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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist ('hurch. Rit. S. Haskiia, Pastor. ith -u-rvices, 10 a, u. and 1% r. m. s in 1 av School (ter mornlng servlc. Pryer meetinsThursday evenlng at 7K o'clock. Cathollc Church. Rkt. Fathkb Fiïli, Pastor. Lnw MM, 8 . ¦ 11"11 Mm, 10 . . Vespers r. . Sunlay School, %% r. u. Conif resatiouftl Chnrch. Rv. W. H. Rtdih, Páítor. Sbbatii lervlce, 104 ¦ and 7H r. ¦. Stinday School after inorning ervice. Prayor miotlng Thursday eyenlnK at TH o'elork. Episcopal Church. Kv. Wtllts Hall. Rector, lik ¦ rvlco., 10(4 a. m nd 7( r. i. 8aady School, i r. n. Kelinloiiervlce,Tharda evenlng at 7J4 o'clock. bierman Methodist Church. Rit. C. Hïlwio, Pastor. Sibbatn fervicei, 10!4 a. . and 7VÍ ¦ Sütiilay School, at nlne o'clock A. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday. Lntheran ('luircli. Riv. John Niitüanm, Pastor. Sabbath services, W A. K. and T% r. . Sun 1 School after mornlng service. Prayer meeting, Tharsday evenlng; at 7K o'clock. Methodist Charch. Kit. John Alabihtir, Pastor. 8 tbbuh serrlee. lOi a. b. and 1% r. K. Sani iy Schaol after morulng serrlce. Pnrer m i-Mni?, Tharnday evenlnat " o'clock. Tuaai iVojle s Meeting, Satorday 7 r. ¦. Presbjterian Church. Rit. Kii 'iiim K. Steei.i, D. D., Pastor. Sthiii'b 'rvices, 10 a. m. and 7S '¦ ¦ Suudity -toni) iland Bloleclass after mornlng service Prayer mi)eIiuL!,Thur8dyevenln(f at 8 o'clock. y.uin - PsopU'l Meeting, Sunday evenlngflH. Unitarian Church. Kiv. .1, T. Scniicrland, Pastor. Sabbath serricea, 10V4 a. m. and 7H r. . Snaday School at 12 a. si-i tfnts' lühle Clase at !i:15 a. m. Zioa Lutheran Church. Rit. H. F. Bilsib, Pastor. Sahbath Services at 10 a. k. and 7 f. m. s m,i School immediately sftor morning service. Ht'liluus services Wednesday evenlnjt at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. ELIKABETII I. POPE, Bf. D., PHY3ICIAN AND SÜBOEOW, Special attentlon paid to the diseases of womeo and ehildren. City and country cali promptly attended to. OKKKE, s JH'KIIim 8TBKKT, Two Doors from State Street. Hll.l.H'l BIGGS, BUILDER SHOP: COBNEB CHURCII AND ORLEANS ST. Ann Arbor. 1021-73 W. II. JACKSO, OFFICE : OVER BACH & ABEL'S. EntraDce hy First Nailon] Bank. 732tl WILLIAn HERZ, Houee, Sign , Ornamental and Fresco Painter. - o - hapering, Qlazlng, Gilding, and Calctmining and worlc of everjr dencripliuo done in the best style, and wirranted to give satiífuction. Mhop, o. 4 West Washington Street. Ann Arbor, Michigan. M W ILLIAM W. NICHOIA AkT" DENTIST1 fflH SaoceMorto Q. W. North. Office, 18 Sonth Malo Street, oppoelte National Bank. Reeídenci-, 27 Llh orty Street. Nltron oxide gas admlnlatered whs iJ TV WINATÍS de BERRY FOK MERCHANT TAILORING t'or the f..l 1 o ne ri'Konx : lat. Oar work Ib all firtt-clasa. d. llr. Berry is the only cntter in tho Sute who cin Llve yoo a perfect flt wühout trying on. M. We hare the laigest anaortmrat in the Sute, hiTinsr over 00 different styles to aelect from Ín forngn and demetlie Woolent and Wortledt. ?'? íLe U8e none but nt-clmas trlmmlnm. Sth. We are full 40 per cent, below Detroit prices. WINANS A BKKRY, 1007-105S No. llSonth Main Street, Ann Arbor fTshbück; WIIOI.BSALB AND RBTAIL TOBACCO S CISAR HOUSE All Gooofls Solo at Detroit Prices. Aírfnt for GLOBB and BKAL OP DETROIT tobáceo. NO. 7 EAST HURÓN STREET. THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Mlrhlsan, TWNSACTS SENSUAL SAN.IN6 BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. $100 000.00. rw Mtate and üther good secnrlty. r,r-Chrltlan Mack.W. W. Wlne,. R. A.Be.1 Wllllam Deabol, Wllllam D. Harrlman Daniel Hlscock, and'WUlard B. Smlth NUUII mmu Máck Pre, , w w WiBm vjce.p,,. Caí. K. Hiicook, Caahler. _ 915-9W JLL KINDS OF BLANK8 ÍKINT1D O HORT H0TI0I AT THE COCRIEB JOB BOOMS.


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