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In the notice of the North Branch üazette rncently, we were made to speak of it as a six column folio, whpn an eight column was intrnded. Tlie Caro Advertiser publishesa valedictoryforRobt. S. Toland forrnerly of the Citizen, which bis successor refused to allow him to insert in that journal. Tbere'a journnlistic eourtcsy for you. The Chesaning Argus hu undergone a complete rnetamorphosis, appearing now as an eight column folio. It san improveuient in evcry way, and tlie paper is to be congratulated on its hctti'r ajipearance. Mr. D. W. Hammond, of the MarlitiiIndex lias shouldered a Lk Umi ..f luck, bot eenu (o stand up undcr it without 11 ¦ f i i M mimi 1 ticket, exprens tai fn-ight i Marlette. ïhe compositors n the Nuhyilia Sawa office have entered into an agrocment that wheneverone of tlicir nuiuber uws an oath, he is to receive a kick from every one in the office - there are no female compositora there- and now a boot and shoe manufactory is wanted at Nashville. "A life for a lífe" does not belong to fiction alone, but is a reality sometimes, as the following item from the Mnnistoe Timos and Standard indicates : "Dr. Wilbur P. Sauford, of Cr.'snpoinl. L. I., reeentlïdiednfdiphtheriaoontracteil by a surgical operation wliirli uve 1 the lileof bis patiënt. ' The Midland Republioan cooii's ti) us in place of the Midland Independent, and nnder the management of its ncw proprietor and editor, Trof. T. W. Crissey, formerly of Fliat. A printer's criticism would be that the new heading is not in asgood taste as thp old one. TIip liternry work is pxppIThe Flint Democrat pntlmsiastically rcmarks : "Deraocrats ought to be wcll pleased with the senatorial nomination at Lansing; thpy have got a bull-dog out of the house and a rat terrier in tho senate." Yes, just so. Iïut if that terrier don't tuake it as warm for the rata io the senati.' as he did for the tramps in the house, wo shall bo vsry much surprised. The Lake City Jonrnal asks to have thp soldicrs who enlisted from principie put on a par with thoso who mKsm4 for money, principally : " To the member of tho state legislaturp who will get a bilí through to pay all of tuose state of Michigan soldiers, who enlLued in the beginning of the war and only got $50 bounty, an additional $50 with interest, d equalize with those soldiers who did not en list until the war was about over and wbo drew their $100 state bounty, will be voted a golden medal, and receive the thanks of those non paid state soldiers of from '61 to '63." The Kalamazoo Telegraph has this littlp bit of sarcasm respeeting the new exodus : " The colored people who went from N. Carolina to Ohio and Indiana last ycar, are in a few oase returning, on account of the oold weather. Tbey have means to carry them back. They are satisfied with their opportunities and their treatment at thp portb, hut oaonot endure the cliuiate. lt is suggested at Washington that Wabash Voorhees should get up another exodus in vestigation and spend $20.000 inqniring into the return moveroent." The Farwell Register thus advisesan exEd. in a vein of " sarkasum," as A. Wrd would say: "The Midland Independent throwsaway nearly a column of spacc in vague, if not foolish prognostications as to what il' itor will do when he goes out of tbc new-; papor "business. The editor of the Demoerut suggests that he had bitter retire to the classic shades of ' Oakfielda,' (BurtooV farm, which by ther way contains about a dozen burnt oak stubs and a fewoak gm and become a rival of the ' Sweet Singer of Michigan.' Ves, Frank, build a bower, drink dcep of' the classics, eat plenty of pork, beans, potatoes and such truck, and you may yet be fanious for- something." The Graud ltapids Saturday Evening Post, is always picking out some sweet kernels for the ladies, and its latest is as folio ws : " Texas bas unwittingly legalized woman suffrago within her borders. The last legislature in revising the statutes enacted that every male persnn, excepting, idiota, lunatics, paupers, crimináis aud meuibers of the United iStates army and navy, twenty-one years of age shall be deemed a qualified elector. And it is further provided that in the construction of all stalutory uniictmem the musiulinegender shall includethe feminine." Itis very certain that the legislature did not intend to enact woman suffrage, but it is very clear that it did do so ; and some suffragist propose to make an effurt to have the votes of women received undiT this proTÏsion." The Dowagiac Republican preaches a noble sermón of contentment with your lot in the following paragraph : "Time is money, and most persons who come unexpected into possession of it use it as the majority of people use money when they come into possession of a fortune. Wc remember that for nearly forty yearpoor dear Charles Lamb was coroplaining of thedrndgery of hii clerical duties. How he asserted that ' the wood of bis desk had entered his scul.' But behold htm at Inplace on the clei k's retired list, with an annual ullowance of over $2,000 - a fortune for a man of his frugal habits. Is he happy in his emancipation? Does he enjoy that leisure to which he has so long looked forward ? Jytit hi Hiuiiliar letters to his friend - let that vivid essay, the ' Superannuated Man,' answer. He wa far happier as a clerk than as a man of leisure, though one would bave thoucht that no man could have employed time to Ix'tter advantage. Schiller said that the greatet happinew of i life consisted in the regular disenarga ot some mechanioal duty, and old Uurton tells us that indolenee is the mother of ruwery."


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