C;isc. Offlceof A T.8tewrt A Co. Cbkaco.lll, Juuel. ISïO. -. K .7. Clinitv &¦ Ca , Toledo, O. iciii 1.1,1. ii . - 1 tak pleasure in informlrifr you tint I hars UMd Hall'a Catarrh Cure. Itlia-onrl 1 u vi'ry l).nl - and cion't hesitttoíy ibii it will e.,, any cas.' oKatrrh if taken properlj Yimrtruly,J.B.WEATHEBFOKD. AVorlh élO A Dottl. _ E. Mvkray, J:i.knn, Itich. wrilet: Havebad ("trrli for M ) eara. Il.ill's Catarrb Curocurcd m II uorth$lü.OOa bottla. Hall! Catsrrh Cure is sold by all Druiü'?' i iiotilc. Maniifarlured and sold by ¦¦¦) '¦HEN ET & CO. Solo l'rcprletors, TOLEDO, OHI0 For Kale in Arm Arbur hy H. J. BROWN -- ¦ Cornat Main ind Baron Sttcets. . 1009-1021 8Ö00REWARD! W i: ni pai tha aboTe rewurd Ito uy m ' Liver Complaint, D;apapia, sick lliadachc, Indilíeation, ConM'ipiitloii urCu-ümmí wi-cannotcnre witli Wret i Vegetable Livei Pilla, whan the directiuns are strictly oomplled Itli. 'I ley nre purely Vegetable, and uevurfail togivesatisfaction. sugai Coated. Urjte boxea. cont"lDln 80 Pilla, -¦" centtFor alt liv all droirglU. lti-ware of counterfell and Imilanons. Thi: L-enuliU" manufuctnred only by .IOHN C WK8T d CO., "The PillMakeia," J8I . 188 W. M iainn SL, ChlosRO. Frc trial packau1 int bv niiill prepaid on rpceipt of a Nci'iit ftarup. m km ¦ , M. UMI ¦ "i Ml li i " ¦L" ' '",?.?' L' il.'. C.lul óot rniulrad. Wt wlll runlib i tij ' 1 jfni mg from bom over Dlhl. 'o rU ¦"', ñjtW r..ri.ic M the bilBi l.idlM ""¦ " "i" ""í; TV .D.l jouDiIxiva u.ifirli m' r " ""ITw! Willlni to work rsila to makf u.or mODi-J c.rrr daj ltn mad. lu k at .nt ordlo.r. rroploroKnl. Yhu.f wbo F"f t sar. will ODd ahorl rod U ror[m. iiirtn tt. BjJUJt '.)., Portland, U.iD.. 1WX


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