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.1. (i. Fair sccured the nomination for the senatorship of Nevada, and Adolph Surto moekly retircd from the field, líe hints however ití uot all Fair. That's right, Mr. Evening New man, warm up theears of that pólice jus tice who refoMt to obey the law, or enforoe it. He dMaiTMal the hail Columbiaand particular Jetnima you can possibly givc him. J. W. Mackey, of California, has proniised Bowdotn college an endowmeot of $50,ik)i), and Mrs. Stonc, of Melden, who has already bcstowcJ M ïuuch uioncy upon the institution, bas giveu an additional $0,000. "To bc, or not to bc, that's the question" which agitates forty or fifty patriotic citizens in the seventh congrossional district who greatly desire the cast off representative phoes of Senator Congcr, of Port HuroD. Last yearold Kngland iui portod $2,045,000,000 worth of goods and exported only $1,110,000,000 worth. Uncle Sam would oonsider .-ucli a balance sheet altogether too uiuoh like a dumb-bell with one of the bells broken off'. Tin batTf on wrong side. We have tried, and tried, and tried, to keep track of the nutubcr of candidates for railroad commisaioncr of the state, to puocced Hon. W. B. Williauio, but the attempt bas been a failure ; there'o too many of them. President Hayes ha.s appoioted Oen. Nathan Goff, of West Virginia, to fill the place made vacant by the ret-ignation of Wni. M. Thompsooaiiseoretaryofthouavy. He was a general in the union army, and has beeo U. S. district Mtorney for the past twelve years. Lai-t year lliere was construct ed in the Uaited States 7,800 miles of railway, more than in all tbc rest nt' tlie world put together. And now comes RMM of the pbfMy, pnky peaümiiti who predict that : -r ot protperlty we slull have aoother panic. TVmc wlin etornally look upim the dark nde of cverything uaust i'roak, wc U] A terrih'e explosión occurred ut Climax, Kaluuiazoo Co., on Monday Dight, whicli blew u[ one store, shattered sevcral adjoioinjr DMt, m4 broke tbc glas in luany of the houses aod buildings in the place. A young man in the .tore of John Audrcws was weighiug out hm powder o the evniiiK, wheo ibool 129 pounds which wai in stock cxpiodcii. TM ut eleven who were in the Mn were sterercly injiirt'd, ihree of whoui have 8incedied. The republicao l rislaturcs of several states have shown rernarablc wisdom in the iKimination of l'oitcd States Senators. In Ohio, John Sheruian hat been nominated, in Connecticut, (!en. Joseph llawley; in Indiana, Gen. Ben Harrison. In Delaware the democrats have renominated Thos. F. Bayard, and in Florida Senator Jones ha.s been renominated. California ha.i elected GB. John F. Miller, republican, anl in Nevada, Col. .lu. . Fair, domoerat, -tole tile take. Governor Mnrray, of l'tah. dcerve8 to bc patted on the back. He refused to give the Moraion delégate to congres, Geo. Q. Cannon, a certifícate of olection, ou the ground that is nut a citizen of Inited States, and delivered the'- to lii.s gentile opponent, Allen G. ('amnhrll. Thp i-ovrrnor HWMi that t)ein; a polygamist, Cannon cannot become a eiiizen of this nation. That's an entering weiliie into lliis nest nf tiltil, and lust, and scnsuality, and ignnrance, and crime. It is time souie action was taken 10 prevent i t.s further spread. Alexander II. 8nphtm, of Gaorgi, being askud bis opinión of who the senatorship should go to in Michigan, gave Mr. Conger the fbHowfag gool word : " Ai to Michigan, of all the public BMfl 'repuhlii:an I ktiow tberc t INM to me tliat Mr. Conccr H th' titt:-it min Ibf tli: -nnior.ship. I h ivo ha 1 inuch todowith Conger and Shoriuau, anJ luvo bcon in loog committCf sc.sioiii witli Gartieldand l-'iyc here in these rooms, when I e mld noi jo clso wherc. and l ktiow the men. I foei that they are worthy of hijrli plmoe." A bilí has lioeti intnduojd inai thfl ¦¦¦ ate by Senator l'tTty which ought to beeouic a law. It refWl to the lif'e s.aving MTTÍM, and atnong other thingl provide that if aoy keeper or meiubcr of a lile sav ing crew loses bis life in the discharge of lii . !¦. J'-" bj au) i ¦ 1 1 u i . reeeived or disease cohtracted in service, his widowaud children, if he leaves any, shall be entitled to receivc rm peusion as if he had beIoiil'imI to the naval service. Nooneoujjht to say nay to that bil!. It ought to be pMMd unaniiuously and ioiiuediately. Provisión ought also to made lor tlic brave uien who have already lo.-t tlicir lives in endcavorinc to save others. The incomiag ycar has H t'ar vied witli the uuixciiiiK uie in bringing ubout terrible and dutlMMag accideots, cau.siug loss to buman lifc. Last Thumlay a teneiuent houso in New York burneJ, and eleven victitu.s perished in tlie flamea. Saturday' papers (old of' two vessels lost at sea, with their eDtire crews of 8.J meo. At Newark, N. J . un explosión Friday, at the soicliiu.i.' works, caused the death of' live persons ; and ao explosión at tho rolling milis at Allentown, I'u., a little later in the day, killed 15 human bciogs. On the same duy a colli.sioo on the Lehigh ft Susquehanna K. K . killed five men, :ind to fill up the record of' the day, a southern faxt mail train at lanville, Va., was wrecked, killing two outright and injuring many more.' Theo Saturday's papers told of the burning up of .-even men in a tobáceo f'aotory hich was destroyed at Havanna, Cuba, besides two or threc minor accidenta where lifo was destroyed. It seetns as if'thcre was no end to the disasters.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News