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Influence Of Light On Health

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t ¦eerWlDfiss ü- a great blessing, ani u the parent of maiiy others. It gives a relish to simple fare, adds a charm to plain features;, aml koeps down petty tnubles. ('heerfulnes in tact, is another name for healtt) ; tor it il difficult tbr people when out ot' lualth to be cheerful. There are nausea ot cberfulnesft, well a causes ot L'looiu umi deapooéaiuy. On dull, foggy, or rainy days. we feel U-sw auiuiation than in tino, mnaniny wcather; and light, it not the ehicf', OM of tba principal oatuei ol cheertulm-. Knie-, there )c liqht iu tlio dwelling, we can hardly hope for light m tbe hi-ait. It i. alauientalile facl, ihat even in itu ations wlicre a tull MLH7 ot ''(?üt u'y utitaincd, people are of ten uuwilling to take the necunwiry paiu.i for udiuittaiKx'. Tbere iu;i y eoui tu Ih' ¦ ü.iol rea-on why Iiihi.-i-in tbe oarrow streeti ind alleyn ot' towos -lioulil lic L'iüoiiiy. luit thcre -an he no good nmn why eottaMt and botutt in c MUIiti v lionlil be Jl-tnal, :!-. Yi't wc iituii mt dwlillgl liy the ide ot broad oommoiu, or on -lnpe.iot' breciy hills, with winlns M -m.ill as not lo adinit a tcnlli ot the li;lit required. D&rknoan :i'l gloou bave depressinu ,-i.-.-i n l,.'ilth iikI (pirils, Tlie ii-ln .I th' -'in neces'ar?1 tor the health aml iirowtli ut bwnga ; lor pUntb. W lio í tbere tliat bu nol Botioed üm v.i.m! liveliottM ot bitit under bríghl ranühioe ' Vniuiül.s tiiili ali'iut in tbc warm ray, and msect-, whicb are seldom nr evr seon in doudy weatlior, eouie foitli by tlie thousaudi. I nlanti, tio, enjoy liïht . tbeyturn tbeir cye oagerly towardait Tbe Uutc of plants, too, i affccteil hy light. The i" u. hc grpwo iiiiJit tba mu of A uieriea are u muob superior to tboso of Kngland, as the latter re to aloes. Chloriite and bydroB xn, ifnixed tegethwatw kept ui ilark, wilt niver unite; the ligbt ofdiiy causea tin m toiuix slowly, but in !i reet uoshine, they conibinc in-taiitaueously, and cxplodu with a lood report. S.iini' eanoot bc carried on without a good liffbt ; dyera find that hngbter colors are obtained under a rlear ky. l'eoile who work in dark rooas, or Q tuinen, are allow andmckly in complexión, aud wnictimesdflforae4. Ouegroat cause ot'despondency and illDe&j among immigranti wbile on board hip, i waut ol Humeient liirht betweOQ deck. SobM are tauieii by bcing deprived of lik'l't ; and it is a well a-certaiocd faet that tadpole-, whieh are young fi'Og, will never Krow imo trojs it .ilways kept in the dark. Bcaring these interenting ('acts in niind, we .-hall bettereoniprehend thereasonwby dwellins-bouses ought to be built sio as to admit plenty of light. l:ofortuiiate!y, the reverse of thi.s ut'ten prevails, aud tbe oot tages and tenetnents iuhabited by the workios-classes in this country, are neither ho saluhrious nor eomfortable as they ought to be. Mr. Ward, a surgeon in Loudoa, says ihat childreu reared in dark and diuily-lighted places, are stunted in their growtli, aod are lew able to work thao otbers more favorably reared; the tuind, too, is stunted and injured, as well as the body. " The more dark corners," he observes, "you have in the dwellings of tbe poor, the greater auiount of dirt and filth;" and bc "young people who are about to uiarry, and can afford only one or two rooms, to choose tbe largest room they can Sed, and in which they can obtain tbe greatest quantity of solar light ; the amount of diseane in ligbt rooms as compared with that in dark rooms, beinginfinitely h's.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News