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Oiancery Jíollce STATE OF MICHIGAN. The Circuit Cotirt Tor the County of Washtenaw. In l'hancery. Snit pending In the Circuit Court for the Counly of Washtenaw in Chancery at Ann Arbor, on tlie 4lh day of December, A. L lsSO. Jaruaba P. Noble, complainant, aeaiiiBt Alonzo D. Davis and Jane A. Davis, John Webher and Mr. John Webber, defendaut. It appearinij upon proof hy affldavlt that the defendantt, Alonzo D. IHvit and Jane A. Davle, two of pald defendant, nrr nou-r. idents of the ctate of Michigtin and are resideuts of the state of Vermont ; therefore, oo motion of Tracy W. Root, sollcitor tor siid coiuplainant, il l ordered that sald defendants appear and annwer the biil of oomplaint in thls cause wlthln Uirec month from the date ot thia order, and that thia order be pullished once in each week for uil weck in 8iicceslon in the Ann Arbor Ooükikh. a newiiaper publlulied in sid county, and that the firet publlcaiiou thrnoi be witlim twentv dayB from the date of thle order and that snch publlcatlon ehall not be neceiiary in cae a copy of thl order bc aerved on sald delendanti at leat twenty days before the time preBcribed ihereiu for the aupcuraui-e ol said driemlant-. JAMES McMAHUN, Circuit Court Commleeloner in and for the Conntr of Waihtenaw, Mtate of MichiKan. 1016-liej Tbacy W. Root, Solicitor for omplaiuant. Estáte or Edward Keete. QiTATK OF MICU1OAN, County oí Waehtenaw, sb. Atasexiion of the Probate Conrt for the County of i Waehtenaw holden at tlie Probate Office, ir the city of Ann Arbor, on Tneaday, the Mth day of December in the year one thoiiBand elcht hundred and eitfhty. rtmilt. Willtam D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the eetatcof Edward Uecve, deceased. On readint' and fillng the peliuon, duly verlfled, of Noah W. Cheever, admmiBtrator de ' bonU on prayloif that he may be licemed to aell the real eatate whereof ald deeaed dled ieired. Thereuiwn It ie ordered, that Tuesday, tlie llth day of January neit, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, bc assigned for the hearing of snid petition, and that the helri at law of f aid deceaied, and all othr peraons interested in sald eetate, are required to appear at ascsJon of iaid court, theu to be holden al tbe Probate Office, in the city ot Ann Arbor, and ebow cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petltioner ahould not ba pantad. And it 1b furtber ordered, that aald petltioner eive notice to the persona intereBted In ald estáte, of tin pendency of ald petltlou, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thie order to be pubÜBhed In the Ann Arbor L'ourur, a newspaper prlnted aml circulatlng In said county, toree successive weeks prevlons to ,ald vhi-rta.C.A tm. cojy.) Judge of Probate. WM. O DOTY, Probate Rexlster. 1017 -lirj"


Ann Arbor Courier
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