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THOMAS BURRY, Of Detroit, wonld anDonnce to the cHiaen of Ann Arbor that he Is appolnted Agent for Zell's Encyclopedia Ia the Coanty of Waahtenaw, And wlll be here next week with Hamples of the work and Testimoníala of lt snperlorfty over all other worke of th kind in tho world, from the highest anthorlty. He dealree ererjone who wlsbo the BEST, to examine Zell's S&cjdopedisL. Dictionary, Hazetteer Atlas Of the worW, of the lateêt, 1880, edltlon, before pnrchasing any other. Many penple are now purcbating ZELL'S who have all the otbere on account of lts be in no much more comprehensive. 1030-21 "VTOTICK. Whcreas my wifc, Kuth Kmocne Root, has lcft me without Jmt canee, I, Levl Koot, forbid all persons harborlUK or trustlng her on my account after thls date. LEVI O. KOOT. December 2ltb, 1880. 1018-20 POR SALE. A Farm oí twenty-one acres, with a good dwelllng house on It, one, mile from city city limita. Enqulre 5tf At THK COÜRIKR OFFICB. WANTED. - ar a Competent & Experienced Nurse a Sltnatlon. Apply, HM DKAWKR31, P. O. jyjONEY TO LOAN. At even per cent, Secnrlty mast be oo flr?t-cls farms in thls county, or city property ia Ann Arbor, in central and degirahle localftiea. ' J. Q. A. 8K88ION8, Attorney. Office : 8. W. Cor. Min & Hurón Sta., ap-gtaln 1006-81 "POR SALK. I have good FLOURINO 1IILL of foar run of tone. Uut I wtll ell or fzchaiiKv for propirty In Washtcnaw Coanty. " RICE A. BEAL. QOFFIN8 AND CASE8 i FÜLL STOUK AT MARTIN' 8 All order promptly attended to. JLL KINDS OF BLANK8 PBWT1D OM SHORT SOTIOI AT THE COURIER JOB ROOMS.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News