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Retuember the poor. A fact is worth a thousand statements. One hour to-day is worth two to-morrow. You cannot kill time witliout injuring eternity. For a dead oppirtunit.y there is no resurrection. It costs more to revenge wronus tliun to bear them. There is a good wido ditch betwecn saying and doing. One niean man will sour ton miles of good neighborhood. We hand folks over to flod's mercy and show none ourselvos. The greatest losses arise from negleet of smallest opportunities. Our homes should be as holy as our chrches to say the least. Human lite is a constant want and ought to be a constant prayer. The pleasure of doing good u the only one that oever wears out. If men would set botter i'xatuples tin y uiight hatch bctter habits. Thefts never enrieh, alms never itupoverish and praycra hinder nq work. It is not the fiuding ot' truth bui the lioncst searoh after it that bencfits u.s. l'ersoos will refrain from evil gpeaking when persons refrain from evil hearing. The less indulgence one has for one'a sclf, the more one may have for othero. Religious belief is not udually a matter of thought; but a traditiou and prejudioe. When desperate ev'ih requiro speedy cure, distrust is opwirlice rmd preualoe ís folly. The road to ruin ia always kopt in repair, and those who travel it pay the expenses. By the heighth, depth and breadfh of' our losses we uicasurc the utsgiiUode of' our deeds. If the world wonld agroe to speak the truth wbat au ubridgmont it would nmke oí speerli. Mon do mean things for inoney, as women are eiubraoed by men tbey deepis, for a price. Those who come to you to talk about others are the ones who go to otberp to talk about you. To endure ; man whom you know to be bad, is to slap u respectabk man in thufaoe tor hi hone,ty. Some people cnnot drive to bappineM with tour Iiorse.s, and others can reach the oal wull ou loot. Truth kan Uke kare of itself, Hut a lie has got tobe watehed as karefn! as t soro thuuib.- Josh Hillings. Kxamples aro very fow of men ruinod liy giving. Men are héroes in Bpendingj but oraveni in what they give. Life is too short lo nurse one' a miseries. Hurry over thu lowlands that you may lintfü longeron the mountaioi Many of tí kejit in a position of moral reetkude as stones are kepí upriglit in a wall, by the pressure of' the rest. Have the courage to be ignorant of a great many tliings, in order to avoid the ealamity of beiug ignorant of everything. It is ea.sior to dodge from the falling Öakes of IDOW, tban to restore a conüdeuce ouoe bi'okcn between a man and liis wife. It is not MtHHn to ba poor in order to live in misery. Miscry knocks at the kiug'a palace as w'll as at tlii1 pcasanl's hut. Faults nt' the head are paniahed in tbis world, those of the heart in another ; but as most of our viecs are eoropound, also their puuishnieut. %'1'lnre is uot a miscr who does not iuteud to maki: a handsome expenditure some day, but death comes ani intention is carried out by hls heirs. Many a man prácticos opon himselt' an amount of deoeit siiffieifnt, if pr,i upon another and in a little difl'erunt way, tu send liim to the slaic prison. [f you can givo to the fainting soul at your ioora cnp of water from yoar relia of truth, rt suail flagh baek on yoa the rai diancc of'io'l. AiyoaSKTe o shall you be saveU. l'iutyis DOtU end but auicansof al tuin - ing the hiirljc.-tt dsgne ofperfaet ptM of mind. Henee it is to !e obeervéd that those who make piety an end and aim in itself, for the most part beeoiue hypocriteg. Any religión whicli stretehes out it helping hands and says : "üonie UütO me all ye that labor and are heavy la len, and I will give you rest," and ftilfills to the htart the proniMM to the 'ar, ia tli" ri).'ht religión. Whieh makes the worst face-, a giil trying to thread a needie, or a cutiing out the paper for his kite? We simply throw this out tor the èatetrai looirtiei


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News