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Bucklcn's Árnica Sal re. The Best Salve in the world íor Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulsers, SaltRbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapned Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve s warranted to give perfect satisfaction n every case or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Ann Arbor. 1002-1034 Agents and ('unvassers Make f'rom $25 to $50 per week selling goods for E. C. Kideout & Co., 10 Barclay street, New York. Scnd for their catalogue and terms. 1000-1052. RE-ÖPÊNED. We wisb to announce that the oíd reliable Alhambra Dollar store, has becn reopened at the oíd numbcr, 92 Woodward Ave., Detroit. A cordial invitation is extended to all to look through and examine our new and elegant stock. New novelties received daily. 1004-20 POB EXCHANGE. I have a frm of 100 acres in the irwtm part of the Sute, valued at #,000, whtch I wtll exchanife for Ann Arbor City property. KH'E A. BKAL. WANTED. BT A Competent & Experienced Nursa a Sltuation. Apply, 1015 DKAWEK31, P. O. jyONEY TO LOAN. At oven per cent, Sccnrity must ba on first clase farms in thiscounty, or city iirupcrty in Ann Arbor, in central and definible lucahtic. J. IJ. A. SESSIONS, Attorney. Office : S. W. Cor. Main i Hurou Sts., up-BUir 1006-31 nOFFIN8 AND CASES , FULL STOCK AT MARTIN1 8 AU order proraptly ttendeii n. "PARM FOR SALE. For tlie pnrpoep or cloelng a partnership, the underslgned offer the Flnley farm, In the townshlp of Sclo, for sale, either In prt or the whole, on long time. For partícula enqnire on the premlses. DAVID M. FINLBY. 8cio, December 21, 1880. 1019-31 'M'OTICE. The annnal meeting of the Washtenaw Mutual Flre Insurance Company wlll be held at the court house In the city of Ann Arbor on Weduesday. Jannary 12th, 1881, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electlng offlcers and tranBactlng Boch other boslness as may legally come.before the meeting. N. 8HELD0N. Dated, December S8, 1880. 1019-20 "UUR SALE OR TRADE For Property In Washtenaw County, 160 Acras of Fine Prairie Laifl In Noblee County, Sonth-weetern Mlnesota. Thls is a strlctly temperance county and flnely located. ApplytoJ.C. HICKMOTT, Angola, Indiana. Iwk THOMAS BURRY, Oí Detroit, wonld annonnce to the cltiiens of Ann Arbor tbat he is appulnted Agent for Zell's Encydopedia In the Couuty of Waahtonaw, And Is now herc wlth Samples of the work and Testimoníala of lts ïnoertority over all other works of th kind In the world, from the hlgbest antborily. lie desirva CYeryone who wishes thu BBST, to examine Zeil 's Encyelopedia, Sictionary, &aiteer iAtlas Of the world, of the latcst, 1880, edition, betore purchaaing any other. Many peopleare now pnrehasing ZELL'S who have all the otbers on account ot lts eing so mucb more coraprchenslve. 102&-21 GET THE BEST Fire Insurance #42,000,000 'm Sccurity held for tbe protection of the policy hol CHRISTIAN MACK Hcprescnts tlie following flrst-class ,1 nies, of whicli onc, the -Etna, lias alone ' puiil f.M.ooO.OOO flre losses in sixty years: . -Stna, of Hartford f 7,400,000.00 Boatos Undcrwriters 2 500,000 0(1 Kranklin, Phlladelphla .'VMO.OOO.OO , Oerman American, N. Y 2,800,000.00 } London Asíuraoce Corporation 15,800,000.00 National, Hartford 1,200,000.0') , North H.rman, Hamburg i.dOO.OOO.oe Pha-uix, Brooklyn. 2 800 0110 00 i Underwrltere Agency, N. Y _ 4,00,000.00 Losges liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies issued at the lowcst ratesof d premium. J 102173 II RIM I I H K 1 - 1 a Estáte of Archer L. McLean. OTA I' E OF MICHIGAN, County o Waehtenaw, fe. At a eeaslon of the Probate Court for the County of Waatitenaw, holden it the Probate Office. In the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueaday, the eleventh dy of Jannary, in the jrav one thousand elght hundred and eighty-onc Preseut, Wllllam I). Hninuian, of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Archer L. McLean, deceased. On reading and fllinu the petitíon, duly virifl.'d, of Michael J. Noje, praying that a ccrtain Inftroin.'nt now on file In this court, purportlnu to ).¦ the laKt will and testament of eaid deceaaed, may bf admltted to probate, and that he may lic ap. pglnied rxecutor thereof. Therettpon It is ordered, that Monda?, the seventh day of Fibruary next, at ten o'clock In the forenoou,be ustgned for tbe hearing of gaid pttitlonf and that the dcriaeea, leeateea, and belra at law of raid deceased, and all other persona lntcrested In sald estáte, are rvqulred to apptar at a seselon of sald court, then t bc holden at tbe Probate Olllce, in the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause, if anr there bt-.why the prayer of ih petltioner should not be irranted. And It la furthu ordered, tbat aaid pctitloncr irlve notlce to the persons ¦ted in sald estale, of the pendeucy of said wiitnn. and the hearinK theraof, by caaln a copy of thls or.ler to be pabliahed in the Ann Arbor (Jourier, a newspaper priuted and circulated In ald county, three nuccesslve weeks prevloos to sald day of beariiiK. (A trui' copt.) Wll.l.IAM D. HAKK1MAN, Tudee of Probate. WM. O. DOTY. Probate Register. IOW-ÍI 1 V OuOII rrnlhd trm. ltk fu'1 loau-iioUotii fcr eoo I ¦ I duoltni Ul moet proúuble buiiaM tht 1070H cao i III " Tb l"il 1 ¦) u tara. U4 nr I II "'¦'"""i" "¦ ¦ linpl ui plsis. UU u t I II 'n n%kr Brmt ("¦"'"¦ trom tb iwj UMri. No o 4 1 I l .-ij fil !...!. .uiiiin 10 w.rk. Wam xr% H ¦1 ¦ ¦ ¦ oeMftll u men. Boy ftod f irlf csa uu lu-g Mal T M. T Uu; ksrt i,le t lh bailo. orar oulaadra d..llar. In a alola rk. Aollüiif likt It mr ksom Ixfkra. All wLo n,ui ar iurrial at UK aaa aud rapUltr wltb whlca therar Olr to maka ra..nj. You oan i(af la thli bulnwa darlo jour ipare Umi at (raat fruit. You do aot har. to tunal capiLaJ h. II. We take all tbe rlak. Thoaa wao nee,] readr noBaj ¦ hould wHt uialooof. AU furalibad frac. Addrtu Tbob A Co AafiUta, Malne IW M