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188O. ' LITTLE MACk. CLOTHIEB By all oöös the best display of HOLIDAY &OODS ever shown in this city is now open for inspectiou at i Little Mact's, No. 9 S. Main street, the Larpst Clothing House in the city. New Years Little Mack's Tailorine: Department is a success and all persons who iesirefirst-classcustoincloth- ing; will not rept payinï ns a visit at No. 9 Main street, Ann Arlor. I II III tik, CLOTHIER. il 188O. KVI'.I AYBR'S CHERRY PECTORAL l'or ii-..üHis of tlie Throat ml I.iiiikm. HiK'h iin niiKliN, 'olil. M hoopinic ('ouii'li. llruiK-lill . Anthnia anit onsuiuption. ¦ The few compowttions JaPÍTÍ which have won the nyÑj# ü lidence of mankind and mt SiKlï 9 6 beeom hMMboM words, Á h J fiQ) amonjí nt olily MM t"]t m 1 TJMLr fj TtiHiiy nations, must bave IK JÜD ISm extraordlnary virtuei. Ti 5%t 1'erhniH no one ever t tC ÏTTTfli irriirfd Bowlde a reputaS iS' 1 Etlon, or naiulailii.'l It o jLmf jHK lont', h Ayer'i C'bcrry lC Bt 7 Jy Pectoral. It has been SPBHJSH kliown to tilt' public :lnn]I F mJÊ ECrf jSE BRi forty yeare, ly :i lonL 'i)nVÍH Kk2 KjJrtlnui'U serien of ninrvi'lou =m curei, thftt hftvo won for it a confldence in ita virtoes, never cqualed by any other medicine. It tlll mdkes the moHt cffectual cures of Conahe, Colds, Cuogumptiou, that can 1 made by medical sklll. Indeed, the Cherry Pectoral has really robhed these dangerous dlseaseB of their terror to a preat extent, ana given a feeline ot immnnlty from tlielr palnful eflecto, that Is well founded, lf the remedy be taken in ieanon. Every lamily should have It in their clopct for the ready and irompt relief of lts membcrii. BlekiMM, infiariac ind even Ufe is caved by this timely protection. The rudent shouldoot neelect II. and the wtse will not. veep it by you for the protection it üfTords by its early ue in surtden atlacks. PKEPARKD BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., l.owell, Dlaw., lratlt-al & Analytlcal ücaUt Sold by all DrMritÜ and Dealers in Midiclne. 077-1010-efiw M. S. sniTII iV CO., corner or Wnixluiinl and JHIVrson Avon., Dolroil, ulU-nlioii of lui j ¦! to i lui largc and line oolIcrllon of Sterling Sllvcr Ware, Freiifh C'loekx, Talenee Ware, Itron ¦. l':iii-iaii ovclllc, Jetvelrj', Watehes and Mlui Plaled Ware, embriuiiis most appropriale Tor Weddiiiy; Annlveriutry and Ilolid;ij QHIa. Order or inquirics i.j mail will rcccivc our prompt and earetul attenllon. Jcwclcrs and linportcrs, eornerof Woodward and JHrcrwon Avenue, Detroit, m-m Y) IN8EY & SKABOLT'8 BAKKRY,GROCERY HD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Wc kevp couUiDt]y ir. hand, BllKAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, KOR WHOLBSA.LK AND KJJTA1L TRADÏ. Wc hall alio keep a upply of BWIKT DBUBEL'B BB8T WHITE WUBA1 FLOUK. UKLHI FLOUK, RYK FLOHK, BI 'CKWHBAT FLOUK, COKN MBAL, FKEI), c, c. At wbolesalc and retall. general stock ol GROCERIES M Vtlt isl o constAntly od htud, wblcli wil) be sold on ae reasoi bleternic aa at any otber house in tbe city. l'an paid for Botter, Kggs, aDd Coantry Produci generslljr. ISBtioodi dHIviTcd to any iart of the city wltl oat Mtrarban'. yr HINNKV A HKABOLT.


Ann Arbor Courier
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