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Among Our Exchanges

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The Marshall Statesman has a new editoi ia the person of James Coyle, who proposes to make it the best paper in that secdon, f poasible. The North Branch Gizette has just entcrud the aixth year of its existence, and has been enlarged to a BX column paper. These signs of prosperitv denote a good paper. The prospectus of the Clare County News. to be published at Harrison, Clare Co., bj J, M. Russcll, has been reccived. It is to be a six column folio, and subscription priee to be $1 per year. Bellevue has a new night watch, and the Evcning News insinuates tbat it is becauso Hcjskiüs, of the Gazette, is absent in the legislature, thus carrying the idea that he is a regular nighthawk " with an bye like an heagle." The Eaton Rapids Journal aski people to believe this historioal item : " In a paper published in Rhode Island, in 1762, the following account of a protraeted drought is given : ' Our cows are drying up, our pumps are dry, there is no w:iter and the minister of the Baptist ehurch is dead.' " The Hillsdale Standard iaceliously retnarka reapecting the political lóolishness ot the Nevada people at the recent election : " Nevada papera estímate that Col. Fair spent over $150,000 to elect a democratie legislature and secure for himself the Senajorship. It was the most expensive Statefair ever held ia Nevada." Tl AJ_U_ rp;„„„ .„ „„,,;„„ o. over the poor old democratie party. Hear it : "There is mnch talkof reorganizing the democratie party these days. Just exactly what is meant by the expression is not more plain than the meaning of one who should talk of ' reorgaoizing an addled egg,' llonestly, it don't look as if the thing could be 'did.' " The Grass Lake News of Dec. 31st, announces that that office has been purchased by John R Lusk, a praoücal printer, from the gentleman who bas been its editor - and who by the way, has given the Ürass Lake pcople an excellent paper- Mr. It. Melville Collier, who presents bis retirins remarks, and in theui spcaksa good word for hissuccessor. The Grand Ilapids Democrat thus explains the difference between John Kelly and the aldermenho went back on him : John Kelly to the four recreant aldermen : "Go"! 1" The four recreant aldermen to John Kelly : Go! ! f The Isabella Enterprise thinks that tbey have old fogiesdown in Vermom : "Old fogyism has been displayed by Gov. Farnbam, of Vermont, in vetoing a bilí re cently passcd by the legislature of that state, whicn practicatly does away with the grand jury, and giving the indicting power to the state's attorneys. The wise gentleman from Vermont ought to havo ascertained thees perience Michigan han had on this subject, as she abolished this system a nutnber of yearsago." The Mount Clemens Monitor has a littli' puzzle for some good figurer to solve. It certainly scems a mystery to us how the reasons given can account for the slow increase of children in that county : "Macomb oounty has this year 10,806 school children, against 10","81 last year- not a very ,large increase. Macomb does not show up as well in the matter of school children as some other counties of her size, a fact that is accounted for by the sectariau schools within her borders." A ray of light sometimos shines out of the southerndarkness, as the following from the Tbree llivcrs Tribune indÍMÍM : Port Gibson. Miicismppi, is, or was a thoroughly bourbon town, and the Reville, printed there, is one of the most intollerant of Bourbon organs. At a recent municipal election there a fusión ticket, of democrat, republicana, and conservatives, and made up of whites and blacks, had 101 votes to 24 for a straight bourbon ticket. The Vicksburg Horald (Ind. Dem. ) gays " the day of bourbonisui in that country is past. ' The Farwell Register thus gives "the boys" some good, couimon sense talk : "Every one to their liking," said the old woman wlien shc kissed her cow Kuch, perhaps, was the opinión of the two fellows who lay in a snow bank on Christmas day, drawing " inspiration " from a couple of whisky bottles. Othcrs aain hung around the back door of saloons, or skulkcd around sheds, barns, outhouses and fences, to swill the same miserable stuff, which empties the pocket of raoney and the head of good sense. Boys, we ask all ot you who had a "Cbristinas drunk," are you not ashamed of it? Would you not rather have reinained sober, saved your money and your reputation .' Why not say, and say so truthfully, on the first day of the ncw year, that you have had your last drunk ?


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