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' Inwritten law" is probably :i good thing, but yon can't convict a criminal with it. The new Canadian Pacific railway syndicate has received a subscription in Eogland of $10,000,000, The population of ihe Inited States has Itccn officially announced by the census bureau as 50,142,806. Kugene líale, of Mainc, with his own estáte and that of his wife's, h sai'l to be wortli over $2,000,000. Greece has delibera.tcly resolved to niake war upon Turkey. Tliis onght to make tlie fat and (èftbeta fly, hadn't it? Tennessec lias the first republican governor for a period of tco years. Vcrily, the light uccaMonally ibincs o the dark places. The South Carolina legislature baving passed an anti duelling law which is severe in its provisions. It is to be hoped that she will enforce it. Gen. Grant has been elected president ol 'the world's fair coromission. It is to bc hoped that something may be done now by this augu9t body. The county court house and jail of Presque Isle was.destroyed by fire last Friday, but most of the records were saved. Loss, $19,000, insured for $1,0001 The senate has passed the bill directing the secretary of the treasury to purchase the old Freedman's bank and real estáte, and appropriates not rxceeding $250,000 therefor. The Atlantic cable conipanies have pooled their earnings, and agreed to charge the uniform rates of fifty cents per word. Even the French cable hs gone into the arrangement. The vast quantity of matches consumed in this country cn be imagined when it is known that the tax of a cent on evory hundred yields a daily revcnue of $10,000 to the government. Col. Jas. G. Fair, Nevada' s new senator, wascolonel of the 69th N. Y. volunfeers in tho war of the rebellion. He is credited with being small, active, ambitious and possessing good ability. Every state oflicer in Kansas is a teetouler, besides three of her supreme court judges, onc senator and two representativos in congress; and she has just passed a prohibitory law by 20,000 majority. She holds the teui pcrance banner. Tho girls of Lakc Erie seminiry, in Ohio, nominated Garfield for president in 1861, and now thosc who are living propose to attend his iuauguration. Arrangcments are bcing made by Mrs. Gramies,'publiiher of the Church Union, in New York. " An exchanKe says," is the way many of the papers put it. Yes, we don't doubt it, gentlemen. Thcre's hardly an exchange but does say somethinK, but if they say anything worth saying at all, why don't jou givc thora civlit ("ir it T That's the question. J)uring the last threc ruonths ui (en. arfield sent 8,000 letters in reply to office seekers. Those who dance must pay the fiddler it seems. 27,000 pennies to pay poitage ! 18,000 more pennies for stationery ! and wbole quarts of Arnold's ink. What a graud thing to be poworful. W'liile we entortaiu profound respect foi ibe venerable Senator Hauilio, yet we sin.¦erely bolieve that the legislatura of Maiue has done a sensible thing in putting into Ihe sonate a young, viporoii'' and able man ke Eugene Hale. The state will bc lar moro ably reprosented in point nf work and activit.v. A dcadly aau!t is to ! made upon the towni-hip superintendency of schools tho coming winter, and our legislature will be asked to ampútate their heads by statute. What educators have doeided upnn as a proper substituto we have not boen to ascertain. l'erhaps nothing would be preferable to our present method. The question quke naturally suggests itself, can not the govornnient take soine action to prevent the immigration of freigners to thil nation, who como here for the vowed purpose of practicing polygamy ? Is it not time tbat some steps, looking to the breaking up of that great nest of' lust nd crime, at Sak I.ake City sliould ho Uken? Tbo MiehigM leüis!ature, in sosinn at Laniing last Tuesday, ratified the work of the caucus, and elected Hou. Omar I. Conger United States Senator for the full term, and Henry I'. Baldwin to 611 vaenncy. The vote Rtood, Conger 111 ; Geo. Y. N. Lotbrop, democrat, IS. Henry 1'. Baldwin, 112 ; Col. Geo. P. Sanford, democrat, II; O. M. Barnes, 1. A dispateh from Mount Yenion, of Jan. 1 9th, that one man was killed uUatly, and another had bis leg broken by the explosión of a torpedo placed in a grave which they were robbinr. The wounded man was dragged away by a companion and made good bis escape. This is a prettysc" vere way ofdealingwith thisclass ethftatM, but seems to be quite cffectual. A bilí has been introduced into UDBglWi redueing the price of postage from three to two cents. It is a question whetber the poHtoffioe department would make anything by the operation, but the people would, and the goveroiuent revenue mightbetter bc squandered in that way than in paying salaries to sinecures. So give the people the benefit of cheap postage. Nothing cgotistical about little Sunset Cox. He says the law undcr wliieh the present census was takeu is the best under the un, and that he is tbe author of it ; still further in delivering a memorial addrena at the Suiitusonian Institute at one time, in company with Gen. Garfield he liiund uut that the General knew almost ax much about a eertüin subject as he did, and bc knew it all. Mauy astrnnouiers bcliove tbat a star, idcutioal witb tho " Star of Betblehem " scen by the Magi at the birth of Christ, is now approaching and will appear in tbe uoDStcllation Cassiopeia in 1881. Th' it mu oume suüdeniy mto view, and will be so brightas to be visible at noonday and will as suddenly disappear. There are record of its having thlll appearod and disappeared three times.- Ex. The Obio legi.slature proposes the introduction of girlx for pages. The parents who would allow their daughters to take mofa a poition, would be queer sort of peo pie. No modest or worthy young lady would take Hieh a position ; no strongminded one would eertainly allow her dignity to be coinpmmied by acting as a page fora body from whieb her own fox were debarrcd soats, and with any other class the legislature inight bc accuscd of rivaliog the pretty waiter girl saloons. They would undoubtedly be termed pratty waiter girl legislatures. An exchange says that down in Somerset County, l'a., a paper manufacturing firm intends converting twenty thousand acres of timber into paper. It is said that a large gang of work men will bc put to work at once. Work will be commenced on a store, building, a number ofdwellintr hmis ana a nuc foran-i iui iU„ . Miig anu steaming of wood in the manufacture of pulp ; also a largo building to he used in the manufacture of paper sacks and coarse wrapping paper. If this undertaking is gone into successfully it will have a tendency to make all papers cheaper. The population of Michigan is ofticially footed up at 1, 636,38.r. Of these 862,278 are males; 774,057 are témales: 1,247,989 are native born ; 388,346 are foreigners; 1,614,087 are white, and 22,248 colored. Included in the latter are 27 Chinese, 1 Japanesc, 7,310 Indians and half-breeds, and 1 Kast Indian. That's all thcre is of us, just a little more than Xew York city alone, which has !,206,íi77. It will also be seen tbat there are 88,221 more males than females in the state. Which is accounted for largely by the great numbers of men in the lumber woods, where but few women are found. It is asËerted that Jay Gould eiearcd froDi $5,(XW,00tl to $8,000,000 upon bis recent trausactions in tclcgraph stock. It would seem as if this man, if he doesn't run against a savage "bear" or "buil" before long to stop him, would control every brauch of business. He hasadeatb clutch on the railroads ; has corapletely swallowed the telegraph lines ; bas tbe New York associated press almost down, and nobody knows how much more. Death alone will stop the greed of this wonderful and successful money maker. One thing, he nan never take any of it out of the world with him. Then of what avail will be all his millions ? The Chicago ínter Ocean says tbat the Hon. George Q. Cannon M. C, of Utah, is likcly to hear something upon tbc floors of congres that will stir bis bile. The time is coming when a man with six wives in Utah will wear the stripes or a balt and chain just as they do in other civilized communities. There are hundreds of men now serving terms of imprisonment for like crimes' but not half so revolting as thoseof this hoary old sinner who sits in the nation's capítol and aids in making laws to regúlate the lives of honest people. It is an outragc against law and [order and decency, and when public sentiment finds expression, such crimináis will have to removo beyond the jurisdiction of the republie,f or take the penalty they have invoked. A civil (service reform bilí has been introduced iuto Congress which provides that all persons who have been in office four years shall retain thèir places during good behavior, that all future appointments be made from among those who made the best showing at competitive exatninations, of which due notice shall be given, and which shall bc conducted in a fair and iinpartial manircr. By the provisions of the bill, nothing but bad conduct shall be a bar to persons who pass the neecssary exaniination and there shall be no preferences for any class of citizens but soldiers of tbe union army and sailors of the union navy. The president will be entitlcd to ten places in cach department for such as he Promotions in the departments will bc th.e result of competitive exauiinations. Two tast young men committcd suicide last Sunday night by mcans of morphine : ono in St.JxjuU, Mo., tho other in Coluiubus, Ohio. The former, J. l'hilip Krieger, at one time cashier of the Broadway bank, New York city. He ruined not only the bank by embezzlement, but also his father who was president of the bank. In both iostances wine and women ; ¦ Ufe ; a total dieregard of good moráis aml sobriety, led to tho terrible crime wbieh cmled thcir existcDoc. How truc it s tbat " the .iy of the tranBg resor is bard." What a waruiiiK were these two lives to the rising gencration ! Will any of tliem be wWMO?


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News