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There are 36 saloons in Iansing. Tke C. & G. T. R. R. is to buik! a ncw brick depot at Sehooleraft. Bay City has an umbrella factory an Owosso a spring-bed manufactory. The cornet baod of' Caro, cotnposed of la 'lii's, u to have an elegant new uniform ¦bon. 'T '¦imxli rtijdnntl are uiting op a rail road track connecting theni with ihe Hut Ier road. Sagetown, Tuseola county, has a new flouring mili in operation, owned by Kan dal] Bro. Barry county has but twelve dealers io malt and spirituous liquors, and a population of 32,000. A farmer named Aaron Hall, at Hastings, comnienced the New Year by shootiiL himilf dead. All of tbc Michigan militia have been invitod to attend the inaugural eeremony ai Washington, next March. Sam. Keith, an engineer on the F. & 1'. M. R. Il,, bas run a loconrotive for thirty years and never wet with an accident. Tho Michigan state agricultural societi will hold its annual meeting, in the city o: Jackson, January lOth, at the Hurd house. The Mourit Clemena Monitor sUtes thal Hon. Irving D. Hanscmu, of Ronico, is nol a candidate tbr railroad comnaissioner ol this state. It cost the owncv.s of tbc cigar manufaotories at Coldwatcr, last year, $S5,000 to (ay their bolp, and $62,184.59 for government stampa. The drain commissioner of Lee township, Caluouri uounty, advertises for bids for digging a ditch seveu miles iooS. i ;n he a big drain on the town. According to the Ggures of Levi Bishop, of Detroit, who keeps tbe rooord, there were 104 murders or attempts at murdcr in this state during 1880. The immense grocery and lumberman's supply house of' Wells, Stone & Co., at Saginaw City, burned on the lst inst. Loss $60,000, insuied for $45,000. Martin Drost, a milk dealer of Grand Rapids was run over by a hose cart, going to a fire recently, and instantly killed. He leaves a wife and fire children. At Centerville, St. Jo. Co., a tobáceo pledge is being circulated among the womei - excuso haste - men, we should ay, an many signers are being secured. Mr?. Kleanor Littlejohn, widow of Col John Littlejohn, and mother of Rt, Rev. A N. Littlejohn, Bishop of Long Island, die( at Allegan, January lst, aged 82 years. The Bad Axa Backwoodsuian has chaog ed owners and politics, and will change its name. It will be a republican paper here after, and its new owner is George A. May wood. The authorities of Hillsdale college pass ed a stringent anti-tobacco rule this year and have enforced it rigidly, yet the attend anee is said to be 25 por cent. greater than ever before. The LaTceyiewian." are disgusted and mac beoause a minister of the gospel performe( the marriage ceremony for a young mar just a few hours after preaching the fuñera sermón of his (the groom's) mother. An exchange says that General Manager Mulliken, of üio D., L. & N. R. R., has adopted a policy of encouragini; manufac turing enterprises in the towns on the line of the road, and the result is proving mu tually beneficial to tbe towns and the road The red ribbon central committee, legis lative tempéranos society and state woman's C'hristian temperance union have openec rooms in Lansing for the use of members o thti leiislatiire and visitors from the ststc at large. These rooms will be kept open during the session. Tbe Stanton Clipper desires to have the legislature either ïocorporate that village uto a city or else créate a new township to include the whole village, as it is now in four different townships, and the people have to go five or six miles in five or six different directions to vote. The friends of Congressman Conger are warming up to their work io the senatoria contest. They claim that Conger is the only stalwart in the ,-tatc, who is fitted, by natural aptitude and political experionce, to fill Zach Chandlcr's old shoes. Anc there is considerable truth in their claim too. - Tecumseh llcrald. The board of' trustees of Albion college have resolved to inaugúrate mcasures looking to great improvement. They have fitted up rooms for their prosperous conservatory of niusic and given it a new piano, and purchased new cases and tables for the reading room. They also resolved to raise funds sufficient to erect an astronomical observatory. In 1876 George Bangs of Tecumseh came here to attend a torchlight procession. The special train which carried his company back failed to stop at the regular dopot, and he jumped, losing a leg in coosequenee. One year ago he recovered $4,000 damages, but the Lake Shore company appealed and a iicw uifii was oruerea, ana tni8 morning the jury in the circuit court, Judge l'ratt presiding, gave a verdict for $6,000. A Jaekson paper sounds a note of warning to parents of young girlsin tbat city, in reference to loóse moráis. It cites a few instances of .chool girls hiding their books and entering "Hiatlinn Ihhm and other low dens, of young ladie-nvisiting the depot at night in all kinds of weather to ineet " fast " ynung men, and of' other deviltry, all golng to shuw tliat there is a bad moral atmospuere in that city.- Albion llepublican. The Rev. W. B. Taylor was appointed aeting President ui' Adrián college, vico George B. McElroy, resigned. Mr. Taylor . üars oíd, a metuber of the Pittsburg conference, of the Methodist Protestant ehurch, atid lately actepted the pastorale of I'lymouth churchhere. He loft Knox col lego, Illinois, to serve in the Union army, and alter the war concluded his tbeological culture in Boston (Mass.) The selection is regarded as an admirable one.- Clinton IVrhaps the two best still-hunter inthis part of Michigan, are James and Eugene Atherton, of Oscodacounty. These Munters neyer use dogs and go back where the game Ls uiiiiturlit;il. 'ihey are excellent woodsmen and when the crack of their rifles is heard in the rbrest, it is a pretty sure sign that something has bit the dust. Their cash revcipts for vcnison to our dealers this scason, was $650. They killed 137 deer, 1 bear, and 1 wolf. James Atherton won the bolt, we bclieve, as he killed 5 deer in one forenoon. - Oeemaw Herald. The state board of agriculture bas appointed a series of farmers institutes, as follows: Ionia, 11 and 12- Frofs. Jobnsoo , Bell, Carpentcr, and Secretary Baird ; Bangor, Van Buren Co., January 13 and I f Proft. I!. ('. Kedrie, Cook McKwan, F. S. Kedrie and ÍStcrelary Baird ; Hada n, LenMrec Co., January IS and 'J - Secretary Buird, President Abbot, Proís. JollDsoa ná Bal ; Battle ('reek, January UOand 21- Profil. Bed, McKwan.lohnsun, (Jassidy and President Abbot ; Oxford, Oakland Co., February I and 2- Profe, Carpentcr, Cook, lt. C. Kedzie and Cassidy ; Vassar, February 3 and 4- Profs. Carpenter, Cook, Abbot, Kedzic and Latta.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News